11 votes

Day 5: Print Queue

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/5

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. lily
    This one was pretty fun! I managed to squeeze everything into one loop through the input. Part 2 was pretty easy, since the ordering rules can just be used as a comparison procedure (that's the...

    This one was pretty fun! I managed to squeeze everything into one loop through the input. Part 2 was pretty easy, since the ordering rules can just be used as a comparison procedure (that's the "correct" thing to call functions in Jai... I'm not used to it...). There's probably a far more efficient way to solve it than that, but oh well.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 05: Print Queue
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "Hash_Table";
    #import "Sort";
    #import "String";
    // I'm not sure how to make page_compare() work without this being global.
    ordering_rules: [..][2] int;
    // The ordering rules map nicely to a comparison procedure. It feels really
    // inefficient to iterate through the whole rules array for every comparison,
    // but I'm not sure how else it could be done.
    page_compare :: (a: int, b: int) -> int {
        for ordering_rules {
            if it[0] == a && it[1] == b {
                return -1;
            } else if it[0] == b && it[1] == a {
                return 1;
        return 0;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_05.txt");
        read_all_rules := false;
        correct_middle_page_sum := 0;
        incorrect_middle_page_sum := 0;
        for split(input, "\n") {
            // The two parts of the input are separated by a blank line. As usual,
            // we need to ignore the trailing newline if one exists in the input,
            // but this time we can't ignore the first one.
            if it == "" {
                if read_all_rules {
                } else {
                    read_all_rules = true;
            if !read_all_rules {
                pages := split(it, "|");
                    .[string_to_int(pages[0]), string_to_int(pages[1])]
            pages: [..] int;
            page_indices: Table(int, int);
            for split(it, ",") {
                page := string_to_int(it);
                array_add(*pages, page);
                table_add(*page_indices, page, it_index);
            correctly_ordered := true;
            for ordering_rules {
                first_index,  found_first  := table_find(*page_indices, it[0]);
                second_index, found_second := table_find(*page_indices, it[1]);
                if found_first && found_second && first_index > second_index {
                    correctly_ordered = false;
            if correctly_ordered {
                correct_middle_page_sum += pages[pages.count / 2];
            } else {
                sorted_pages := quick_sort(pages, page_compare);
                incorrect_middle_page_sum += sorted_pages[sorted_pages.count / 2];
            "Part 1: %\nPart 2: %\n",
    3 votes
  2. [2]
    (edited )
    This one really tripped me up. When I read the challenge, the first thing that popped into my head was "oh! A graph problem!" and I set to work adding an interface to the petgraph library. After...

    This one really tripped me up.

    When I read the challenge, the first thing that popped into my head was "oh! A graph problem!" and I set to work adding an interface to the petgraph library.
    After finishing it, getting all the data inserted with pages as nodes and rules as edges, I did a topological sort on the graph to get an ordering of all pages so I could just check that each page in an update has a higher index than the previous one.

    I ran it on the example input and it worked perfectly!
    Then I ran it on the actual input and it errored!
    There was a cycle somewhere!

    I tried using a few functions to find the page cycle (the error only returns the node it was at when it found a cylce), but couldn't figure it out.
    However, while looking at the input, I realized that I didn't even need to use a graph to begin with.
    The rules had relations between relevant pages directly, I didn't need to check transitive rules.

    I'd already gone through the trouble of building a graph so I went ahead and used it for the simpler problem of checking if two pages have a rule.

    Rhai Solution
    import "utils" as utils;
    let input = utils::get_input(5, false).split("\n\n");
    let ordering_rules = input[0]
                    .map(|line| line
                                    .map(|id| id.parse_int()));
    let page_updates = input[1]
                     .map(|line| line
                                    .map(|id| id.parse_int()));
    // get all page numbers, deduplicated
    let pages = [];
    for rule in ordering_rules {
    for update in page_updates {
        for page in update {
    // add a node for each page and keep a mapping of page to node and vice versa
    let page_graph = new_graph();
    let page_to_node = new_int_map();
    let node_to_page = new_int_map();
    for page in pages {
        let node = page_graph.add_node(0.0);
        page_to_node[page] = node;
        node_to_page[node.index()] = page;
    // add ordering rules as nodes
    for rule in ordering_rules {
        if rule[0] != rule[1] {
            page_graph.add_edge(page_to_node[rule[0]], page_to_node[rule[1]], 0.0);
    // PART 1
    let total = 0;
    for update in page_updates {
        // print(update);
        let valid = true;
        for i in 0..update.len()-1 {
            if page_graph.contains_edge(page_to_node[update[i+1]], page_to_node[update[i]]) {
                valid = false;
        if valid {
            total += update[update.len() / 2];
    print(`part 1: ${total}`);
    // PART 2
    let total = 0;
    for update in page_updates {
        let valid = true;
        for i in 0..update.len()-1 {
            if page_graph.contains_edge(page_to_node[update[i+1]], page_to_node[update[i]]) {
                valid = false;
        if !valid {
            let i = 0;
            while i < update.len()-1 {
                if page_graph.contains_edge(page_to_node[update[i+1]], page_to_node[update[i]]) {
                    let a = update[i];
                    update[i] = update[i+1];
                    update[i+1] = a;
                    i = 0;
                } else {
                    i += 1;
            total += update[update.len() / 2];
    print(`part 2: ${total}`);

    Edit: I found out from a reddit post why the cycle caused me issues with topological sort, but not in the other solution.

    Excerpt from the challenge:

    The notation X|Y means that if both page number X and page number Y are to be produced as part of an update, page number X must be printed at some point before page number Y.

    The cycle never appears among the pages for a given update.

    3 votes
    1. Boojum
      Link Parent
      I'd also posted a visualization on Reddit showing the graph structure and the cycle in my input. (I'd tried topo sort on all the rules for my first approach and, like you, failed due to the cycle.)

      I'd also posted a visualization on Reddit showing the graph structure and the cycle in my input. (I'd tried topo sort on all the rules for my first approach and, like you, failed due to the cycle.)

      3 votes
  3. xavdid
    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code List comprehensions and all made short work of part 1 again. For part 2 I was ready to bust out a Kahn's implementation when I saw that, of all things,...

    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code

    List comprehensions and all made short work of part 1 again. For part 2 I was ready to bust out a Kahn's implementation when I saw that, of all things, Python's graphlib contains a TopologicalSorter class (and only that class)! Using as much of the stdlib is one of my goals, so it seemed silly not to use it if it's available.

    Resolving dependency was something I've had strong feelings about ever since I described my perfect task app, so it's fun to see a similar problem pop up in AoC.

    2 votes
  4. [3]
    Y'all, I way over engineered my solution and even after cutting back on a lot of it, it's still much longer than some of the other solutions here. I think my brain hurts from a long day at work...

    Y'all, I way over engineered my solution and even after cutting back on a lot of it, it's still much longer than some of the other solutions here. I think my brain hurts from a long day at work and then trying to figure this one out.

    Part 1 | Part 2

    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      A neat Python type you might like is collections.defaultdict. That will let you access and manipulate a dictionary without checking whether a key is already present. If it's not, it gets created...

      A neat Python type you might like is collections.defaultdict. That will let you access and manipulate a dictionary without checking whether a key is already present. If it's not, it gets created with some user-chosen default value (such as an empty set). E.g. ruleset = defaultdict(set) will let you do ruleset[after].add(before) without having to check if after not in ruleset.

      3 votes
      1. jonah
        Link Parent
        Incredible, I will remember this for next time. Thanks!

        Incredible, I will remember this for next time. Thanks!

        2 votes
  5. Crespyl
    My code is pretty slow, it's probably possible to speed things up with a hash table of rules instead of just using a big list, but I was in a lazy mood. Part 1 def compute_p1(input) rules, updates...

    My code is pretty slow, it's probably possible to speed things up with a hash table of rules instead of just using a big list, but I was in a lazy mood.

    Part 1
    def compute_p1(input)
      rules, updates = input.split("\n\n")
      rules = rules.lines.map { |line|
      updates = updates.lines.map { |line|
      correct_updates = updates.filter { |update| check_update(rules, update) }
      return correct_updates.map { |update| update[update.length/2] }.sum
    def check_update(rules, update)
      update.each_with_index do |page, idx|
        # for each page, verify that all rules put the following pages after, and
        # the preceeding pages before
        before = update[0...idx]
        before.each do |before_page|
          if is_rule?(rules, before_page, page)
          elsif is_rule?(rules, page, before_page)
            return false
        after = update[(idx+1)...]
        after.each do |after_page|
          if is_rule?(rules, page, after_page)
          elsif is_rule?(rules, after_page, page)
            return false
      return true
    def is_rule?(rules, before, after)
      rules.index([before, after])
    Part 2
    def compute_p2(input)
      rules, updates = input.split("\n\n")
      rules = rules.lines.map { |line|
      updates = updates.lines.map { |line|
      incorrect_updates = updates.filter { |update| ! check_update(rules, update) }
      return incorrect_updates.map { |update| fix_update(rules, update) }.map { |update| update[update.length/2] }.sum
    def fix_update(rules, update)
      return update.sort { |a, b|
        if is_rule?(rules, a, b)
        elsif is_rule?(rules, b, a)
    1 vote
  6. [2]
    Sigh... I spent probably a third of my time on parsing because when I copied the sample data it just used carriage returns but my actual data used carriage returns and line feeds. I was glad I...

    Sigh... I spent probably a third of my time on parsing because when I copied the sample data it just used carriage returns but my actual data used carriage returns and line feeds.

    I was glad I caught that the ruleset was complete. I almost started working out how to order based on a chain of rules (I think that was part of a previous year's puzzle) but correctly guessed that was overkill for day 5.

    Pharo Smalltalk Solution

    1 vote
    1. fidwell
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      I've been doing 2015 problems here and there lately in my spare time, and one thing I've noticed is that a lot of the input data just uses \n instead of \r\n, which screwed up my input parsers...

      I've been doing 2015 problems here and there lately in my spare time, and one thing I've noticed is that a lot of the input data just uses \n instead of \r\n, which screwed up my input parsers (I'm using C# on Windows). Last year I didn't have that problem for some reason. After tweaking my tools to just always remove \r from any and all input files, I haven't had an issue since. (Hopefully it doesn't come back to bite me later...)

      2 votes
  7. tjf
    (edited )
    Once again, input sizes are small enough that I don't have to be clever. My Python solutions: Part 1 from collections import defaultdict import itertools import sys def is_correctly_ordered(rules:...

    Once again, input sizes are small enough that I don't have to be clever. My Python solutions:

    Part 1
    from collections import defaultdict
    import itertools
    import sys
    def is_correctly_ordered(rules: defaultdict[int, list[int]], update: list[int]) -> bool:
        for x, y in itertools.pairwise(update):
            if x in rules[y]:
                return False
        return True
    rules_input, updates_input = sys.stdin.read().split('\n\n')
    rules = defaultdict[int, list[int]](list)
    for line in rules_input.split('\n'):
        x, y = map(int, line.split('|'))
    total = 0
    for line in updates_input.strip().split('\n'):
        update = [*map(int, line.split(','))]
        if is_correctly_ordered(rules, update):
            total += update[len(update) // 2]
    Part 2
    from collections import defaultdict
    import functools
    import itertools
    import sys
    def is_correctly_ordered(rules: defaultdict[int, list[int]], update: list[int]) -> bool:
        for x, y in itertools.pairwise(update):
            if x in rules[y]:
                return False
        return True
    # XXX: relies on rules being global (cmp_to_key functions take exactly 2 args)
    def cmp(x: int, y: int) -> int:
        if x in rules[y]:
            return 1
        elif y in rules[x]:
            return -1
            return 0
    rules_input, updates_input = sys.stdin.read().split('\n\n')
    rules = defaultdict[int, list[int]](list)
    for line in rules_input.split('\n'):
        x, y = map(int, line.split('|'))
    total = 0
    for line in updates_input.strip().split('\n'):
        update = [*map(int, line.split(','))]
        if not is_correctly_ordered(rules, update):
            fixed = sorted(update, key=functools.cmp_to_key(cmp))
            total += fixed[len(fixed) // 2]

    Edit: I went back and used a closure returning a lambda to clean up that awkward cmp function. Before it relied on rules being global, since functools.cmp_to_key functions take exactly 2 arguments.

    def cmp_with_rules(rules: defaultdict[int, list[int]]) -> Callable[[int, int], int]:
        return lambda x, y: 1 if x in rules[y] else (-1 if y in rules[x] else 0)
    1 vote
  8. balooga
    Like some of you, I was tempted to over-engineer this one. The actual solution was pretty simple though! Spoilers My solution leans on JS's Array.prototype.sort(). I built a predicate function...

    Like some of you, I was tempted to over-engineer this one. The actual solution was pretty simple though!


    My solution leans on JS's Array.prototype.sort(). I built a predicate function that takes the two page numbers being compared and looks for a rule that includes both of them (in either order). Then it returns either 1 or -1 depending on the rule. Since it's only concerned with two page numbers at a time, and only a single rule that governs those two specific numbers, it's quite fast.

    For Part 1 I sorted every update and compared the sorted list against the original. This worked in my favor for Part 2, which needed to count sorted (corrected) updates, so I made a single shared function to do the heavy lifting and just pass it a group flag to indicate whether the already-correct or newly sorted previously-correct updates are wanted.

    Parts 1 and 2 (TypeScript)
    type InputData = [Rules, Updates];
    type Rules = [number, number][];
    type Updates = number[][];
    enum UpdateGroup {
    function formatInput(input: string): InputData {
      const [rules, updates] = input.trim().split('\n\n');
      return [
        rules.split('\n').map(rule => rule.split('|').map(Number)) as Rules,
        updates.split('\n').map(update => update.split(',').map(Number)),
    export function run(input: string): string[] {
      const data = formatInput(input);
      const countUpdates = ([rules, updates]: InputData, group: UpdateGroup): number => {
        let total = 0;
        for (const update of updates) {
          const sortedUpdate = [...update].sort((a, b) => {
            const matchingRule = rules.find(rule => (rule[0] === a && rule[1] === b) || (rule[0] === b && rule[1] === a));
            return a === matchingRule[0] ? -1 : 1;
          if (
            (group === UpdateGroup.Correct && sortedUpdate.join() === update.join()) ||
            (group === UpdateGroup.Incorrect && sortedUpdate.join() !== update.join())
          ) {
            const middlePage = sortedUpdate[Math.floor(sortedUpdate.length / 2)];
            total += middlePage;
        return total;
      const identifyCorrectUpdates = (pageData: InputData): number => {
        return countUpdates(pageData, UpdateGroup.Correct);
      const identifyIncorrectUpdates = (pageData: InputData): number => {
        return countUpdates(pageData, UpdateGroup.Incorrect);
      return [`${identifyCorrectUpdates(data)}`, `${identifyIncorrectUpdates(data)}`];
    1 vote
  9. jzimbel
    Elixir Pretty straightforward, but it did take some up-front data structure planning. I ended up parsing the rules into a map of %{page => set(pages_that_come_after_it)}. Originally I was storing...


    Pretty straightforward, but it did take some up-front data structure planning. I ended up parsing the rules into a map of %{page => set(pages_that_come_after_it)}. Originally I was storing two sets under each key—pages that came before the key and pages that came after. But it turned out I only needed one set.

    One tricky case was the rightmost page, e.g. 13 in the example input. I had a bug at first that didn't create a map entry for that page, since it never appeared on the LHS. I fixed this by creating a page => empty_set entry for each RHS page, only if an entry didn't already exist, as I built the map.

    My solution runs pretty fast. I believe it's close to the optimal pure-Elixir solution, without doing things like single-pass parse + solve that sacrifice readability.

    Name             ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
    Part 1        8.67 K      115.40 μs     ±6.12%      113.08 μs      133.42 μs
    Part 2        3.97 K      251.99 μs    ±12.02%      244.75 μs      333.42 μs
    Parse         2.06 K      486.24 μs     ±6.03%      476.63 μs      585.01 μs
    Part 1        8.67 K
    Part 2        3.97 K - 2.18x slower +136.59 μs
    Parse         2.06 K - 4.21x slower +370.83 μs
    Both parts

    I decided to use a lot of comprehensions for this one, for no particular reason.

    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2024.Day05 do
      use AdventOfCode.Solution.SharedParse
      @typep page :: integer
      @impl true
      @spec parse(String.t()) :: {
              # k comes before all pages in v
              %{page => MapSet.t(page)},
      def parse(input) do
        [rules, updates] = String.split(input, "\n\n", trim: true)
        {parse_afters(rules), parse_updates(updates)}
      defp parse_afters(rules) do
        for rule <- String.split(rules, "\n", trim: true), reduce: %{} do
          afters ->
            [before, after_] = for page <- String.split(rule, "|"), do: String.to_integer(page)
            |> Map.update(before, MapSet.new([after_]), &MapSet.put(&1, after_))
            # Adds an entry for the last page (which has no afters)
            |> Map.put_new(after_, MapSet.new())
      defp parse_updates(updates) do
        for update <- String.split(updates, "\n", trim: true) do
          for page <- String.split(update, ",") do
      def part1({afters, updates}) do
        for(update <- updates, ordered?(update, afters), do: update)
        |> sum_middles()
      def part2({afters, updates}) do
        for(update <- updates, sorted = sorted_or_nil(update, afters), sorted != nil, do: sorted)
        |> sum_middles()
      defp ordered?(update, afters) do
        |> Enum.chunk_every(2, 1, :discard)
        |> Enum.all?(&page_pair_ordered?(&1, afters))
      defp sorted_or_nil(update, afters) do
        case Enum.sort(update, &page_pair_ordered?([&1, &2], afters)) do
          ^update -> nil
          sorted -> sorted
      defp page_pair_ordered?([l, r], afters), do: r in afters[l]
      defp sum_middles(updates) do
        for update <- updates, reduce: 0 do
          acc -> acc + Enum.at(update, div(length(update), 2))
    1 vote
  10. Crestwave
    Like many others here, I was initially very worried about part 2 but I managed to hack my way through it. AWK solutions: Part 1 Pretty straightforward. I iterate through each page then go through...

    Like many others here, I was initially very worried about part 2 but I managed to hack my way through it. AWK solutions:

    Part 1

    Pretty straightforward. I iterate through each page then go through its rules to see if I already encountered anything that is defined to come after it.

    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    BEGIN { FS = "[|,]" }
    /\|/ { rule[$1] = rule[$1] $2 "," }
    /^[^\|]*$/ {
    	for (i in pages) delete pages[i]
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
    		pages[$i] = 1
    		r = rule[$i]
    		n = split(r, a, ",")
    		for (j = 1; j < n; ++j)
    			if (pages[a[j]])
    	total += $(int(NF/2)+1)
    END { print total }
    Part 2

    As I have mentioned quite a few times here already, AWK doesn't provide any sorting option, much less an advanced one where you can provide custom rules or weights, so I was initially worried about this. However, I decided to try the naive approach of simply swapping the pages in each violation until they were sorted and it worked surprisingly well.

    #!/usr/bin/awk -f
    BEGIN { FS = "[|,]" }
    /\|/ { rule[$1] = rule[$1] $2 "," }
    /^[^\|]*$/ {
    	# clean up all arrays and variables from previous iterations
    	# in hindsight, there would probably be less of this boilerplate if I used a function instead
    	for (i in pages) delete pages[i]
    	for (i in order) delete order[i]
    	temp = 0
    	# set this separately now since it will be modified during the loop
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) order[i] = $i
    	for (i = 1; i <= NF; ++i) {
    		pages[order[i]] = i
    		r = rule[order[i]]
    		n = split(r, a, ",")
    		for (j = 1; j < n; ++j)
    			if (pages[a[j]]) {
    				# swap the places of the updates in the rule violated
    				temp = order[i]
    				order[i] = a[j]
    				order[pages[a[j]]] = temp
    				# restart the processing again to correct any cascading errors
    				for (i in pages) delete pages[i]
    				i = 0
    	if (temp)
    		total += order[int(NF/2)+1]
    END { print total }
    1 vote
  11. kari
    I got part 1 fairly easily, though my solution is a bit convoluted, but literally had no clue where to even start on part 2 until I looked here. I still wasn't sure how to easily implement it but...

    I got part 1 fairly easily, though my solution is a bit convoluted, but literally had no clue where to even start on part 2 until I looked here. I still wasn't sure how to easily implement it but then I realized there's a graph library that can topographically sort graphs for racket, so I just used that.

    Racket (just part1)
    #! /usr/bin/env racket
    #lang racket
    (require rackunit)
    ;; XXX: these two could be a single proc that takes a separator
    ;; parse out all of the page rules
    (define (parse-rules in-port [rules empty])
      ;; helper procedure for parsing a single rule
      (define (parse-rule rule)
        (map string->number
             (string-split rule "|")))
      (let ([line (read-line in-port)])
          [(eof-object? line) (reverse rules)]
          [else (parse-rules in-port
                             (cons (parse-rule line)
    ;; parse out all of the required pages
    (define (parse-pages in-port [pages empty])
      ;; helper procedure for parsing a single rule
      (define (parse-page rule)
        (map string->number
             (string-split rule ",")))
      (let ([line (read-line in-port)])
          [(eof-object? line) (reverse pages)]
          [else (parse-pages in-port
                             (cons (parse-page line)
    ;; returns #t if a given set of pages is a valid order based on the given page-rules
    (define (valid? pages rules)
      ;; helper procedure that checks the set of pages against a single rule
      (define (valid?-helper pages rule)
        (let ([first (index-of pages (car rule))]
              [second (index-of pages(list-ref rule 1))])
            [(not (and first second)) #t]
            [else (> second first)])))
        [(empty? rules) #t]
        [else (and (valid?-helper pages (car rules))
                   (valid? pages (cdr rules)))]))
    ;; return the middle index of a list
    (define (middle page-set)
      (let ([i (quotient (length page-set) 2)])
        (list-ref page-set i)))
    (define (day05/run-part01 rules-port pages-port)
      (let ([rules (parse-rules rules-port)]
            [pages (parse-pages pages-port)])
        (for/fold ([sum-middle-valid 0])
                  ([page-set pages])
            [(valid? page-set rules) (+ sum-middle-valid (middle page-set))]
            [else sum-middle-valid]))))
    (define (day05/run-part02 in-port) null)
    (check-equal? (day05/run-part01 (open-input-file "examples/day05_rules.in")
                                    (open-input-file "examples/day05_pages.in"))
                  "Test part 1")
    (check-equal? (day05/run-part02 (open-input-file "examples/day05_rules.in")) null "Test part 2")
    (let* ([rule-port (open-input-file "inputs/day05_rules.in")]
           [pages-port (open-input-file "inputs/day05_pages.in")]
           [part1 (day05/run-part01 rule-port pages-port)]
           [part2 (day05/run-part02 0)])
      (printf "Part 1: ~a, Part 2: ~a\n" part1 part2))
    Racket (updated with both parts)
    #! /usr/bin/env racket
    #lang racket
    (require graph rackunit)
    ;; XXX: these two could be a single proc that takes a separator
    ;; parse out all of the page rules
    (define (parse-rules in-port [rules empty])
      ;; helper procedure for parsing a single rule
      (define (parse-rule rule)
        (map string->number
             (string-split rule "|")))
      (let ([line (read-line in-port)])
          [(eof-object? line) (reverse rules)]
          [else (parse-rules in-port
                             (cons (parse-rule line)
    ;; parse out all of the updates
    (define (parse-updates in-port [pages empty])
      ;; helper procedure for parsing a single rule
      (define (parse-update rule)
        (map string->number
             (string-split rule ",")))
      (let ([line (read-line in-port)])
          [(eof-object? line) (reverse pages)]
          [else (parse-updates in-port
                               (cons (parse-update line)
    ;; returns #t if a given update is valid for the given rules
    (define (valid? update rules)
      ;; helper procedure that checks the update against a single rule
      (define (valid?-helper update rule)
        (let ([first (index-of update (car rule))]
              [second (index-of update(list-ref rule 1))])
            [(not (and first second)) #t]
            [else (> second first)])))
        [(empty? rules) #t]
        [else (and (valid?-helper update (car rules))
                   (valid? update (cdr rules)))]))
    ;; return the middle index of a list
    (define (list-middle lst)
      (let ([i (quotient (length lst) 2)])
        (list-ref lst i)))
    ;; sort an update based on the gives rules
    (define (update-sort update rules)
      (let* ([filtered-rules (filter (lambda (rule)
                                       (and (member (first rule) update)
                                            (member (second rule) update)))
             [update-graph (directed-graph filtered-rules)])
        (tsort update-graph)))
    ;; do the math for p1
    (define (day05/run-part01 updates)
      (for/fold ([sum-middle 0])
                ([update (in-list updates)])
        (+ sum-middle (list-middle update))))
    ;; do the math for p2
    (define (day05/run-part02 updates rules)
      (for/fold ([sum-middle 0])
                ([update (in-list updates)])
        (+ sum-middle (list-middle (update-sort update rules)))))
    ;; run using the test inputs
    (let* ([rules-port (open-input-file "examples/day05_rules.in")]
           [updates-port (open-input-file "examples/day05_updates.in")]
           [rules (parse-rules rules-port)]
           [updates (parse-updates updates-port)]
           [valid-updates (filter (lambda (update)
                                    (valid? update rules))
           [invalid-updates (filter (lambda (update)
                                      (not (member update valid-updates)))
           [part1 (day05/run-part01 valid-updates)]
           [part2 (day05/run-part02 invalid-updates rules)])
      (and (check-equal? part1 143 "Test part 1")
           (check-equal? part2 123 "Test part 2")))
    ;; run with my reala input
    (let* ([rules-port (open-input-file "inputs/day05_rules.in")]
           [updates-port (open-input-file "inputs/day05_updates.in")]
           [rules (parse-rules rules-port)]
           [updates (parse-updates updates-port)]
           [valid-updates (filter (lambda (update)
                                    (valid? update rules))
           [invalid-updates (filter (lambda (update)
                                      (not (member update valid-updates)))
           [part1 (day05/run-part01 valid-updates)]
           [part2 (day05/run-part02 invalid-updates rules)])
      (and (check-equal? part1 7074 "Test part 1")
           (check-equal? part2 4828 "Test part 2"))
      (printf "Part 1: ~a, Part 2: ~a\n" part1 part2))
    1 vote