Meowmix's recent activity

  1. Comment on Does anyone here enjoy poetry? If yes, what are your gateway drug poems and what are your hidden gems? in ~books

    Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. As a kid I did love a lot of his sillier and more chaotic stuff, but something about that specific poem was so haunting and beautiful it influenced...

    Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. As a kid I did love a lot of his sillier and more chaotic stuff, but something about that specific poem was so haunting and beautiful it influenced what I read and the way I wrote for years afterward. I still know it by heart and recite it to my baby to calm her down.

    4 votes
  2. Comment on Best grill brush? in ~food

    Our old wire brush wasn't really getting all the gunk off (and I'll admit the stories about wires got to me) so we ended up switching to the Scrub Daddy brand one ("BBQ Daddy" -- why does that...

    Our old wire brush wasn't really getting all the gunk off (and I'll admit the stories about wires got to me) so we ended up switching to the Scrub Daddy brand one ("BBQ Daddy" -- why does that feel so awkward haha). It's like a mesh-wrapped head and it's meant to be used with a bucket of water while the grill is hot so that it steam-cleans a bit. It's expensive but it's a much sturdier brush than most I've seen and the shape is good for leverage. I also do a big seasonal deep-cleaning once a year when we put the grill into the garage for winter.

  3. Comment on What is your favorite board or card game for seven or more players? in ~games.tabletop

    Link Parent
    Bang is so good! I like the dice version for a quicker game that's easier for new players to pick up, but if your team is into a longer game with more strategy and thinking the card version of...

    Bang is so good! I like the dice version for a quicker game that's easier for new players to pick up, but if your team is into a longer game with more strategy and thinking the card version of Bang (comes in a big bullet shaped container) is also fantastic.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on What is your favorite board or card game for seven or more players? in ~games.tabletop

    Hellapagos fits up to 12 players, it's not as straightforward as other games because it starts off cooperative and then turns....not sure the right word...utilitarian? (hah) The premise is that...

    Hellapagos fits up to 12 players, it's not as straightforward as other games because it starts off cooperative and then turns....not sure the right word...utilitarian? (hah)

    The premise is that you're shipwrecked, and each day you see the weather (ie will it rain) and can individually decide on what you want to contribute for the day (in terms of gathering water, going fishing, checking the shipwreck (basically pulling a chance card). The goal is to get off the island by staying keeping everyone long enough to build enough rafts, but at the end of each day you must have enough food and water as a group for everyone to survive the night, or else you must choose one person to die. There's also the option to "prematurely eliminate" someone prior to nightfall if you have the right's a fun game that rides the line between collaboration and Lord of the Flies. My friends and I have fun with it, but it probably depends on your coworkers' personalities whether they'll like it.