16 votes

Another post about bulk deleting content from Reddit

Is there a utility that will bulk delete threads and comments I made, but from 1 subreddit only?

Thanks for any clues.


  1. [4]


    Currently you get 6 options on how to proceede with the Encryption/Deletion of your Posts/Comments:

    Delete/Encrypt all your Comments from a particular Subreddit.

    Delete/Encrypt all your Posts from a particular Subreddit.

    14 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      It worked! I actually got to use some things I learned from work for fun. That was nice. I never would have looked for this in GitHub. Thanks again.

      It worked!

      I actually got to use some things I learned from work for fun. That was nice.

      I never would have looked for this in GitHub.

      Thanks again.

      6 votes
      1. unkz
        Link Parent
        Awesome, glad it worked out!

        Awesome, glad it worked out!

        2 votes