Yuji's recent activity

  1. Comment on What's the first thing you do when you get a new computer? in ~tech

    So many great suggestions here so far, the only thing I would add is PowerShell. (Not the older and no longer updated “Windows PowerShell” but just “PowerShell”) You can install it through winget...

    So many great suggestions here so far, the only thing I would add is PowerShell. (Not the older and no longer updated “Windows PowerShell” but just “PowerShell”) You can install it through winget or find it on the Microsoft Store.


    1 vote
  2. Comment on What was the most valuable technique you have learnt to manage or improve your mental health? in ~health.mental

    I’ve learned that the only thing I can control is my reaction to things. There’s a lot going on in the split second between a triggering event and the moment I feel something. That triggering...

    I’ve learned that the only thing I can control is my reaction to things. There’s a lot going on in the split second between a triggering event and the moment I feel something. That triggering event gets filtered through all my experiences in life and my belief system. And of course there’s the self-talk, what I’m telling myself in that moment. Slowing that process down and observing the why of what I’m feeling has helped immensely.

    4 votes
  3. Comment on Email, calendar, todo, chat ... How are you keeping it all straight? in ~life

    I currently don’t have a good system in place, but I’m appreciative of all the ideas posted. My email inbox is a big bucket where everything resides. The Gmail nudge feature for things I’ve...

    I currently don’t have a good system in place, but I’m appreciative of all the ideas posted. My email inbox is a big bucket where everything resides. The Gmail nudge feature for things I’ve forgotten about helps a little bit. Otherwise I just keep a paper pad on my desk with a to-do list. I love color coding things with different colors, and there’s a really satisfying feeling that comes from crossing things out.

    2 votes