Is anyone here into stargazing?
If so, what are the best sights you can get in your local area and what type of scope do you use?
If so, what are the best sights you can get in your local area and what type of scope do you use?
I am certainly in love with the show. It somehow manages to invoke in me a feeling of admiration for a cartoon (which I haven't felt for a long time). Do you like or dislike the show? Why?
I'm conflicted about this. On one hand, not prompting users to post alot may result in more quality content; however, on the other hand it may mean that the website is missing out on great quality posts and discussions. Your thoughts?
Thanks for the advice! I am still new to this website so I don't really know how it functions, but hopefully i'll get there.
Even if you do live in a large city, you dont really need to go far to see a lot more than you usually would. You could even just leave the neighbourhood to notice more of the night sky.
For now you could visit r/telescopes. A while back a user (I think it was u/_Augustus) built a 16 inch dobsonian. You might want to PM him.
I think it would be nice if Tildes had a community in which we could discuss these subjects. Stargazing is also a pretty engaging hobby.
You're definitely right with setting a good example. Having a better community will probably prompt people to post more quality content naturally anyway. The last thing I want is for people to be discouraged from posting the good stuff.