3 votes

History of the Segway - Dean Kamen's literary agent revisits the story twenty years later to reflect on his contribution to the invention's hype and failure

1 comment

  1. mrbig
    (edited )
    That is a remarkable article. Definitely worth reading. I was like everyone else very excited about the Segway. I don't find it dorky at all. Security guards use it on a shopping mall here, it...

    That is a remarkable article. Definitely worth reading. I was like everyone else very excited about the Segway. I don't find it dorky at all. Security guards use it on a shopping mall here, it seems useful and they zip through the place really fast. Maybe it's their uniforms, but they look pretty cool. Can't imagine something like this on a real sidewalk though. It's too bulky and probably not stable enough. Foot traffic can be eratic and sidewalks are not regular enough out here at least. And maybe they failed to consider that for lots of people there's really nothing wrong with walking. It's a well proven, efficient, safe, and cheap "technology". They had a solution in search of a problem.

    There are specific use cases that might have been enough if they hadn't set out to "replace walking" or whatever. They were too ambitious.

    4 votes