5 votes

The making of Arcane - Best of behind the scenes


  1. Bullmaestro
    Started watching it last week after hearing my line manager sing his praises about the series despite not being a gamer or League of Legends player himself. Each episode got better to the point...

    Started watching it last week after hearing my line manager sing his praises about the series despite not being a gamer or League of Legends player himself. Each episode got better to the point where I binged through the final four within the span of a single evening.

    From the perspective of someone who isn't really into TV or film, Arcane is shockingly good, in the sense that television or movie adaptations of video games are generally somewhere between mediocre and dogshit. Fortiche and Riot Games shattered my expectations and then some. The last bit of video game inspired media that had impressed me before that point was the Sonic movie, and that's only because Paramount initially set my expectations incredibly low with the initial trailer before listening to negative feedback and making changes.

    Arcane did the impossible and made me enjoy the lore of champions that I otherwise couldn't care about. Before this series, I couldn't give less of a fuck about Jayce, Viktor, Jinx or Caitlyn. All of these characters were written incredibly well. Silco is also an incredibly good villain.

    Season 2 cannot come soon enough but sadly it probably won't come until at least 2023.

    5 votes
  2. skullkid2424
    Good to see a bit of the history that has lead to Arcane. I've been pretty iffy on shows/movies based on video games (which is probably an opinion shared by many) - and while I played League back...

    Good to see a bit of the history that has lead to Arcane. I've been pretty iffy on shows/movies based on video games (which is probably an opinion shared by many) - and while I played League back in the day, my friend group and I dropped it due to toxicity and the ever-growing burden of knowledge/skills in order to stay relevant. So I was prepared to ignore Arcane...and did until the great reviews kept coming in. I don't regret watching it at all - as many others have said. This stands alone as a great show regardless of the video game. Good story, good characters, good setting.

    That being said, the game itself is very aggravating. Gigguk puts it pretty well - everything outside of the game pushes you to play the game, but everything in the game pushes you to not. I haven't tried their mobile version of LoL or card game set in the same universe, but apparently there is an MMORPG in the works, which would probably be a good vehicle to explore the world and lore much more than the current games. If they flesh things out and give it the same love as Arcane is getting, theres some real potential there.

    3 votes