9 votes

Black Mirror S2E03 "The Waldo Moment" discussion thread

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Black Mirror Season 2 Episode 3 - The Waldo Moment

A failed comedian who voices a popular cartoon bear named Waldo finds himself mixing in politics when TV executives want Waldo to run for office.

Black Mirror Netflix link

Warning: this thread contains spoilers about this episode! If you haven't seen it yet, please watch it and come back to this thread later.

You can talk about past episodes, but please don't discuss future episodes in this thread!

If you don't know what to say, here are some questions to get the discussion started:

  • How does the title relate to the episode itself?
  • Are there any similarities between real life events and the episode?
  • Are there any references or easter eggs in the episode, such as references to past episodes?

Please rate the episode here!

Sorry (again) for being a bit late with this thread!

1 comment

  1. Comment deleted by author
  2. what
    Apologies - I forgot to change the link to the episode rating poll. It's been fixed now, in case anyone wants to vote.

    Apologies - I forgot to change the link to the episode rating poll. It's been fixed now, in case anyone wants to vote.

    2 votes