4 votes

Day 15: Warehouse Woes

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/15

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. lily
    I agree with everyone else here. This was a bit tricky to implement, but I understood what I was supposed to be doing almost instantly. I did get tripped up on edge cases a bit for part 2, though,...

    I agree with everyone else here. This was a bit tricky to implement, but I understood what I was supposed to be doing almost instantly. I did get tripped up on edge cases a bit for part 2, though, and I think my final solution is one of the worst I've written this year so far - it's overly long and hard to parse. Luckily, it seems to be more than performant enough.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 15: Warehouse Woes
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "String";
    Tile :: enum {
    Vector2_Int :: struct {
        x, y: int;
    array_free_2d :: (array: [..][..] $T) {
        for array {
    is_box :: inline (tile: Tile) -> bool {
        return tile == .BOX || tile == .BOX_LEFT || tile == .BOX_RIGHT;
    // Moves a box in a given direction. Does not perform any validity checks; that
    // is all handled by push_box(). The inputs to this procedure are assumed to be
    // valid.
    move_box :: inline (
        map: [..][..] Tile,
        position: Vector2_Int,
        direction: Vector2_Int
    ) {
        tile := map[position.y][position.x];
        map[position.y][position.x] = .EMPTY;
        map[position.y + direction.y][position.x + direction.x] = tile;
    // Attempts to push a box in a given direction, along with all boxes in its way.
    // Returns whether the push was successful.
    // If should_push is false, the procedure will return whether the push is
    // possible, but will not actually move the boxes. This is necessary for part 2,
    // where we have to check whether multiple pushes are possible before pushing
    // some boxes (and thus don't want a possible push to still physically happen if
    // the other push isn't possible).
    push_box :: (
        map: [..][..] Tile,
        position: Vector2_Int,
        direction: Vector2_Int,
        should_push := true
    ) -> bool {
        tile := map[position.y][position.x];
        if direction.x == 0 && (tile == .BOX_LEFT || tile == .BOX_RIGHT) {
            other_side := ifx tile == .BOX_LEFT then 1 else -1;
            next_tile_1 := map[position.y + direction.y][position.x];
            next_tile_2 := map[position.y + direction.y][position.x + other_side];
            aligned_with_next_box := (
                tile == .BOX_LEFT && next_tile_1 == .BOX_LEFT
                || tile == .BOX_RIGHT && next_tile_2 == .BOX_LEFT
                aligned_with_next_box && push_box(map, .{
                    position.x + ifx tile == .BOX_RIGHT then -1 else 0,
                    position.y + direction.y
                }, direction, false)
                || (
                    next_tile_1 == .EMPTY || is_box(next_tile_1) && push_box(map, .{
                        position.y + direction.y
                    }, direction, false)
                ) && (
                    next_tile_2 == .EMPTY || is_box(next_tile_2) && push_box(map, .{
                        position.x + other_side,
                        position.y + direction.y
                    }, direction, false)
                if should_push {
                    // I'm not a huge fan of calling push_box() a second time here,
                    // but without writing a separate can_push_box() procedure for
                    // above (which would heavily complicate things), I don't think
                    // there's a way around it. Either way, there are no performance
                    // issues in the current version of the program, so it luckily
                    // doesn't seem like much of a problem.
                    if aligned_with_next_box {
                        push_box(map, .{
                            position.x + ifx tile == .BOX_RIGHT then -1 else 0,
                            position.y + direction.y
                        }, direction);
                    } else {
                        if next_tile_1 != .EMPTY {
                            push_box(map, .{
                                position.y + direction.y
                            }, direction);
                        if next_tile_2 != .EMPTY {
                            push_box(map, .{
                                position.x + other_side,
                                position.y + direction.y
                            }, direction);
                    move_box(map, position, direction);
                    move_box(map, .{position.x + other_side, position.y}, direction);
                return true;
        } else {
            next_tile := map[position.y + direction.y][position.x + direction.x];
            if next_tile == .EMPTY || is_box(next_tile) && push_box(map, .{
                position.x + direction.x,
                position.y + direction.y
            }, direction, should_push) {
                if should_push {
                    move_box(map, position, direction);
                return true;
        return false;
    // Performs a series of instructions on a robot in a warehouse, then calculates
    // the sum of the GPS coordinates of the boxes in the warehouse after the robot
    // has finished moving.
    // We don't have to bother with bounds checking, because the warehouse is
    // surrounded on all sides with walls.
    get_gps_sum :: (
        map: [][..] Tile,
        robot: Vector2_Int,
        instructions: [] Vector2_Int
    ) -> int {
        // The map and robot parameters are immutable (since we don't want to modify
        // them outside this function), so since we need to be able to modify them
        // in this function, we thus need to make copies of them.
        mutable_map: [..][..] Tile;
        defer array_free_2d(mutable_map);
        for map {
            row: [..] Tile;
            array_copy(*row, it);
            array_add(*mutable_map, row);
        mutable_robot := Vector2_Int.{robot.x, robot.y};
        for instructions {
            new_position := Vector2_Int.{
                mutable_robot.x + it.x,
                mutable_robot.y + it.y
            new_tile := mutable_map[new_position.y][new_position.x];
            if new_tile == .EMPTY || is_box(new_tile) && push_box(
            ) {
                mutable_robot = new_position;
        gps_sum := 0;
        for row, y: mutable_map {
            for tile, x: row {
                if tile == .BOX || tile == .BOX_LEFT {
                    gps_sum += x + y * 100;
        return gps_sum;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_15.txt");
        groups := split(input, "\n\n");
        defer array_free(groups);
        map_lines := split(groups[0], "\n");
        defer array_free(map_lines);
        map: [..][..] Tile;
        defer array_free_2d(map);
        robot: Vector2_Int;
        for line, y: map_lines {
            row: [..] Tile;
            for char, x: line {
                if char == {
                    case #char "@"; robot = .{x, y}; #through;
                    case #char "."; array_add(*row, .EMPTY);
                    case #char "#"; array_add(*row, .WALL);
                    case #char "O"; array_add(*row, .BOX);
            array_add(*map, row);
        instructions: [..] Vector2_Int;
        defer array_free(instructions);
        for groups[1] {
            if it == {
                case #char "<"; array_add(*instructions, .{-1, 0});
                case #char ">"; array_add(*instructions, .{1, 0});
                case #char "^"; array_add(*instructions, .{0, -1});
                case #char "v"; array_add(*instructions, .{0, 1});
        print("Part 1: %\n", get_gps_sum(map, robot, instructions));
        wide_map: [..][..] Tile;
        defer array_free_2d(wide_map);
        for map {
            row: [..] Tile;
            for it {
                if it == .BOX {
                    array_add(*row, .BOX_LEFT);
                    array_add(*row, .BOX_RIGHT);
                } else {
                    array_add(*row, it);
                    array_add(*row, it);
            array_add(*wide_map, row);
        robot.x *= 2;
        print("Part 2: %\n", get_gps_sum(wide_map, robot, instructions));

    My original solution for part 1 did not use recursion, and, in my opinion, was much nicer than what I ended up with. I'll include it here; it's a replacement for the get_gps_sum() procedure.

    Part 1-only solution
    // Attempts to push a box in a given direction, along with all boxes in its way.
    // Returns whether the push was successful.
    get_gps_sum :: (
        map: [][..] Tile,
        width: int,
        height: int,
        robot: Vector2_Int,
        instructions: [] Vector2_Int
    ) -> int {
        // The map and robot parameters are not pointers (since we don't want to
        // modify them outside this function), so they are immutable. Since we need
        // to be able to modify them in this function, we thus need to make copies
        // of them.
        mutable_map: [..][..] Tile;
        defer array_free_2d(mutable_map);
        for map {
            row: [..] Tile;
            array_copy(*row, it);
            array_add(*mutable_map, row);
        mutable_robot := Vector2_Int.{robot.x, robot.y};
        for instructions {
            new_robot := Vector2_Int.{
                mutable_robot.x + it.x,
                mutable_robot.y + it.y
            new_tile := mutable_map[new_robot.y][new_robot.x];
            if new_tile == .EMPTY {
                mutable_robot = new_robot;
            } else if
                new_tile == .BOX || new_tile == .BOX_LEFT || new_tile == .BOX_RIGHT
                position := Vector2_Int.{new_robot.x + it.x, new_robot.y + it.y};
                while mutable_map[position.y][position.x] == .BOX {
                    position.x += it.x;
                    position.y += it.y;
                if mutable_map[position.y][position.x] == .EMPTY {
                    while true {
                        position.x -= it.x;
                        position.y -= it.y;
                            position.x == mutable_robot.x
                            && position.y == mutable_robot.y
                        mutable_map[position.y][position.x] = .EMPTY;
                        mutable_map[position.y + it.y][position.x + it.x] = .BOX;
                    mutable_robot = new_robot;
        gps_sum := 0;
        for row, y: mutable_map {
            for tile, x: row {
                if tile == .BOX || tile == .BOX_LEFT {
                    gps_sum += x + y * 100;
        return gps_sum;
    2 votes
  2. Hello
    There isn't anything particularly interesting to say about this one, since it was essentially just an exercise in translating the mechanics of the puzzle into code, and didn't require any clever...

    There isn't anything particularly interesting to say about this one, since it was essentially just an exercise in translating the mechanics of the puzzle into code, and didn't require any clever tricks or optimizations. It took me about 40 minutes of fiddling around to get the cascading pushing to work correctly in part 2.

    Part 1 (Python)
    with open('input/15.txt', 'r') as f:
        grid_text, moves = f.read().split("\n\n")
    grid = {}
    for y, row in enumerate(grid_text.split("\n")):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            location = x + y * 1j
            grid[location] = cell
            if cell == "@":
                roboot_location = location
    movemap = {
        ">": 1,
        "<": -1,
        "^": -1j,
        "v": 1j
    def perform_move(grid, roboot_location, move):
        new_location = roboot_location + movemap[move]
        boxes_to_push = []
        while grid[new_location] == "O":
            new_location = new_location + movemap[move]
        if grid[new_location] == "#":
            return roboot_location
        if grid[new_location] == ".":
            for box in boxes_to_push:
                grid[box] = "O"
            grid[roboot_location] = "."
            roboot_location = roboot_location + movemap[move]
            grid[roboot_location] = "@"
            return roboot_location
    def get_coord(position):
        return int(position.imag) * 100 + int(position.real)
    def print_grid(grid, grid_text):
        for y in range(grid_text.count("\n") + 1):
            for x in range(len(grid_text.split("\n")[0])):
                print(grid.get(x + y * 1j, " "), end="")
    for move in "".join(moves.split()):
        roboot_location = perform_move(grid, roboot_location, move)
    box_coord_sum = sum([get_coord(position) for position, cell in grid.items() if cell == "O"])
    print("Part 1:", box_coord_sum)
    Part 2 (Python)
    widened_grid_text = grid_text.replace("#","##").replace("O", "[]").replace(".", "..").replace("@", "@.")
    grid = {}
    for y, row in enumerate(widened_grid_text.split("\n")):
        for x, cell in enumerate(row):
            location = x + y * 1j
            grid[location] = cell
            if cell == "@":
                roboot_location = location
    def perform_move(grid, roboot_location, move):
        if grid[roboot_location + move] == "#":
            return roboot_location
        locations_to_push_from = [roboot_location]
        boxes_to_push = []
        while any([grid[location + move] in "[]" for location in locations_to_push_from]):
            if any([grid[location + move] == "#" for location in locations_to_push_from]):
                return roboot_location
            new_locations_to_push_from = []
            for location in locations_to_push_from:
                boxes = []
                if grid[location + move] == "[":
                    boxes = [location + move]
                    if move in [1j, -1j]:
                        boxes.append(location + move + 1)
                elif grid[location + move] == "]":
                    boxes = [location + move]
                    if move in [1j, -1j]:
                        boxes.append(location + move - 1)
            locations_to_push_from = new_locations_to_push_from
        if any([grid[box+move] == "#" for box in boxes_to_push]):
            return roboot_location
        new_symbols = {}
        for box in boxes_to_push:
            symbol = grid[box]
            new_symbols[box + move] = symbol
        for box in boxes_to_push:
            grid[box] = "."
        for box, symbol in new_symbols.items():
            grid[box] = symbol
        grid[roboot_location] = "."
        roboot_location = roboot_location + move
        grid[roboot_location] = "@"
        return roboot_location
    for move in "".join(moves.split()):
        roboot_location = perform_move(grid, roboot_location, movemap[move])
    box_coord_sum = sum([get_coord(position) for position, cell in grid.items() if cell == "["])
    print("Part 2:", box_coord_sum)
    1 vote
  3. DataWraith
    (edited )
    Gonna agree with @Hello that this wasn't particularly interesting from a how-do-i-do-this perspective, but I felt like it was a nice programming exercise -- after all Advent of Code is supposed to...

    Gonna agree with @Hello that this wasn't particularly interesting from a how-do-i-do-this perspective, but I felt like it was a nice programming exercise -- after all Advent of Code is supposed to make you a better programmer.

    That said, it also took me about 40 minutes to fiddle with part 2, and my code ended up kind of ugly and, as usual, verbose. I'm always amazed what you guys can accomplish with code that is so much shorter and, often, simpler.

    Edit: After a refactoring pass, it's not quite as bad anymore.

    Part 2 (Rust)
    pub fn part2(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let mut warehouse = Grid2D::new(input.warehouse.width() * 2, input.warehouse.height(), '.');
        // Double the warehouse width
        input.warehouse.iter().for_each(|(coord, c)| {
            let x = coord.x * 2;
            let y = coord.y;
            if *c == 'O' {
                warehouse.set((x, y).into(), '[');
                warehouse.set((x + 1, y).into(), ']');
            } else if *c == '@' {
                warehouse.set((x, y).into(), '@');
                warehouse.set((x + 1, y).into(), '.');
            } else {
                warehouse.set((x, y).into(), *c);
                warehouse.set((x + 1, y).into(), *c);
        let result = run_robot(&PuzzleInput {
            robot_moves: input.robot_moves.clone(),
        println!("{}", result);
        // GPS coordinates
        let mut sum = 0;
        for (coord, c) in result.iter() {
            if c == &'[' {
                sum += 100 * coord.y + coord.x;
    pub fn can_push_box(grid: &mut Grid2D<char>, box_pos: Coordinate, dir: Direction) -> bool {
        if grid[box_pos] == '.' {
            return true;
        if grid[box_pos] == '#' {
            return false;
        match dir {
            Direction::Left | Direction::Right => {
                let next = box_pos + dir.into();
                return can_push_box(grid, next, dir);
            Direction::Up | Direction::Down => {
                let next_pos1 = box_pos + dir.into();
                let next_pos2 = box_pos
                    + dir.into()
                    + if grid[box_pos] == '[' {
                    } else {
                return can_push_box(grid, next_pos1, dir) && can_push_box(grid, next_pos2, dir);
            _ => false,
    pub fn push_box(grid: &mut Grid2D<char>, box_pos: Coordinate, dir: Direction) {
        if grid[box_pos] == '.' {
        if grid[box_pos] == '#' {
        if dir == Direction::Left || dir == Direction::Right {
            let mut cur = box_pos;
            let mut next;
            loop {
                next = cur + dir.into();
                if grid[next] == '.' {
                cur = next;
            while next != box_pos {
                grid.set(next, grid[cur]);
                grid.set(cur, '.');
                next = cur;
                cur = cur.neighbor(dir.opposite());
        } else {
            let second_half_dir = if grid[box_pos] == '[' {
            } else {
            let opposite_bracket = if grid[box_pos] == '[' { ']' } else { '[' };
            // Recursively push the boxes
            push_box(grid, box_pos + dir.into(), dir);
            push_box(grid, box_pos + dir.into() + second_half_dir.into(), dir);
            // Move the box itself
            grid.set(box_pos + dir.into(), grid[box_pos]);
                box_pos + dir.into() + second_half_dir.into(),
            grid.set(box_pos, '.');
            grid.set(box_pos + second_half_dir.into(), '.');
    pub fn run_robot(input: &PuzzleInput) -> Grid2D<char> {
        let mut grid = input.warehouse.clone();
        let mut robot_pos = grid.iter().find(|(_, c)| **c == '@').unwrap().0;
        for robot_move in input.robot_moves.iter() {
            let dir: Direction = (*robot_move).try_into().unwrap();
            if can_push_box(&mut grid, robot_pos + dir.into(), dir) {
                push_box(&mut grid, robot_pos + dir.into(), dir);
                grid.set(robot_pos, '.');
                grid.set(robot_pos + dir.into(), '@');
                robot_pos = robot_pos + dir.into();
    1 vote
  4. scarecrw
    Definitely my longest day as far as LOC, but that's mostly because there's lots of repeated code for the slightly different cases. Paired with the way Pharo outputs to text files it's nearing 200...

    Definitely my longest day as far as LOC, but that's mostly because there's lots of repeated code for the slightly different cases. Paired with the way Pharo outputs to text files it's nearing 200 lines...

    Other than getting tripped up again with input parsing (I've updated my tools to avoid it going forward), this was a pretty smooth day.

    Pharo Smalltalk Solution

    1 vote