KapteinB's recent activity

  1. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    Link Parent
    Agreed, but I think the megathread is the right place to have such discussions.

    Agreed, but I think the megathread is the right place to have such discussions.

  2. Comment on Kamala Harris lacks charisma and time in ~misc

    This should probably have been posted in the megathread.

    This should probably have been posted in the megathread.

    This thread is posted weekly - please try to post all relevant US political content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Extremely significant events may warrant a separate topic, but almost all should be posted in here.

    6 votes
  3. Comment on Donald Trump does not get post-shooting poll boost in ~misc

    This should probably have been posted in the megathread.

    This should probably have been posted in the megathread.

    This thread is posted weekly - please try to post all relevant US political content in here, such as news, updates, opinion articles, etc. Extremely significant events may warrant a separate topic, but almost all should be posted in here.

    12 votes
  4. Comment on Russia-Ukraine war megathread - June 2024 news updates in ~news

  5. Comment on BBC exit poll predicts Labour landslide in UK in ~news

    A bit late, but I just saw this and thought my fellow Tildos might enjoy it. MC Hammersmith - The Vote Tory Rap

    A bit late, but I just saw this and thought my fellow Tildos might enjoy it.

    MC Hammersmith - The Vote Tory Rap

    3 votes
  6. Comment on The American elevator explains why housing costs have skyrocketed in ~engineering

    Link Parent
    The IKEA of elevators would have to satisfy the rules of all the different jurisdictions in the US.

    Not only do we have our own elevator code, but individual U.S. jurisdictions modify it further. More accurate and efficient electronic testing practices, for example, are still mostly viewed with suspicion by the nearly 100 separate boards and jurisdictions that regulate elevator safety in North America (the exact number in the regulatory patchwork is hard to nail down exactly).

    The IKEA of elevators would have to satisfy the rules of all the different jurisdictions in the US.

    11 votes
  7. Comment on Russia-Ukraine war megathread - June 2024 news updates in ~news

    Videos show what hit a Ukrainian children's hospital, and Russia is 'gaslighting,' war and weapons experts say (Business Insider)

    Videos show what hit a Ukrainian children's hospital, and Russia is 'gaslighting,' war and weapons experts say (Business Insider)

    A missile struck a children's hospital. Ukraine says it was a Russian strike, but Moscow denies it.

    War experts dispute Russian claims it was a Ukrainian surface-to-air missile, arguing it was a Russian cruise missile.

    Visual evidence and expert analysis contradict Russian statements on the attack, which killed at least 31.

    4 votes
  8. Comment on Russia-Ukraine war megathread - June 2024 news updates in ~news

    Russia's war-driven economy is so hot that the World Bank upgraded it to a 'high-income country' (Business Insider) Mostly a curiosity, I guess. The government is spending billions from their...

    Russia's war-driven economy is so hot that the World Bank upgraded it to a 'high-income country' (Business Insider)

    Mostly a curiosity, I guess. The government is spending billions from their rainy-day funds on military production. Increased spending and shrinking population means more income per citizen, at least on average. The article fails to mention that this is probably not sustainable long term.

    7 votes
  9. Comment on What slow-burn game is worth the time? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I've never played it (and probably never will), but I greatly enjoyed Hbomberguy's analysis of the first game in the series. Nebula YouTube

    I've never played it (and probably never will), but I greatly enjoyed Hbomberguy's analysis of the first game in the series.



    1 vote
  10. Comment on BBC exit poll predicts Labour landslide in UK in ~news

    Link Parent
    From what I understand, the two systems are actually very similar; first past the post single member districts. I suspect the main difference is cultural; that political affiliation isn't as much...

    From what I understand, the two systems are actually very similar; first past the post single member districts. I suspect the main difference is cultural; that political affiliation isn't as much a core part of one's identity in the UK as in the US, making voters more likely to switch parties, and to vote for third parties.

    Speaking of third parties, the UK has some interesting local quirks. Scotland is usually dominated by the Scottish National Party, which tries to get Scotland out of the UK and back into the EU, while Northern Ireland is more or less split between Sinn Fein (who wants to leave the UK and join Ireland) and the Democratic Unionist Party (who wants to stay part of the UK).

    5 votes
  11. Comment on BBC exit poll predicts Labour landslide in UK in ~news

    Link Parent
    CGP Grey made a video about this back in 2015. I can't find it, but I vaguely remember him making a very short update video in 2019 about how that election was even less representative. Maybe...

    CGP Grey made a video about this back in 2015.

    I can't find it, but I vaguely remember him making a very short update video in 2019 about how that election was even less representative. Maybe he'll make another one about this election.

    But hey; my team won! Go reds!

    Are there any UK politicians talking about election reform? It's clearly long overdue.

    12 votes
  12. Comment on Weekly US politics news and updates thread - week of July 1 in ~news

  13. Comment on Smiling robot face is made from living human skin cells in ~science

    Link Parent
    The headline in no way prepared me for the pictures.

    The headline in no way prepared me for the pictures.

    6 votes
  14. Comment on Weekly US politics news and updates thread - week of June 24 in ~news

  15. Comment on Russia-Ukraine war megathread - June 2024 news updates in ~news

  16. Comment on Dustborn hands-on preview: PAX East 2024 in ~games

    'No-one forced us to make a game with a diverse cast' (BBC) The BBC did a little piece with man actress Dominique Tipper and creative director Ragnar Tørnquist, but I figured it wasn't really...

    'No-one forced us to make a game with a diverse cast' (BBC)

    The BBC did a little piece with man actress Dominique Tipper and creative director Ragnar Tørnquist, but I figured it wasn't really worth its own post, so I'm posting it here instead.

    1 vote