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  1. Comment on I’ve fallen into a deep gaming rut lately. What helped “get you back into” gaming and rediscover the magic of video games? in ~games

    (edited )
    I went through a similar rut and buying a Steam Deck has completely revived my love for gaming. It’s personal, portable, and plays everything from nes to modern day games. I no longer have to...

    I went through a similar rut and buying a Steam Deck has completely revived my love for gaming.

    It’s personal, portable, and plays everything from nes to modern day games. I no longer have to commit to sitting on the couch in front of the tv. I can play it on the deck, I can bounce between different games, I can just tinker with it if I want to. My favorite thing is I can just put it in sleep mode and return to it whenever I want. I never feel like I'm trapped or obligated to anything.

    I just put in my headphones and have a great time to myself.

    16 votes