10 votes

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  1. Saigot
    The Martian by Andy Weir was really comforting read when the isolation was getting to me. It reminded me of how much worse it can be, and the importance of being goal oriented at a time like this.

    The Martian by Andy Weir was really comforting read when the isolation was getting to me. It reminded me of how much worse it can be, and the importance of being goal oriented at a time like this.

    4 votes
  2. Grzmot
    Ready Player One by Ernest Cline. A ode to the 80s and pop culture and a book about escapism at once. Can very much recommend.

    Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.

    A ode to the 80s and pop culture and a book about escapism at once. Can very much recommend.

    3 votes