Is anyone here taking online courses e.g. Udacity, Coursera, Udemy, EdX, etc.? What do you think of them?
Is anyone here taking online courses e.g. Udacity, Coursera, Udemy, etc.? I just finished the Udacity AI Programming in Python course not long ago, and it was with a bit of gnashing of teeth...
Is anyone here taking online courses e.g. Udacity, Coursera, Udemy, etc.? I just finished the Udacity AI Programming in Python course not long ago, and it was with a bit of gnashing of teeth towards the end. :[ The funny thing is, it wasn't (just) because it was technically challenging, but mostly learning-related anxiety and procrastination.
I'm curious about what others in the Tildes community are learning via massive open online courses (MOOCs), and what you think about them.
- How have online courses helped your career/personal goals (or did not meet expectations)?
- What do you think can be done better by these course providers or other entities?
In a meta-sort of way, I'm building a platform called MindsMatch help other learners finish their online courses faster. We are looking for users to alpha-test if you are interested!