3 votes

Phone Apps Helping Scientists Research Suicidal Thoughts

1 comment

  1. DonQuixote
    This article started me thinking about the many ways in which we voluntarily supply information through our phones supposedly for our own good. Although this is primarily a research product, I...

    This article started me thinking about the many ways in which we voluntarily supply information through our phones supposedly for our own good. Although this is primarily a research product, I think of all the things that we can track with sensors, all in a bid to find out more about ourselves and make better decisions.

    But what about the people and even algorithms making decisions for us with that data? How many of us have been prescribed an activity or been subjected to suggestions supposedly "for our own good?" And what happens when these suggestions gain support of science or society and become law? Suicide is a good example, because in the U.S. one can be judged mentally incompetent for being a person "at risk of danger to self or others."

    1 vote