23 votes

The small web is beautiful


  1. [2]
    Great article. On a side note, the word content would deserve a development of its own. This word is a leftover from ancient times when every web page was static, long before the phrase Web 2.0...

    Great article.

    On a side note, the word content would deserve a development of its own. This word is a leftover from ancient times when every web page was static, long before the phrase Web 2.0 was coined then whored. Back then, last century, we envisionned Information Superhighways where the message ranked higher than the medium.

    Nowadays, when we talk about "content", we seem to acknowledge that the meaning, the sense, the message, the information, the knowledge have taken a back seat to the medium, whose main purpose is to deliver targeted advertising (emphasis on targeted).

    Information Superhighways they have become indeed, but for one-way information, feeding a thick dossier on each and every citizen for the benefit of the merchants only. "Content" has become the mere sugar coating on a very bitter pill.

    Pardon my rant, but this, I think, is yet another reason for cutting down the Web to size, human-size.

    8 votes
    1. helloworld
      Link Parent
      Yep, this is why I'm hoping for sustained (not explosive) growth of geminiverse. The protocol design makes it unwanted and unsuitable to deliver "thick dossiers" by merchants. It truly feels for...

      Yep, this is why I'm hoping for sustained (not explosive) growth of geminiverse.

      The protocol design makes it unwanted and unsuitable to deliver "thick dossiers" by merchants. It truly feels for the people by the people.

      1 vote
  2. JRandomHacker
    I'm glad they also talk about small non-web software - projects like the Handmade software movement and the Zig programming language are things that I try to keep in mind when I'm writing code....

    I'm glad they also talk about small non-web software - projects like the Handmade software movement and the Zig programming language are things that I try to keep in mind when I'm writing code. For software to remain "good" (for varying measurements of "good"), you have to care about it being good. (And you have to be able to afford to care - it's all too often that time/budget/etc mean that you've just gotta get some code out the door or someone will come breathing down your neck about it)

    6 votes
  3. sebs
    This article writes about two sides of the web, the user experience and the development experience, and on both I kinda agree but not really. On the UX side I'm with the author about the...

    This article writes about two sides of the web, the user experience and the development experience, and on both I kinda agree but not really.

    On the UX side I'm with the author about the minimalism, but I believe the problem is not about the amount of data being transferred or other hardware resources, but the amount of bloated UIs and bad designs everywhere. This is very well exemplified with this two motherfucking comparisons:

    The hardcore example of Dan Luu’s blog is just ridiculously bad. That lack of styles is not appropriate for the medium is in (the web); it could be perfect for an RSS reader, or an ebook reader (where the user controls the presentation), but not for the web.

    Also, comparing the UI of Hackernews and (new) Reddit is a tiny bit dishonest IMO because the target intention of both sites are clearly very different this days.

    And on the DX side, I don't agree how he writes 56KB of data (jeh) and only dedicate one small paragraph to when using SPA could reduce the overall complexity if your site has to deal with interactions and events. Modern web development using pwa standards (which include progressive enhancements) and others tools like the cache api, observers (intersection, mutation) effectively reduce the amount of data transferred and other resources consumed on both sides (server and client); but implementing this features is not always straightforward (and hyped tech in the hands of newbies is a real problem in the web environment). Even a simple blog build with this tech can benefit from them (and I'm not talking SSR or SSG here, jic).

    But I do agree with the overall sentiment. I wish the web in general where less bloated and also that the people working on the web to have better standards and more knowledge on how to build better products and services where performance is not just a feature but a requirement.

    5 votes
  4. helloworld
    Extrelemy detailed article with lots of references. Very well written.

    Extrelemy detailed article with lots of references. Very well written.

    1 vote