Rykoshet's recent activity

  1. Comment on Udio | AI music generator in ~music

    Link Parent
    Do you get any fine-tuning editing of the lyrics?

    Do you get any fine-tuning editing of the lyrics?

    2 votes
  2. Comment on Udio | AI music generator in ~music

    Also wow. The lyrics can get a bit simple/campy, but I'm impressed with how sophisticated the vocals are. It made a ballad for my dog I recently lost and it hits in the feels:...

    Also wow. The lyrics can get a bit simple/campy, but I'm impressed with how sophisticated the vocals are. It made a ballad for my dog I recently lost and it hits in the feels: https://www.udio.com/songs/tRc5KepKRPwGFc2jzpq3Yr

    3 votes
  3. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    Link Parent
    I read it the same way. I was agreeing with you, I just wanted to continue the discussion under your comment as I wasn't really starting a new train of thought but felt I was adding to that of the...

    I read it the same way. I was agreeing with you, I just wanted to continue the discussion under your comment as I wasn't really starting a new train of thought but felt I was adding to that of the footprint reduction at the terminus of your family tree.

    1 vote
  4. Comment on <deleted topic> in ~life

    Link Parent
    I would also argue that it's a very human-centric viewpoint to view childfree humans as leeches as it completely ignores the environmental impact on the rest of the world. The info-graphic here...
    so their children will be empathetic enough to not dump the leeching geezers in the ocean.

    I almost wish they would do that to us, lol

    I would also argue that it's a very human-centric viewpoint to view childfree humans as leeches as it completely ignores the environmental impact on the rest of the world.

    The info-graphic here (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/jul/12/want-to-fight-climate-change-have-fewer-children) shows just how big of an impact not having a child is, especially in a western country, and the impact of saving forest from being cleared for food/paper/natural resources, saving waterways and tons of pollution, not to mention the exponential impact of not having those children who will consume resources, have their own children, which will consume resources...ad nauseam. All this has a material impact on the planet, the wild species we share it with, and the ones we breed and slaughter by the billions yearly to meet the food demand of the growing population.

    From an entirely human-centrist economic perspective though, in most countries, whether childfree or not, most employees still pay into a pension scheme to cover the generation that came before us, and while we're not creating future citizens to pay for our retirement, we are leaving the door open for economic migrants to join the labour pool and pay into it in the next generation--all with a minimal environmental impact.

    3 votes
  5. Comment on What games have you been playing, and what's your opinion on them? in ~games

    Link Parent
    I just came back to CP2077 (I had 2 hours in version 1.0) and after 6 hours I am walking away unimpressed. I find that the story suffers from a lot of the same issues Rockstar had in GTA5 and...

    I just came back to CP2077 (I had 2 hours in version 1.0) and after 6 hours I am walking away unimpressed. I find that the story suffers from a lot of the same issues Rockstar had in GTA5 and RDR2, which is that story missions are incredibly boring, linear, and full of drawn-out exposition that takes away from potentially immersive and engaging gameplay. Though some side missions have been enjoyable, offer a greater degree of flexibility in completing them, and advance the story more via text messages and reading between the lines (the FromSoft approach, which I greatly appreciate in my games.)

    I also continued to run into AI issues that broke immersion and ultimately caused me to shelf it. AI pathfinding terribly in missions and in the real world, appearing/disappearing, floating in mid-air, and generally being oblivious to their surroundings. In the mission where you meet "robo-neck" in Tom's Diner and have a discussion, the customer behind him only ever performs one action (bringing a hamburger up to their eyeballs), while the same waitress moves back and forth between his table and the counter, materializes a tablet out of nowhere, takes his order, and repeats this cycle ad nauseam. That kind of environment would work fine if it was 1 store of a thousand I could walk into in a living city, but for a diner where you're forced to spend 10 minutes in conversation, it just feels lazily designed and rushed, especially for what should be CP2077's "capstone" update 3 years after launch.

    I'm looking forward to letting the mod scene percolate and see if there is an overhauled mod experience in a few years that's more my style.

    1 vote