6 votes

Is there a plan in the works to re-write tags to mediate duplicate / lump things together?

Is there a plan in place to take tags with certain words and convert them to a standard? Say there is a Tiny Desk Concert posted in music and someone tags it Tiny Desk, someone else tags it TinyDesk, and someone else tagged it Tiny Desk Concert. Is there a plan to take tags with specific words and change it to one things so all of the related content gets grouped together. So in this example, if a tag has tiny desk in it, it is converted to whatever the standard is. So from tiny desk to Tiny Desk Concert. That way everything ends up with the same tag?

1 comment

  1. Celeo
    I can't link it right now, but there is a TODO to add autocomplete to common tags. While that won't re-write existing tags, it may help people tag posts with a smaller set of tags.

    I can't link it right now, but there is a TODO to add autocomplete to common tags. While that won't re-write existing tags, it may help people tag posts with a smaller set of tags.

    2 votes