5 votes

Day 23: A Long Walk

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/23

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. RheingoldRiver
    I woke up at 9pm with the "worst period cramps ever" (quotes because they're always the worst ever). Took painkiller, put on warmer clothing, went back to bed. Overslept the start by an hour but...

    I woke up at 9pm with the "worst period cramps ever" (quotes because they're always the worst ever). Took painkiller, put on warmer clothing, went back to bed. Overslept the start by an hour but pain was gone and instead I was just high af. I really didn't want to postpone so I called my friend who had already finished, and he helped me through it. Was able to figure out about 60% of it by myself, which in this state I consider a huge win. Fuck biology though.

    Python solutions

    2 votes
  2. scarecrw
    I finally started treating graph problems like graph problems today! I'm not sure if Haskell has a more idiomatic method of representing a weighted graph (I found Data.Graph but that seems limited...

    I finally started treating graph problems like graph problems today! I'm not sure if Haskell has a more idiomatic method of representing a weighted graph (I found Data.Graph but that seems limited to directed, unweighted graphs), but I went with a map from each vertex to a sub-map from its neighbors to their corresponding edge weights.

    I've tried to keep myself from looking anything up beyond language references while solving this year, though I'll admit I was tempted today. I ended up using the same approach for both part 1 and part 2, but reducing the maze down to its junctions and the distances between between them. This got the solving time under 10 seconds, but I'm guessing there's some clever algorithm I'm not thinking of.

    So close to the end now!

    Haskell Solution
    {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
    module Main (main) where
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import Data.Map (Map, (!))
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import Data.Maybe (fromJust, mapMaybe)
    import Data.List (maximumBy)
    import Data.Tuple (swap)
    import Data.Function (on)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        input <- readFile "./input.txt"
        putStrLn $ "Part 1: " ++ show (solve1 $ parseInput input)
        putStrLn $ "Part 2: " ++ show (solve2 $ parseInput input)
    data MazeTile = Wall | Open | L | R | U | D deriving (Show, Eq)
    type Maze = Map Coord MazeTile
    type Coord = (Int, Int)
    parseInput :: String -> (Maze, Coord, Coord)
    parseInput str = (maze, startPos, endPos) where
        rows = length $ lines str
        cols = length $ head (lines str)
        startPos = (0, 1)
        endPos = (rows - 1, cols - 2)
        maze = Map.fromList $ concat [[((r, c), parseTile x) | (c, x) <- zip [0..] row] | (r, row) <- zip [0..] (lines str)]
    parseTile :: Char -> MazeTile
    parseTile c = case c of
        '#' -> Wall
        '.' -> Open
        'v' -> D
        '^' -> U
        '<' -> L
        '>' -> R
        _   -> error "Invalid Tile"
    solve1 :: (Maze, Coord, Coord) -> Int
    solve1 (maze, startPos, endPos) = length . fromJust $ longestPath startPos Set.empty where
        longestPath :: Coord -> Set Coord -> Maybe [Coord]
        longestPath currPos visited
            | currPos == endPos = Just []
            | otherwise = if null pathOptions then Nothing else Just bestPath where
                nextPositions = filter (`Set.notMember` visited) (getNeighbors maze currPos False)
                pathOptions = mapMaybe (\pos -> longestPath pos (Set.insert pos visited)) nextPositions
                bestPath = currPos : maximumBy (\a b -> compare (length a) (length b)) pathOptions
    getNeighbors :: Maze -> Coord -> Bool -> [Coord]
    getNeighbors maze (r, c) passThrough = validNeighbors where
        neighbors = if passThrough then
            if maze ! (r, c) /= Wall then [(r+1, c), (r-1, c), (r, c+1), (r, c-1)] else []
            case maze ! (r, c) of
                Open -> [(r+1, c), (r-1, c), (r, c+1), (r, c-1)]
                L    -> [(r, c-1)]
                R    -> [(r, c+1)]
                U    -> [(r-1, c)]
                D    -> [(r+1, c)]
                Wall -> error "Stuck in a wall"
        validNeighbors = filter (\n -> Map.member n maze && maze ! n /= Wall) neighbors
    type JunctionID = Char
    type JunctionGraph = Map JunctionID (Map JunctionID Int)
    idList :: [JunctionID]
    idList = ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z']
    findJunctions :: Maze -> [Coord]
    findJunctions maze = junctions where
        junctions = filter (\pos -> length (getNeighbors maze pos True) > 2) (Map.keys maze)
    buildJunctionGraph :: Maze -> [(JunctionID, Coord)] -> JunctionGraph
    buildJunctionGraph maze junctions = junctionGraph where
        idLookup = Map.fromList $ map swap junctions
        junctionGraph = Map.fromList $ [(startID, Map.fromList $ findConnectedJunctions startCoord) | (startID, startCoord) <- junctions]
        findConnectedJunctions :: Coord -> [(JunctionID, Int)]
        findConnectedJunctions startingPos = solve (map (, 1) $ getNeighbors maze startingPos True) (Set.singleton startingPos) where
            solve :: [(Coord, Int)] -> Set Coord -> [(JunctionID, Int)]
            solve [] _ = []
            solve ((x, d):xs) visited
                | Map.member x idLookup = (idLookup ! x, d) : solve xs visited
                | otherwise = solve (neighbors ++ xs) (Set.insert x visited) where
                    neighbors = map (,d+1) $ filter (`Set.notMember` visited) (getNeighbors maze x True)
    solve2 :: (Maze, Coord, Coord) -> Int
    solve2 (maze, startPos, endPos) = longestPath (head idList) where
        junctions = zip idList (startPos : findJunctions maze ++ [endPos])
        junctionGraph = buildJunctionGraph maze junctions
        endID = idList !! (length junctions - 1)
        longestPath :: JunctionID -> Int
        longestPath startID = snd . fromJust $ solve startID Set.empty where
            solve :: JunctionID -> Set JunctionID -> Maybe ([JunctionID], Int)
            solve currID visited
                | currID == endID = Just ([endID], 0)
                | otherwise = if null pathOptions' then Nothing else Just bestPath where
                    nextPositions = filter (`Set.notMember` visited) (Map.keys $ junctionGraph ! currID)
                    pathOptions = mapMaybe (\jid -> solve jid (Set.insert currID visited)) nextPositions
                    pathOptions' = map (\(p, d) -> (currID : p, d + (junctionGraph ! currID ! head p))) pathOptions
                    bestPath = maximumBy (compare `on` snd) pathOptions'
    1 vote