eaterofsnacks's recent activity

  1. Comment on Does anyone else habitually go unshod for health reasons? in ~health

    I do get your reasoning, but from hiking around here (SW England): objects on the ground are a threat in some places where I'd cheerfully wear shoes. Example -- footpaths through the foundations...

    I do get your reasoning, but from hiking around here (SW England): objects on the ground are a threat in some places where I'd cheerfully wear shoes. Example -- footpaths through the foundations of demolished military buildings near here. There's grass growing over all sorts of sharps just off-footpath. And hidden potholes/rabbit-holes in the longer grass, some of which again have wire etc in them. You can look all you like, but a few will still sneak up on you. Or steep footpaths where there are broken flint pieces just under the surface -- loads of those around here. That said there are some places like the tops of huge chalk hills that invite going barefoot -- moss, grass and a just a good vibe for it. I never miss the chance to kick the shoes off up there :)

    14 votes
  2. Comment on What's the most unexpected thing you've stumbled upon on the internet? in ~tech

    I once found a personal site that discussed poisonous plants in scary and convincing detail. The author linked to text documents that (I think) were pretty much encyclopaedic. I'd love to find it...

    I once found a personal site that discussed poisonous plants in scary and convincing detail. The author linked to text documents that (I think) were pretty much encyclopaedic. I'd love to find it again but I have no reference points and it might have vanished 20 years ago.