8 votes

Day 25: Snowverload

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2023/day/25

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. RheingoldRiver
    woo nice easy last problem! I'm gonna miss this...but since this is my first year, I have a lot of past puzzles to work on in the meantime. Part 1 import networkx class Solver: def __init__(self):...

    woo nice easy last problem! I'm gonna miss this...but since this is my first year, I have a lot of past puzzles to work on in the meantime.

    Part 1
    import networkx
    class Solver:
        def __init__(self):
            with open('input.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                self.lines = [line.strip() for line in f.readlines()]
            self.data = [self.parse_line(i, line) for i, line in enumerate(self.lines)]
            self.graph = networkx.Graph()
        def parse_line(self, i: int, line: str):
            name, children = line.split(': ')
            ret = {
                "name": name,
                "children": children.split(' ')
            return ret
        def build_graph(self):
            for line in self.data:
            for line in self.data:
                for child in line['children']:
                    self.graph.add_edge(line['name'], child)
        def run(self):
            total = 0
            for (a, b) in networkx.minimum_edge_cut(self.graph):
                self.graph.remove_edge(a, b)
            for c in networkx.connected_components(self.graph):
            return total
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    thanks to everyone for posting solutions, commiserating, etc, I enjoyed it a lot more because of Tildes!

    4 votes
  2. scarecrw
    Well, not the most efficient day for me to end on, but I'm happy enough with my answer regardless. I don't remember the actual algorithm for min-cut, but I know it was related to max-flow, so I...

    Well, not the most efficient day for me to end on, but I'm happy enough with my answer regardless. I don't remember the actual algorithm for min-cut, but I know it was related to max-flow, so I made up my (undoubtedly inefficient) own approach based on that.

    Basic premise is that (knowing there's exactly one cut of size 3), for any two nodes on different sides of the cut the max-flow must be 3, whereas any two nodes on the same side of the cut the max-flow must be >3. Grabbing a random node, group the rest of the nodes into same side vs other side based on their max-flow.

    I also don't remember the best max-flow algorithm, so mine just repeatedly performs Djikstra's in order to find a path, counts 1 flow, then removes that path and tries again.

    Haskell Solution
    module Main (main) where
    import qualified Data.Set as Set
    import Data.Set (Set)
    import qualified Data.Map as Map
    import Data.Map (Map, (!))
    import AOCTools (splitOn)
    import Data.List (partition)
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        input <- readFile "./input.txt"
        putStrLn $ "Part 1: " ++ show (solve1 $ parseInput input)
    type Node = String
    type Graph = Map Node (Set Node)
    parseInput :: String -> Graph
    parseInput str = foldr parseLine Map.empty (lines str)
    parseLine :: String -> Graph -> Graph
    parseLine str graph = graph' where
        (node, xs) = splitOn ": " str
        nodes = words xs
        graph' = foldr addEdge graph [(node, n) | n <- nodes]
    addEdge :: (Node, Node) -> Graph -> Graph
    addEdge (n1, n2) graph
        | Map.notMember n1 graph = addEdge (n1, n2) $ Map.insert n1 Set.empty graph
        | Map.notMember n2 graph = addEdge (n1, n2) $ Map.insert n2 Set.empty graph
        | otherwise = Map.adjust (Set.insert n1) n2 $ Map.adjust (Set.insert n2) n1 graph
    removeEdge :: (Node, Node) -> Graph -> Graph
    removeEdge (n1, n2) graph = Map.adjust (Set.delete n1) n2 $ Map.adjust (Set.delete n2) n1 graph
    neighbors :: Graph -> Node -> [Node]
    neighbors graph n = Set.toList $ graph ! n
    solve1 :: Graph -> Int
    solve1 graph = length a * (length b + 1) where
        testNode:nodes = Map.keys graph
        (a, b) = partition (\n -> maxFlow graph testNode n == 3) nodes
    maxFlow :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Int
    maxFlow graph n1 n2 = case findPath graph n1 n2 of
        Nothing -> 0
        Just path -> 1 + maxFlow graph' n1 n2 where
            graph' = foldr removeEdge graph path
    findPath :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Maybe [(Node, Node)]
    findPath graph n1 n2 = djikstra [n1] (Map.singleton n1 n1) where
        djikstra :: [Node] -> Map Node Node -> Maybe [(Node, Node)]
        djikstra [] _ = Nothing
        djikstra (n:queue) prev
            | n == n2 = Just $ reverse (buildPath prev n)
            | otherwise = djikstra (queue ++ neighborNodes) prev' where
                neighborNodes = filter (`Map.notMember` prev) $ neighbors graph n
                prev' = foldr (`Map.insert` n) prev neighborNodes
        buildPath :: Map Node Node -> Node -> [(Node, Node)]
        buildPath prev node
            | pNode == node = []
            | otherwise = (pNode, node) : buildPath prev pNode where
                pNode = prev ! node

    This has been a blast participating this year! I got to try out a new language, and it was great coming to these threads to check out different approaches.

    3 votes
  3. lily
    I should've been faster with this one. I haven't done a great job at finishing the last few problems, but today's wasn't too bad thanks to NetworkX doing most of the work for me. I might go back...

    I should've been faster with this one. I haven't done a great job at finishing the last few problems, but today's wasn't too bad thanks to NetworkX doing most of the work for me. I might go back to this at some point and try to implement the algorithm myself, but I don't have time for that right now.

    # Advent of Code 2023
    # Day 25: Snowverload
    import networkx
    graph = {}
    with open("inputs/day_25.txt") as file:
        for line in file:
            component = line[:3]
            if component in graph:
                graph[component].update(set(line[5:].rstrip("\n").split(" ")))
                graph[component] = set(line[5:].rstrip("\n").split(" "))
            for other in graph[component]:
                if other not in graph:
                    graph[other] = set([component])
    to_remove = tuple(networkx.minimum_edge_cut(networkx.from_dict_of_lists(graph)))
    for edge in to_remove:
    product = 1
    for edge in to_remove[0]:
        queue = [edge]
        seen = set()
        while queue:
            current = queue.pop(0)
            for next_ in graph[current]:
                if next_ not in seen:
        product *= len(seen)
    print(f"Part 1: {product}")
    2 votes