11 votes

On exercising your rights in privacy policies

Tags: privacy, legal
1/ So, I guess my new "hobby" over the past few years has become reading terms of service/privacy policies for things I want to use and then trying to enforce my rights as laid out in those policies. Unsurprisingly, companies are often not certain how to respond to this.

1 comment

  1. unknown user
    I hate posting tweet threads. It inevitable leads to choosing of titles, which people inevitably complain about. But sometimes, the quality of the content outweighs the chilling effects of title...

    I hate posting tweet threads. It inevitable leads to choosing of titles, which people inevitably complain about. But sometimes, the quality of the content outweighs the chilling effects of title selection. This is one of those cases.

    Sarah lays out that not only are many of your rights in the privacy policies you agree to impossible to fulfil from a pragmatic perspective, often, companies simply don't know how to respond to them, because it's clear that there's an unwritten rule, even on the company side, that no one reads the legalese to a point where they action it.

    5 votes