0x2113's recent activity

  1. Comment on A group of school students preparing for a nationwide strike over climate change inaction have prompted the closure of Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's electorate office. in ~enviro

    Link Parent
    One could (mind, I am not; I am only playing Devil's Advocate) make a case for that, on the basis that such "small" improvements might be hailed as "worldsaving" by the same people that actually...

    no improvement is better than a small improvement.

    One could (mind, I am not; I am only playing Devil's Advocate) make a case for that, on the basis that such "small" improvements might be hailed as "worldsaving" by the same people that actually have an interest (financially) in their own behavior not changing and the means to direct public conversation on this topic (media consolidation), thus leading to less activity in the field of combating climate change overall. The alternative would be to actively work towards affecting these "big fish" polluters, rather than trying to tackle climate change with "insect bites". Especially since we have only a decade or less until we reach the 2° barrier, after which a whole lot of our prospects for preserving the climate are gone forever.

    (again, keep in mind that I am playing Devil's Advocate here)

    2 votes
  2. Comment on What are you reading these days? #7 in ~books

    As of yesterday, I have started reading the seventh novel in the "Rivers of London" series, called "Lies Sleeping". The Series is best described as "What if Harry Potter joined the Metropolitan...

    As of yesterday, I have started reading the seventh novel in the "Rivers of London" series, called "Lies Sleeping". The Series is best described as "What if Harry Potter joined the Metropolitan Police after graduating from Hogwarts?" It's an urban fantasy crime series in modern London, following Peter Grant, a Constable who investigates magic-related crime (murder, usually) while being an apprentice wizard himself. However, the magic isn't the kind of "A wizard did it, case closed" magic (in fact, that attitude is made a joke at several points). It has strict rules, organisational structures, and Peter spends a good portion of his time figuring out (or trying to) what "Magic" actually is and how it works. I've been reading the series since the first entry in 2011, and can only recommend it to anyone who likes magic, crime stories, British humor or any combination of those three.

    3 votes
  3. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~health

    The United States failing at mental health and prisons. Again. Add some racism and voter suppression and we'll have gotten us a US-Failure BINGO.

    The United States failing at mental health and prisons. Again. Add some racism and voter suppression and we'll have gotten us a US-Failure BINGO.