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Comment on What are some of your favorite "meeting games?" in ~games
Comment on Synology NAS owners: any tips for a beginner? in ~tech
natebc I've had 2 synos over the last 8 years or so and they've been fantastic. Started out with just a simple NAS on one of the J models and then got a 918+ when it came out. I run about 30 docker...I've had 2 synos over the last 8 years or so and they've been fantastic. Started out with just a simple NAS on one of the J models and then got a 918+ when it came out. I run about 30 docker containers via docker-compose on mine for various homelab type things. With 32GB on yours you'll almost certainly want to do something else with it as well just to get use out of it. The normal NAS operations barely use any RAM at all.
Quick glance over my list is:
❯ docker ps --format '{{.Names}}' wx # static web server for weewx output weewx # process mqtt weather data from mqtt aw2mqtt # recieve weather station data mosquitto # mqtt! bitwarden # password vault, it's actually vaultwarden traefik # docker aware proxy for all the webstuff loki # logs minio # s3 storage lychee # photo sharing photoprism # also photo sharing mariadb # smells like mysql act-runner # runs github actions locally gitea # web git system grafana # graphs! prometheus # data for graphs! prometheus-blackbox # get data for prom from weirdstuff node-exporter-fatty # present NAS data to prometheus promtail-fatty # get logs from NAS for loki keycloak # authentication, fancy. unifi-controller # keep the unifi crap in line dashy # try to be organized, fail step-ca # local certificate authority, supports acme speedtest-tracker-att # monitor speedtest for att internet speedtest-tracker-spectrum # monitor speedtest for spectrum internet alertmanager # alert me if any of this crap breaks coredns # fancy local DNS cloudflare-api # talk to cloudflare to rearrange dns and stuff cadvisor # provide container data to prometheus postgres # the other database server redis # it's just redis.
Along these lines (physical things rather than electronic) a nice rubik's cube. One of the modern magnetic speed cubes. The O.G. is just terrible.
I picked it up a few years ago and learned the simple algorithm so i can solve it in about a minute. Works great and you don't have to really conceal it from your employer!