6 votes

#IAmHere – The people trying to make Facebook a nicer place

1 comment

  1. Douglas
    These thousands of volunteers and the paid workers in FB's underbelly moderation team can do all they want, but if Zuckerberg isn't going to step in to develop systems that more actively moderate,...

    These thousands of volunteers and the paid workers in FB's underbelly moderation team can do all they want, but if Zuckerberg isn't going to step in to develop systems that more actively moderate, mitigate, and combat the spread of misinformation, radicalization, and propagandizing/dividing agents planted through their platform, I'm afraid the net negative far outweighs the positive progress these little communities have made.

    I wish there was a better solution, platform, and FB-competitor to take the good these volunteers are doing and better utilize them for society's betterment. Until then I'm afraid there's just no coming back to FB or anything like it for me.

    2 votes