6 votes

Day 13: Claw Contraption

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/13

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. [3]
    (edited )
    Probably one of the easier days so far for most of the logic. I guess if you haven't dealt with math in a bit this could be tricky, but compared to some previous AoC math-y problems this was...

    Probably one of the easier days so far for most of the logic. I guess if you haven't dealt with math in a bit this could be tricky, but compared to some previous AoC math-y problems this was fairly tame.

    I spent most of my time trying to get regex working properly.

    Smalltalk Solution
    Class {
    	#name : 'Day13Solver',
    	#superclass : 'AoCSolver',
    	#instVars : [
    	#category : 'AoCDay13',
    	#package : 'AoCDay13'
    Day13Solver >> parseRawData [
    	machines := ('<n><n>' expandMacros split: rawData) collect: [ :machineString | Day13Machine newFromString: machineString ]
    Day13Solver >> solvePart1 [
    	^ (machines collect: [ :machine | machine tokensToWin]) sum
    Day13Solver >> solvePart2 [
    	^ (machines collect: [ :machine | machine tokensToWinAlt]) sum
    Class {
    	#name : 'Day13Machine',
    	#superclass : 'Object',
    	#instVars : [
    	#category : 'AoCDay13',
    	#package : 'AoCDay13'
    Day13Machine class >> newFromString: aString [
    	| machine re nums |
    	machine := self new.
    	re := '\d+' asRegex.
    	nums := (re matchesIn: aString) collect: #asInteger.
    	machine aButton: nums first @ nums second.
    	machine bButton: nums third @ nums fourth.
    	machine prizeLocation: nums fifth @ nums sixth.
    	machine prizeLocationAlt: machine prizeLocation + 10000000000000.
    	^ machine
    Day13Machine >> tokensToWin [
    	0 to: 100 do: [ :aPresses |
    		0 to: 100 do: [ :bPresses |
    			aPresses * aButton + (bPresses * bButton) = prizeLocation ifTrue: [
    				^ 3 * aPresses + bPresses ] ] ].
    	^ 0
    Day13Machine >> tokensToWinAlt [
    	| l1 l2 result |
    	l1 := GLine a: aButton x b: bButton x c: prizeLocationAlt x negated.
    	l2 := GLine a: aButton y b: bButton y c: prizeLocationAlt y negated.
    	result := (l1 intersectionsWith: l2) first asPoint.
    	^ result isIntegerPoint
    		  ifTrue: [ 3 * result x + result y ]
    		  ifFalse: [ 0 ]
    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      Do you think your Smalltalk ability is improving as you solve more puzzles? I came close to taking Inria's Pharo course but had to drop it before even starting due to a crisis. I see there's an...

      Do you think your Smalltalk ability is improving as you solve more puzzles? I came close to taking Inria's Pharo course but had to drop it before even starting due to a crisis. I see there's an advanced course with Pharo now too.

      I did download the first week's material during a re-run but again had to drop it due to "circumstances". During that first week though, I was amazed at being able to search, inspect, poke around and change literally everything about the language and environment including the IDE. Reminded me so much of why I fell in love with emacs.

      1 vote
      1. scarecrw
        Link Parent
        You're absolutely right that the tools to edit the environment and built-ins is probably the coolest part. Numerous times now I've found myself thinking "oh man, I wish that X had a Y feature..."...

        You're absolutely right that the tools to edit the environment and built-ins is probably the coolest part. Numerous times now I've found myself thinking "oh man, I wish that X had a Y feature..." before realizing, I can just add that! That and the tests/debugging definitely set it apart from other languages in how you work.

        I've definitely been learning a lot as I go! Most days I'm kicking myself as I find a tool that would have been very helpful on a previous problem. I looked at those MOOC courses myself, and started through the first couple weeks of one, but ended up finding this book more useful: Pharo By Example.

        The only pain point so far is that finding/guessing method names and what they do has not been very intuitive. The aim of having the names flow more like natural language is neat, but ends up making it tough to get used to, coming from other languages.

        1 vote
  2. Hello
    It's probably a bit like cutting a loaf of bread with a chainsaw, but z3 makes this problem trivial. Part 1+2 import re from z3 import * with open('input/13.txt', 'r') as f: input = f.read()...

    It's probably a bit like cutting a loaf of bread with a chainsaw, but z3 makes this problem trivial.

    Part 1+2
    import re
    from z3 import *
    with open('input/13.txt', 'r') as f:
        input = f.read()
    machines = [m.split("\n") for m in input.split('\n\n')]
    for i, (a, b, prize) in enumerate(machines):
        ax, ay = re.search(r'Button A: X\+(\d+), Y\+(\d+)', a).groups()
        bx, by = re.search(r'Button B: X\+(\d+), Y\+(\d+)', b).groups()
        px, py = re.search(r'Prize: X=(\d+), Y=(\d+)', prize).groups()
        machines[i] = (int(ax), int(ay), int(bx), int(by), int(px), int(py))
    def solve(machine, offset=0):
        ax, ay, bx, by, px, py = machine
        a = Int('a')
        b = Int('b')
        o = Optimize()
        o.add(a >= 0, b >= 0)
        o.add(a * ax + b * bx == px + offset)
        o.add(a * ay + b * by == py + offset)
        o.minimize(3 * a + b)
        if o.check() == sat:
            return o.model().eval(3 * a + b).as_long()
        return 0
    part_1 = 0
    part_2 = 0
    for machine in machines:
        part_1 += solve(machine)
        part_2 += solve(machine, 10000000000000)
    print("Part 1:", part_1)
    print("Part 2:", part_2)
    2 votes
  3. guissmo
    Woke up early today by chance. Parsing def parse_13(filename='./data/13.in'): with open(filename) as file: ret = [] for line in file: ret.append(line.strip()) return ret parse_13() Solution import...

    Woke up early today by chance.

    def parse_13(filename='./data/13.in'):
        with open(filename) as file:
            ret = []
            for line in file:
        return ret
    import re
    def solution_13a(data=None, filename=None):
        if not data:
            lines = parse_13(filename)
            lines = data
        def get_test_case(a, b, p):
            coords = []
            matches = re.match(r"Button A: X\+([0-9]+), Y\+([0-9]+)", a)
            x = int(matches[1])
            y = int(matches[2])
            coords.append((x, y))
            matches = re.match(r"Button B: X\+([0-9]+), Y\+([0-9]+)", b)
            x = int(matches[1])
            y = int(matches[2])
            coords.append((x, y))
            matches = re.match(r"Prize: X=([0-9]+), Y=([0-9]+)", p)
            x = int(matches[1])
            y = int(matches[2])
            coords.append((x, y))
            return tuple(coords)
        def get_test_cases(lines):
            return [get_test_case(a, b, p) for a, b, p in zip(lines[0::4], lines[1::4], lines[2::4])]
        def get_solution(test_case):
            a, b, p = test_case
            x1, y1 = a
            x2, y2 = b
            x, y = p
            det = x1*y2 - x2*y1
            if det == 0:
                return (None, None)
            m = (y2*x -x2*y)/det
            if m != int(m):
                return (None, None)
            n = (-y1*x + x1*y)/det
            if n != int(n):
                return (None, None)
            return (int(m), int(n))
        def solve_test_case(test_case):
            a, b = get_solution(test_case)
            if a is None or b is None:
                return 0
                return 3*a + b
        ret = 0
        for test_case in get_test_cases(lines):
            ret += solve_test_case(test_case)
        return ret
    Discussion That PhD in Math do be paying off lmao.

    Solution works for both parts (just add that ridiculously large number at the appropriate place).

    1 vote
  4. lily
    I'm not the strongest with math, but I got there in the end. The actual programming part for this wasn't especially difficult, though I got tripped up with floating-point precision for a little...

    I'm not the strongest with math, but I got there in the end. The actual programming part for this wasn't especially difficult, though I got tripped up with floating-point precision for a little bit.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 13: Claw Contraption
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "String";
    Machine :: struct {
        // No reason to define Vector2_Int when we're only using it here. An
        // anonymous struct works just fine.
        button_a, button_b, prize: struct {
            x, y: int;
    get_token_cost :: (machines: [] Machine, limit_button_presses: bool) -> int {
        tokens := 0;
        for machines {
            // Saves some typing.
            button_a := it.button_a;
            button_b := it.button_b;
            prize := it.prize;
            determinant := button_a.x * button_b.y - button_b.x * button_a.y;
            a_presses := (
                button_b.y * prize.x - button_b.x * prize.y
            ) / determinant;
            b_presses := (
                button_a.x * prize.y - button_a.y * prize.x
            ) / determinant;
                button_a.x * a_presses + button_b.x * b_presses == prize.x
                && button_a.y * a_presses + button_b.y * b_presses == prize.y
                && a_presses > 0 && b_presses > 0
                && (!limit_button_presses || a_presses <= 100 && b_presses <= 100)
                tokens += a_presses * 3 + b_presses;
        return tokens;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_13.txt");
        groups := split(input, "\n\n");
        defer array_free(groups);
        machines: [..] Machine;
        defer array_free(machines);
        for groups {
            // Conveniently, this approach means we don't have to worry about the
            // trailing newline at all; it's ignored automatically.
            lines := split(it, "\n");
            defer array_free(lines);
            button_a := split(slice(lines[0], 12, lines[0].count - 12), ", Y+");
            button_b := split(slice(lines[1], 12, lines[1].count - 12), ", Y+");
            prize := split(slice(lines[2], 9, lines[2].count - 9), ", Y=");
            defer array_free(button_a);
            defer array_free(button_b);
            defer array_free(prize);
            array_add(*machines, Machine.{
                .{string_to_int(button_a[0]), string_to_int(button_a[1])},
                .{string_to_int(button_b[0]), string_to_int(button_b[1])},
                .{string_to_int(prize[0]), string_to_int(prize[1])},
        print("Part 1: %\n", get_token_cost(machines, true));
        for *machines {
            it.prize.x += 10000000000000;
            it.prize.y += 10000000000000;
        print("Part 2: %\n", get_token_cost(machines, false));
    1 vote
  5. xavdid
    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code I clocked this as linear equations pretty early, which made both parts straightforward once I looked up how to solve 2 equations with two unknowns (set...

    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code

    I clocked this as linear equations pretty early, which made both parts straightforward once I looked up how to solve 2 equations with two unknowns (set them equal to each other). It had been a minute!

    Code today was fairly clean, especially because I could wrap the implementation in a function that only added the part 2 bump as needed.