Looking forward to this as a longtime fan of Joseph Bennett! Aside from Scavengers Reign, he's also created a number of hilarious short films about eccentric characters in mundane situations. The...
Looking forward to this as a longtime fan of Joseph Bennett! Aside from Scavengers Reign, he's also created a number of hilarious short films about eccentric characters in mundane situations. The awkward, naturalistic, seemingly improvised delivery (sometimes voiced by comedians with cult followings like Conner O'Malley or Joe Pera) along with the grounded and occasionally poignant dialogue are his signature style. I re-watch his stuff every few months. Some examples: MITCH FOOTBALL Radio Iggy Part 1 (part 5 features Will Ferrell)
There was also a longer 'first look' video for Common Side effects that was posted a few months ago which gives me optimism about the quality of the show.
When I heard voice actor for the pharma CEO all I could think was "Damnit Bobby, we've gotta increase our third quarter sales!!". This looks like a fun ride and I'm really digging the art style.
When I heard voice actor for the pharma CEO all I could think was "Damnit Bobby, we've gotta increase our third quarter sales!!". This looks like a fun ride and I'm really digging the art style.
When I clicked the link I didn't expect to hear Nils Frahm as the backing track, so that was a pleasant surprise.
Looking forward to this as a longtime fan of Joseph Bennett! Aside from Scavengers Reign, he's also created a number of hilarious short films about eccentric characters in mundane situations. The awkward, naturalistic, seemingly improvised delivery (sometimes voiced by comedians with cult followings like Conner O'Malley or Joe Pera) along with the grounded and occasionally poignant dialogue are his signature style. I re-watch his stuff every few months. Some examples:
Iggy Part 1 (part 5 features Will Ferrell)
There was also a longer 'first look' video for Common Side effects that was posted a few months ago which gives me optimism about the quality of the show.
If you liked Scavengers Reign on HBO you may like this too. Animator(Art style) is same.
When I heard voice actor for the pharma CEO all I could think was "Damnit Bobby, we've gotta increase our third quarter sales!!". This looks like a fun ride and I'm really digging the art style.