17 votes

How does Paris stay Paris? By pouring billions into public housing.


  1. creesch
    I found it an interesting and refreshing article to read. The headline is a bit bombastic, but I found the realism in what the interviewed people said refreshing

    I found it an interesting and refreshing article to read. The headline is a bit bombastic, but I found the realism in what the interviewed people said refreshing

    Making the philosophy a reality is increasingly hard — the wait list for public housing in Paris is more than six years long. “I won’t say this is easy and that we have solved the problem,” Mr. Brossat said.

    10 votes
  2. jackson
    (edited )
    gift link https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/17/realestate/paris-france-housing-costs.html?unlocked_article_code=1.eE0.TGTp.9PERwQ9YP7Rs&smid=url-share (btw your public library may offer temporary...

    gift link https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/17/realestate/paris-france-housing-costs.html?unlocked_article_code=1.eE0.TGTp.9PERwQ9YP7Rs&smid=url-share

    (btw your public library may offer temporary subscriptions to nytimes! I get 3-day passes from our website all the time, just have to sign in with my library card number)

    4 votes