Suggestion: Add "Hot" posts front page order
Could we get new post ordering: something like reddit Hot system? Now, the ordering by activity is great, but the big issue with it is, that when you go to less-active ~, you only see two or three...
Could we get new post ordering: something like reddit Hot system?
Now, the ordering by activity is great, but the big issue with it is, that when you go to less-active ~, you only see two or three topics. Even on front page, there are just 15 or 20 topics. I know, it's because I limit threads to only several days, but there is problem when I set limit up to week, or two: there are very old threads on the front page right at the top.
So could we get something like reddit has? Display posts according to upvotes/time (comments?), but do not limit them to few days and show them at least +- chronologically - so no two weeks old posts at the top of front page.
Maybe this could be achieved just by tweaking the current activity order by boosting young threads more and vice versa.