14 votes

itty.bitty.site: share content stored 100% in the URL


  1. meghan
    itty.bitty takes html (or other data), compresses it into a URL fragment, and provides a link that can be shared. When it is opened, it inflates that data on the receiver’s side....

    itty.bitty takes html (or other data), compresses it into a URL fragment, and provides a link that can be shared. When it is opened, it inflates that data on the receiver’s side.

    7 votes
  2. Mumberthrax
    (edited )
    This is neat! I appear to have already broken it! I tried doing random babbling, then copied some lorem ipsum text (really nice how the url length is shorter than the original, so i guess some...

    This is neat! I appear to have already broken it!

    I tried doing random babbling, then copied some lorem ipsum text (really nice how the url length is shorter than the original, so i guess some sort of compression is happening), then i wondered how it would handle non-plaintext so i pasted in the content here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alcor/itty-bitty/master/index.html and i got a blank page! :D

    It does seem to work when i paste in some lua code I've been derping with. Code comes out with only some differences to newline whitespace.

    I can definitely see myself using this in combination with a link shortener service like tinyurl. e.g. lorem: https://tinyurl.com/y7mldeoe

    3 votes
  3. [3]
    So can someone ELI%? Someone on r/webdev said something along the lines of this being a free CDN. Is that true?

    So can someone ELI%? Someone on r/webdev said something along the lines of this being a free CDN. Is that true?

    1 vote
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      The site itself doesn't store any content, it stores all the data of the text you write in the URL fragment and then regenerates it when you view the page, so you can't use it as a CDN for things...

      The site itself doesn't store any content, it stores all the data of the text you write in the URL fragment and then regenerates it when you view the page, so you can't use it as a CDN for things like CSS or JS for other sites, but if you wrote a story or wanted to save a note, you could share it with someone with just a long URL

      5 votes