creesch's recent activity

  1. Comment on Study shock! AI hinders productivity and makes working worse. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    Sure, that is another area where LLMs under specific circumstances can be useful. I'd wager though that a majority of the workforce that have a desk job deal with that specific task all that...

    Sure, that is another area where LLMs under specific circumstances can be useful. I'd wager though that a majority of the workforce that have a desk job deal with that specific task all that often. Certainly not to the degree that it hugely improves their productivity.

    You also recognize one of the many issues the article also talks about. People need to be trained in order to get useful results. Something a lot of C-suites do not recognize.

    3 votes
  2. Comment on Study shock! AI hinders productivity and makes working worse. in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I have to be honest, I am not exactly sure what bit of my comment you are responding to?

    I have to be honest, I am not exactly sure what bit of my comment you are responding to?

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    Yeah it is not going to magically make it work for everyone. Certainly not when you already have those mods installed and the settings tweaked for performance. But given that some people might not...

    Yeah it is not going to magically make it work for everyone. Certainly not when you already have those mods installed and the settings tweaked for performance. But given that some people might not be all that familiar with mods in the first place I figured it might help a few people get a better experience with performance and possibly even DH :)

    1 vote
  4. Comment on Study shock! AI hinders productivity and makes working worse. in ~tech

    That's not surprising in the least, considering how I also see C-suites jump on it around me. Seemingly afraid they are otherwise going to miss out on the next thing. Reality is of course a bit...

    That's not surprising in the least, considering how I also see C-suites jump on it around me. Seemingly afraid they are otherwise going to miss out on the next thing. Reality is of course a bit different, but that doesn't matter as the article also mentions, it is mostly magical thinking that is being applied here.

    For me personally, use of LLMs does have an advantage with the sort of work I do. But as I have mentioned in previous discussions, only as just another tool in my tool belt and only because I know what to expect and look for.

    For a large part of the workforce, I don't think there are that many tangible benefits. At least not to the degree LLMs are currently being pushed.

    21 votes
  5. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    (edited )
    Will be reposting this in the new thread when it goes up. But writing it down now before I forget. A few people have mentioned that they would very much like to use distant horizons but that their...

    Will be reposting this in the new thread when it goes up. But writing it down now before I forget.

    A few people have mentioned that they would very much like to use distant horizons but that their computer can't cope. After reading a bit more about it, I realized that for some of them it might work but they do need to make sure things are in order.

    A few pointers:

    • Make sure you have Sodium installed, even if you don't plan on trying distant horizons it is worth installing because of the improved rendering of the game for most people.
    • If you currently are using shaders use Iris not optifine. Iris simply seems to perform better for most people.
    • If you are CPU bottlenecked you might want to try ImmediatelyFast, though this is hearsay from my part as I am not CPU bottlenecked in the slightest.
    • Distant Horizons offers a variety of settings to tweak performance as well. Specifically LOD render distance and CPU load are the ones you want to tinker with. Quality preset seems to adjust render settings outside the mod and it was unclear to me what exactly. To easily access mod settings of those mods using Fabric you can install Mod Menu.
    3 votes
  6. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    (edited )
    Link Parent
    so my dumb ass just flew too low in the end because I blindly copied this inty journeymap. Now I just want to double check Is it located in the end? 79 is the Y coordinate then, isn't it? Edit:...

    3387, 79, -1672

    so my dumb ass just flew too low in the end because I blindly copied this inty journeymap. Now I just want to double check

    1. Is it located in the end?
    2. 79 is the Y coordinate then, isn't it?


    Alright, found it. Also noticed thay dynmap does use the same notation as you do. And to be clear, I am a dumb ass for blindly diving down while I knew the end is not that deep.

    2 votes
  7. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    Even though it is slow I do appreciate having it! I had this idea in mind for my storage that works fairly well with normal chests but would be even better with shulker boxes. So I am just going...

    Even though it is slow I do appreciate having it! I had this idea in mind for my storage that works fairly well with normal chests but would be even better with shulker boxes.

    So I am just going to log in and stand there for a majority of the day now ;)

    1 vote
  8. Comment on PWA Notifications in ~comp

    Link Parent
    The docs can sometimes be a bit obtuse indeed, what I linked to is a guide on top of the docs which actually provides more actual examples. Could still be too obtuse for your taste, just figured...

    The docs can sometimes be a bit obtuse indeed, what I linked to is a guide on top of the docs which actually provides more actual examples. Could still be too obtuse for your taste, just figured I'd clarify in case you skipped over the link because of it being MDN :)

    2 votes
  9. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    Last time I was a bit confused on how this one is supposed to work as it seems to contain more automated bits compared to the one on the last server. Are those just optional and do I still need to...

    Last time I was a bit confused on how this one is supposed to work as it seems to contain more automated bits compared to the one on the last server. Are those just optional and do I still need to stand there with bonemeal and saplings?

    1 vote
  10. Comment on PWA Notifications in ~comp

    I do not have direct experience, out of curiosity I did do a quick search. As is often the case MDN seems to have some decently good information available. For regular apps and battery life a push...

    I do not have direct experience, out of curiosity I did do a quick search. As is often the case MDN seems to have some decently good information available.

    For regular apps and battery life a push notifications are preferred, I do not know if that is also the case for PWAs.

    I am fairly certain that it is possible for a service worker to see if a page is active. Afaik a service worker is not always on, it is when the app is open and can wake up based on certain events.

    2 votes
  11. Comment on Software development is nonlinear system in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I think it is good that you posted this. I can very much relate, as previously I was at an organization where a lot of the same was happening. Of course, it isn't the same, but I do see a lot of...

    I think it is good that you posted this. I can very much relate, as previously I was at an organization where a lot of the same was happening. Of course, it isn't the same, but I do see a lot of similarities.
    To be frank, it very much reads like a boiling frog type of situation. Where you are trying to plug more and more holes by putting on a variety of hats, and where the company lacks the safeguards to not have it take the toll out of people.

    Taking care of yourself in that situation can be incredibly difficult, and there is no easy solution. Well, moving companies can be an "easy" solution, but there is of course no easy way of knowing what sort of company you will end up with.

    Depending on how supportive your manager is, one of the starting points is to raise the issue there. Before that you could also take a little bit of time to map out what you believe your role to be, what tasks come with that and more importantly what tasks do not.

    Also, very often in situations like this due to structure in a company, it becomes really difficult to focus due to the ensuing chaos. In order for you to be able to think again, you need to eliminate some of the chaos. One way of doing this is by setting clear but reasonable boundaries (even though some people will try to make you believe they are not reasonable).

    A few of the things I started doing:

    • Refuse unannounced teams/slack calls. I'd hang up and just leave a message along the lines of "hi, bit busy with something at the moment, what was it you are trying to reach me about?". Doing this has several benefits. It allows you to more quickly redirect those that you can't or shouldn't (because it is not part of your tasks) help, which safes you time. It gives you more control over your time as it allows you to prepare if they need something specific.
    • Decline meetings without a clear agenda.
    • Decline meetings with a clear agenda, but where I was simply not needed. Sometimes it was not related to my responsibilities, I would let them know and if I could, I would forward the meeting to a person that was responsible. In other cases, I simply was not needed in person because the information was already written down somewhere. In that case I'd provide them with the information.
    • Decline meetings during my lunch break.
    • Decline meetings that overlapped with other meetings in my agenda, specifically stating I was not available due to another meeting.
    • Block a few moments in the week in my agenda as "focus time", set those to private meetings. To the credit of the company, they eventually did recognize that a lot of the IT engineering staff was sitting in too many meetings and then as a company policy blocked of the Wednesday and Friday afternoons for everyone.
    • When getting general help requests about things I knew for a fact were written down in documentation, I'd refer them there first. Ask them to go over the documentation first and then let me know if they had specific questions.
    • Do not work outside working hours. This one I feel like should be at the top, but I also am typing this from the knowledge that US working culture is very different from working culture here. So this might be easier said than done depending on your companies culture. But you really need to timebox your working and private life as you are working from home. Sending a mail to a CEO at 1am is you actively sabotaging yourself.
    • Specifically communicate what the impact would be of taking on additional tasks outside those I already took on. Basically bartering your availability with management and make them aware of the fact that your FTE is not enough to cover all the work.

    Basically as a lot of it comes down to setting boundaries as companies will often not do that for you. They happily take advantage of someone running 100% of the time, so they don't need the expense of another FTE added to payroll. And often times it might not be malicious, if you are basically covering for a variety of roles that are lacking nobody up on the totem pole will even notice that they are short-staffed until it is too late because you have a burn-out (by the sounds of it you might already be there).

    3 votes
  12. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    East of it you move it closer to the underground canal entrance to town. That could work potentially.

    East of it you move it closer to the underground canal entrance to town. That could work potentially.

  13. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    I just had a look in game. We can actually lower it five blocks and it would be level with the river. It is then also partially enclosed by the landscape from three sides making it much more...

    I just had a look in game.
    We can actually lower it five blocks and it would be level with the river. It is then also partially enclosed by the landscape from three sides making it much more integrated in the landscape.

    As far as this HOA member is concerned, that would then actually alleviate any worries I had.

    Having it flush with the river would also allow for a nice mooring dock directly to the entrance.

    2 votes
  14. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    HOA member here who placed the sign ;) Just to be clear, I do have a vocal opinion at times. But, it is just that, an opinion. The plan to make it resemble an actual furnace is actually a fun...

    HOA member here who placed the sign ;) Just to be clear, I do have a vocal opinion at times. But, it is just that, an opinion.

    The plan to make it resemble an actual furnace is actually a fun idea! I do fear it would still mostly look like a stone cube from a lot of angles.

    Move the box down about 4 blocks to water level

    This would probably already help a lot. If it is placed away from the water a bit, it could in theory go down a bit more and then have the river bank slope down towards the entrance. Would consume a bigger footprint overall but would be even less dominant.

    Build it into a hill/cliff

    I personally like this one a lot. It allows you to have the furnace front visible and gives you a lot more options to expand. We'd need to double-check, but I feel like there are enough options between the spawn and town that are still open to pull this off.

    I'll almost certainly need some help on this regardless of where/how it gets built!

    I am almost done paving the streets and placing streetlights. Even if I am not, I can use a break from it. So I'd be willing to help as I don't have any other projects lined up for now.

  15. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    Ooh mooring for storage could be neat :)

    I noticed a canal runs under the eastern street so there could be a water entrance closer to the river too.

    Ooh mooring for storage could be neat :)

    3 votes
  16. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    Good shout! I should have clarified that in my objection as well. It is just my personal view but it is not as it will turn me away or I will sabotage it.

    That said, I'm not gonna actively sabotage anything ofc, just wanted to toss in my 2 cents!

    Good shout! I should have clarified that in my objection as well. It is just my personal view but it is not as it will turn me away or I will sabotage it.

    2 votes
  17. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    I suppose, though now I do get to enjoy that chatter in text chat. Which is part of what I enjoy, seeing the encounters of other players. If we had a much bigger player base on the server I could...

    I suppose, though now I do get to enjoy that chatter in text chat. Which is part of what I enjoy, seeing the encounters of other players.

    If we had a much bigger player base on the server I could see it actually being helpful on reducing chat moving too fast. But here I feel it is small scale enough that it isn't really needed.

    5 votes
  18. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    With the spawn or the town? ;) They are different things and most stuff is happening around the town.

    With the spawn or the town? ;) They are different things and most stuff is happening around the town.

    1 vote
  19. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    Link Parent
    I am sharing the room and as we are both the types who like peace and quiet when we need it, I wouldn't be able to talk all that much. I would be tempted to though, so it would be mostly be an...

    I am sharing the room and as we are both the types who like peace and quiet when we need it, I wouldn't be able to talk all that much. I would be tempted to though, so it would be mostly be an annoyance to me in that regard.

    Also a few other consideration are:

    • In games where voice chat is an option people tend to get wrapped into that and forget text chat.
    • Text chat allows for a somewhat slower pace of communication. If I can't respond right away or don't see it I can always reply later.

    I am also not sure if I'd be in favor of a discord. You'd get a similar thing where some people would only communicate in discord, meaning that those not on discord would miss out.

    3 votes
  20. Comment on Tildes Minecraft Survival Weekly Thread in ~games

    I have made a lot of progress paving the roads in and around the town. While the dirt roads worked fine I did notice that sometimes people didn't notice that they were in fact man made and not...

    I have made a lot of progress paving the roads in and around the town. While the dirt roads worked fine I did notice that sometimes people didn't notice that they were in fact man made and not generated. Because the village the town is build around obviously also has generated dirt roads. So a few times roads would be build over accidentally. With paved roads that hopefully will be less of an issue.

    For a few roads I used custom materials based on the names or people living on the road. But as I am still short on a lot of materials I mostly used cobblestone. So, of course, if I did pave the road towards your home and you don't like cobblestone, feel free to change out the material.

    8 votes