5 votes

What did you do this week (and weekend)?

As part of a weekly series, these topics are a place for users to casually discuss the things they did — or didn't do — during their week. Did you accomplish any goals? Suffer a failure? Do nothing at all? Tell us about it!


  1. artvandelay
    I've had a pretty hectic week from being the "Developer on Support" (or DoS) for my team. Basically means instead of working on my usual software engineer tasks, I got to be the developer...

    I've had a pretty hectic week from being the "Developer on Support" (or DoS) for my team. Basically means instead of working on my usual software engineer tasks, I got to be the developer responsible for looking at incoming support tickets and fixing them. My team has always had a pretty hectic load on the backend engineer when it comes to our DoS rotations and this past rotation was incredibly hectic. Had a handful of tickets breach and I feel bad about it. That would've ended on Thursday but even after my rotation ended, I had some tickets spill over that I needed to take care of. Now that I'm done with all those tasks, I can finally relax.

    More excitingly for me, I've been on Tildes for exactly a year now. I know Tildes doesn't really have a concept of a cake day like on Reddit but man I can't believe I've been on Tildes for a year now. I remember when the rumors of a Reddit API change started up, I immediately went on the hunt for a Reddit alternative. Found Tildes early on but didn't really understand it until I actually signed up and started using it. Tildes has helped me change my social media habits for the better. While I still use Twitter, Reddit, Instagram and YouTube, I've reduced my usage of those platforms, with the exception of YouTube but it's a work in progress.

    2 votes
  2. gowestyoungman
    Purchased and 'unpurchased' a little dirt bike. Talked to the owner, really decent guy and bought the bike after seeing a video of it running. Went to pick up it when I was on a road trip this...

    Purchased and 'unpurchased' a little dirt bike. Talked to the owner, really decent guy and bought the bike after seeing a video of it running. Went to pick up it when I was on a road trip this week and discovered the front wheel was nearly falling off, bearings must have been completely shot. Then a test drive showed that it had significant carb issues. I was a bit sad about it because I really liked the bike, but the seller was agreeable to giving me my money back. Decent guy, I honestly think the bike had issues that he thought he solved. Oh well, nothing lost except a bit of time.

    1 vote