DataWraith's recent activity

  1. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    It does save a lot of time. Finding and reading the API documentation for Arxiv alone would have taken me at least 10-20 minutes, and Claude just did it within seconds, XML parsing and all (though...

    It does save a lot of time. Finding and reading the API documentation for Arxiv alone would have taken me at least 10-20 minutes, and Claude just did it within seconds, XML parsing and all (though I suppose I could have found a snippet on StackOverflow instead). The code is also nicely documented and commented, even though I did not ask for that specifically.

    I thought using the LLM to extract the paper title would be the most error-prone part of the whole thing, but it turns out that it was pdftotext. PDF is a famously complicated file format, and some of the documents don't actually contain text but have scanned page-images instead (I suppose I could slot in OcrMyPDF for those), but others fail for mysterious reasons and pdftotext outputs a jumbled mess of random characters. There were four or five of those in the batch of 200 papers that had accumulated in my Downloads folder.

    2 votes
  2. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I accomplished a small, but fairly satisfying project: semi-automatically renaming downloaded scientific papers with unhelpful filenames into The Actual Title of the Paper.pdf. In order to do...

    I accomplished a small, but fairly satisfying project: semi-automatically renaming downloaded scientific papers with unhelpful filenames into The Actual Title of the Paper.pdf.

    In order to do that, I've written a specification of how I want to rename the files in English, and then Claude Sonnet 3.5 did most of the work. It is still mind-boggling to me that the LLMs can take a specification in English and turn it into a working Python script faster (and, arguably, better) than I could have done it myself in the same amount of time it took me to write the spec. I used to think LLMs just weren't capable enough to do that kind of thing, but I guess it pays to just try and see if maybe they are.

    The file renaming itself works as follows:

    If the filename starts with a valid ID, hit the Arxiv API and get the paper title that way.

    Otherwise, pdftotext is used to extract the first page of the PDF, which usually contains the title of the paper. This step can fail to return readable text, so I have a manual confirmation here before proceeding.

    The paper's title is non-trivial to extract from the exported text though, because (a) it's not always right at the top and (b) it can be slightly corrupted (linebreaks, L E T T E R S P A C I N G, etc.).

    To get around that problem, I just add more AI (of course): the script pipes the extracted text into Simon Willison's llm tool, which makes a call to gpt-4o-mini to extract the title of the paper.

    So far I've renamed over 200 PDFs that way, and GPT extracted every single paper title flawlessly, as long as pdftotext worked. The API cost for this was about 1 cent per 100 processed documents.

    5 votes
  3. Comment on Game and programming exercise based on The Prisoner's Dilemma (need Beta Testers) in ~games

    (edited )
    I've cobbled together a strategy in Rust, and I thought I'd provide some feedback. Most of these are me-problems, but I thought I'd share my thoughts. The Mario messages are silly. It's probably...

    I've cobbled together a strategy in Rust, and I thought I'd provide some feedback. Most of these are me-problems, but I thought I'd share my thoughts.

    • The Mario messages are silly. It's probably for fun, but String matching also feels very error-prone (capitalization, accidentally using a different kind of apostrophe). Maybe use single-letter messages next time? Or at least make the messages have a distinct first character, so that one can match on that.
    • The requirement for JSON strings is similarly onerous. Why not accept bare Cooperate (or even just C) on the server-side without having them be wrapped in quotation marks? Abbreviating Cooperate to C would also make it much harder to misspell the word.
    • I tested my strategy using curl POST requests, and it seems to work fine, but the server says that it does not receive a response from the strategy for the game-start message. I added some more logging to try and catch what is going on, but it would be nice if there was a "test this strategy" button that plays a 5-turn game with the strategy when it is clicked. Maybe gated behind the strategy's secret key.
    • The documentation says in multiple places that the secret key is provided to you on registration, but I could enter my own secret key when registering?
    • Removing badly-performing strategies might apply some evolutionary pressure, but I think it'd be nice to actually be able to play as long as you're willing to host the strategy. People are going to drop out of the rotation naturally over time anyway.
    • The documentation says games happen every 4h, but actual frequency appears to be 1h.

    Edit: Figured out why it wasn't working using my logs. Apparently the opponent_id is sent as an integer instead of the String suggested in the documentation (the opponent_id value is enclosed in quotation marks in the example).

  4. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I would have liked to try that, but I don't think it is feasible when using a single computer only. Multi-agent reinforcement learning is supposedly even more difficult to get working than normal...

    I would have liked to try that, but I don't think it is feasible when using a single computer only. Multi-agent reinforcement learning is supposedly even more difficult to get working than normal reinforcement learning, and I don't think I have enough compute to train a good policy anyway.
    Running neural networks in Rust is also a big pain -- I've looked into using decision trees instead, but didn't get any useful results.

    I have a few more ideas how to improve the win-rate, but getting the bot into a state that is ready for submission to the ladder will likely take two or three more weeks.

  5. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    I've been working on a bot for the StarCraft II Micro-Arena on Since I'll likely never get a proper bot for the whole game done, I figured I'd try the micro league for now, though now...

    I've been working on a bot for the StarCraft II Micro-Arena on

    Since I'll likely never get a proper bot for the whole game done, I figured I'd try the micro league for now, though now that I've been working on it a couple of weeks, I have my doubts about my ability to even write something that works well on this small scale...

    The MicroArena starts you off with a handful of units and the objective to destroy the enemy's pylon on the other side of the (small) map.
    I'm currently developing my bot by pitting it against the simplest possible strategy, one that just attack-moves towards my pylon.

    Unfortunately I just can't seem to get a win-rate higher than 62% even against this simple opponent. And 62% is a pretty bad winrate, since the attack-move bot will basically lose automatically if it spawns on the left side of the map. In that case, the built-in pathfinding will, probably due to an asymmetry in the map, go through the ravine in the center of the map where it can be shot at with impunity. So factoring out the guaranteed wins, that's an abysmal effective winrate of 24%.

    Some of it comes down to randomness due to the way the units pathfind and bump into each other. Much of it is due to bad decision making though. I often see behavior that is objectively bad, but I can't really think of a way to teach the bot not to do that. Or if I find a way to teach it not to do that, something else breaks in a neverending cycle.

    The bot itself is made up of a few components:

    • I'm using a Timer lawn to schedule the decisions of my bot (e.g. a unit may be busy with attacking and can't take orders right now, so we check it again in 5 frames), though that would be much more useful in a bot for the full game.
    • The bot uses its own pathfinding algorithm based on a fast variant of Dijkstra's algorithm that does not need to keep a priority queue. It basically works exactly like the timer lawn in that it keeps multiple FIFO queues and dequeues the next item by checking all of them for the highest priority item. It builds a map of distances to the opponent's pylon and uses that whenever it is not in combat to advance towards the objective.
    • The pathfinding algorithm uses Otsu's Thresholding method to partition the map into high ground and low ground, since high ground is advantageous to stand on when the enemy doesn't. StarCraft terrain can range from height 0 to 255, so histogram thresholding works perfectly here, though there's probably a simpler way to do this. High ground gets a cost bonus, so the pathfinder will automatically avoid going through the ravine, even when starting from the left.
    • The combat behavior uses a forward simulation of who is firing at what and tries to avoid overkill. I've been tweaking the heuristics endlessly, but I can't seem to break the 62% winrate barrier. I'd love to use something like linear programming to improve this, but I'm worried about the runtime -- despite being written in Rust, the bot is taking 5ms per frame already as it is, which is kind of slow.
    7 votes
  6. Comment on Backdoor in upstream libxz targeting sshd in ~comp

    Link Parent
    There's the lzip format, which is is supposed to be that. Focused on simplicity and security, lzip is supposed to be a drop-in replacement for gzip with better compression ratio (via the LZMA...

    There's the lzip format, which is is supposed to be that. Focused on simplicity and security, lzip is supposed to be a drop-in replacement for gzip with better compression ratio (via the LZMA algorithm) and a more modern file format. It was introduced because of weaknesses in the .xz-format, but from what I can tell, it is not very popular; most users either seem to continue to use .xz or have switched to zstd.

    13 votes
  7. Comment on Signal messenger releases 'usernames' so you no longer need to tell someone your phone number in order for them to message you in ~tech

    Link Parent
    I was debating whether or not to post this in the thread, but I guess I may as well, the post can always be ignored if it isn't helpful. The messenger uses neither usernames nor phone...

    I refuse to believe that it isn't possible to make a secure messaging system that doesn't require a phone or phone number.

    I was debating whether or not to post this in the thread, but I guess I may as well, the post can always be ignored if it isn't helpful.

    The messenger uses neither usernames nor phone numbers nor any persistent (human-readable) identifiers. That's the upside. The price you pay is that it isn't as convenient to use, because you need to invite every person you want to chat with with a QR-Code or Hyperlink. It also seems to mostly be a one-man show instead of having the backing of a corporation, so the bus factor is quite low.

    I quite like how they actually deliver the encrypted messages: You send it to one or more random public relay servers, and only the recipient knows which one(s) to query and can then decrypt the message, but because it is somewhat difficult to use, nobody I know was willing to give it a try...

    1 vote
  8. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    Ah, okay. Then you've probably tried Naive Bayes filters already, and those have somewhat comparable accuracy. I mostly mentioned the algorithm because it is so easy to implement, and it deals...

    Ah, okay. Then you've probably tried Naive Bayes filters already, and those have somewhat comparable accuracy.

    I mostly mentioned the algorithm because it is so easy to implement, and it deals with context better than the usual implementation of Naive Bayes filters because it uses short phrases instead of single words for classification.

    There does not appear to be a well-maintained, ready-to-use implementation of it however, so the point is moot.

    2 votes
  9. Comment on What programming/technical projects have you been working on? in ~comp

    Link Parent
    I wonder whether a more effective filter than regular expressions would help here. To be honest, I've only used this on toy projects, but a Winnow classifier with Orthogonal Sparse Bigrams as...

    When you have a high positive rate people ignore the channel more often than not, making it a dead tool. Additionally, the amount of false positives with a simple word filter will already be several factors higher anyway, as you can only input those words where you are absolutely sure some shit has hit the fan.

    I wonder whether a more effective filter than regular expressions would help here.

    To be honest, I've only used this on toy projects, but a Winnow classifier with Orthogonal Sparse Bigrams as features was both very simple to implement and fairly accurate; this paper (PDF) describes the approach in the context of email spam.

    The basic idea is to track small word groups and adjust their weights upwards or downwards whenever the classifier is wrong about a message. That way, you might be able to train a cheaper alternative to GPT-4 using GPT-4 feedback over time.

    2 votes
  10. Comment on Are any of you AI gurus? in ~comp

    The project sounds interesting, so I'll chime in with what I think may be helpful, though I lack direct experience with some of these. Take it as a springboard for further research. Analyzing...
    • Exemplary

    The project sounds interesting, so I'll chime in with what I think may be helpful, though I lack direct experience with some of these. Take it as a springboard for further research.

    Analyzing faces in Videos

    Finding (frontal) faces in still images and hence videos is relatively simple using Haar Cascades (also known as Viola-Jones method).

    Knowing whether an image or video frame contains a face, and how many, may already be valuable on its own. You can use the detected positions to crop the image and then use something more sophisticated (e.g. a neural network) to actually find out who it is.

    If you have reference images, you might be able to leverage research (or already available open source projects) that do Face verification to check if the person on screen matches a reference, though I haven't done anything in this space yet.

    General Object-Detection

    There are a bunch of available object-detection methods (YOLO, RCNN), but I don't know too much about the recent developments here. These tend to be able to identify a lot of different object classes (cars, boats, trees, etc.).

    Audio Transcription

    You'll probably want to extract what is said in the videos -- I was very impressed with OpenAI's Whisper speech recognition. There is an open source project, Whisper.cpp that you can also use to run the models.

    In my testing I've had slight problems with hallucinations on the smaller models, but for the most part, it has been fairly reliable. You can output timestamps and the recognized text; it should certainly be good enough for a search engine or the like.


    I'm aware of many older attempts at doing video OCR. They generally try to use adaptive binarization to separate foreground text from background and then run a stock OCR engine like Tesseract. However, I'm sure there are also newer deep learning-based methods for this.


    One interesting thing that has appeared lately is LLaVA, which is a language model you can interrogate about the contents of a specific image; the results range from mildly infuriating to very impressive -- it can do a lot of OCR by itself and recognizes some celebrities, for example.

    There is an extension that applies it to video, but I have not looked into that yet.

    Labeling Functions

    This may not be useful, so I'm listing it last. However, given the scale of your project, it may be handy to let the computer combine 'weak' labeling signals into a stronger classifier. You could then classify the different scenes with greater ease (e.g. indoor vs. outdoor).

    I've worked with Snorkel on toy-projects, but I don't see a reason why it wouldn't work for something like your project.

    The idea behind Snorkel is that you combine many weak and possibly conflicting signals into a strong one. For example, you could combine a simple detector that checks if the audio transcript contains a word with estimates from a YOLO object detector and/or with the scene description from something like LLaVA or even the opinions of different people who may manually label a subset of the data.

    9 votes
  11. Comment on Syncthing on a VPS questions in ~comp

    I usually just forward the web-interface port through SSH. Then I can just access Syncthing's web-interface and configure it that way. ssh -L 8080:localhost:8384 username@server (Note that this...
    • Exemplary

    I've been just editing the config.xml file and restarting it. It feels clunky editing it in nano especially when I have to delete a folder or remove a device.

    I usually just forward the web-interface port through SSH. Then I can just access Syncthing's web-interface and configure it that way.

    ssh -L 8080:localhost:8384 username@server

    (Note that this will also start a normal SSH session, so you will see the shell prompt of the remote server in your terminal).

    With this command, SSH forwards the local port 8080 to the remote port 8384, where the web-interface should be listening by default. You can then access the remote web-interface from http://localhost:8080/.

    From what I understand, the web-interface only listens on, so having the web-interface enabled is not a security problem because nobody can access it if they aren't using an SSH tunnel or work on the machine itself. You can also set a password for the web-interface if that is not good enough.

    13 votes
  12. Comment on Google's Say What You See - Come up with a prompt to match an already generated image in ~comp

    Link Parent
    This was called the ESP game, in case anyone is curious.

    This was called the ESP game, in case anyone is curious.

    3 votes
  13. Comment on Day 20: Pulse Propagation in ~comp.advent_of_code

    Link Parent
    Thank you for your kind words. I've slept on it for a night now, and realize that I probably was too harsh on myself with the "no spoilers" rule I had apparently made up for myself. After all,...

    Thank you for your kind words. I've slept on it for a night now, and realize that I probably was too harsh on myself with the "no spoilers" rule I had apparently made up for myself. After all, even the "wrong answer"-page links to the subreddit, so I guess looking for hints is legitimate.

    I also hadn't thought I could just continue with a star missing (thanks, @wycy), hence my huge disappointment. I knew the next day's puzzle automatically unlocks, but somehow I didn't think of just skipping this part 2. I legitimately thought I was out for the year. And while the puzzles can be frustrating, I genuinely enjoy working on them, even if it takes hours where other people spend minutes.

    3 votes
  14. Comment on Day 20: Pulse Propagation in ~comp.advent_of_code

    Well, today is where I jump ship. Part 1 was a lot of fun, and I was done quickly, but part 2 was too hard for me to solve within five hours. :( I guess I could look up the solution, but I think...

    Well, today is where I jump ship. Part 1 was a lot of fun, and I was done quickly, but part 2 was too hard for me to solve within five hours. :(

    I guess I could look up the solution, but I think that defeats the purpose, so I'll just give up here.


    Part 1 was fun, but I have no idea how to solve part 2. Made a visualization of my graph, which shows several nasty cycles, and noticed that every second button press seems to repeat the same sequence for my input, but none of my attempts to suss out any regularity besides that came to fruition. Tried to see if there are any cycles for sub-graphs, but that didn't work, and I made all kinds of crazy guesses -- up to and including importing a SAT solver library to try and work backwards from the output before taking a step back and realizing that that can't possibly be required....

    Part 1 (Rust)
    pub fn part1(input: PuzzleInput) -> isize {
        let mut sim = CircuitSim::new(input);
        let mut low_pulses = 0;
        let mut high_pulses = 0;
        for i in 0..1000 {
            while sim.tick() {
                // Nothing to do here
            let pulses = sim
                .map(|(_, pulse, _)| pulse)
            low_pulses += pulses.iter().filter(|&pulse| **pulse == Pulse::Low).count();
            high_pulses += pulses
                .filter(|&pulse| **pulse == Pulse::High)
        (low_pulses * high_pulses) as isize
    #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
    pub struct CircuitSim {
        pub modules: HashMap<String, Module>,
        pub queue: VecDeque<(String, Pulse, String)>,
        pub pulse_sequence: Vec<(String, Pulse, String)>,
        pub button_presses: usize,
        pub fn tick(&mut self) -> bool {
            if self.queue.is_empty() {
                return false;
            let (from, pulse, name) = self.queue.pop_front().unwrap();
                .push((from.clone(), pulse.clone(), name.clone()));
            if let Some(module) = self.modules.get_mut(&name) {
                for output in &module.outputs {
                    match module.state {
                        ModuleState::Broadcaster => {
                        ModuleState::FlipFlop { ref mut on } => {
                            if pulse == Pulse::Low {
                                if *on {
                                        .push_back((name.clone(), Pulse::Low, output.clone()));
                                } else {
                                        .push_back((name.clone(), Pulse::High, output.clone()));
                        ModuleState::Conjunction {
                            memory: ref mut cur_memory,
                        } => {
                            cur_memory.insert(from.clone(), pulse.clone());
                            let pulse = if cur_memory.values().all(|pulse| pulse == &Pulse::High) {
                            } else {
                            self.queue.push_back((name.clone(), pulse, output.clone()));
                match module.state {
                    ModuleState::Broadcaster => {}
                    ModuleState::FlipFlop { ref mut on } => {
                        if pulse == Pulse::Low {
                            *on = !*on;
                    ModuleState::Conjunction { memory: ref mut m } => {}
    1 vote
  15. Comment on Day 19: Aplenty in ~comp.advent_of_code

    After yesterday's frustrating math homework, today's part 1 was great fun. Unfortunately I then proceeded to waste hours on a simple bug in part 2 that I could just not find. I hate it when that...

    After yesterday's frustrating math homework, today's part 1 was great fun. Unfortunately I then proceeded to waste hours on a simple bug in part 2 that I could just not find. I hate it when that happens; you waste hours debugging everything, except the small piece of code where the bug actually is... that greatly diminished the fun.

    Seems to be a theme for me this year: Figure out the correct algorithm quickly, then completely bungle its implementation.

    pub fn part2(input: PuzzleInput) -> isize {
        let mut flows = HashMap::default();
        let mut accepted = Vec::new();
        let workflows = Rc::new(input.workflows);
        let flow = Flow {
            part: PartRange {
                x: 1..4001,
                m: 1..4001,
                a: 1..4001,
                s: 1..4001,
            current_workflow: "in".to_string(),
            current_index: 0,
            workflows: workflows.clone(),
            accepted: 4000 * 4000 * 4000 * 4000,
        flows.insert(flow, 1);
        loop {
            let mut new_flows = utility_belt::misc::state_iteration(&flows, transition, ());
            for (flow, count) in new_flows.iter_mut() {
                if flow.current_workflow == "A" {
            new_flows.retain(|f, _| f.current_workflow != "A" && f.current_workflow != "R");
            if new_flows.is_empty() {
            flows = new_flows;
        accepted.iter().map(|x| x.accepted).sum::<usize>() as isize
    #[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct PartRange {
        pub x: Range<usize>,
        pub m: Range<usize>,
        pub a: Range<usize>,
        pub s: Range<usize>,
    #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
    pub struct Flow {
        pub part: PartRange,
        pub current_workflow: String,
        pub current_index: usize,
        pub workflows: Rc<BTreeMap<String, Workflow>>,
        pub accepted: usize,
    impl Hash for Flow {
        fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
    impl PartialEq for Flow {
        fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
            self.part == other.part
                && self.current_workflow == other.current_workflow
                && self.current_index == other.current_index
    impl Eq for Flow {}
    fn transition(from: &Flow, input: &()) -> Vec<Flow> {
        let mut result = Vec::default();
        let workflow = from.workflows.get(&from.current_workflow).unwrap();
        let rule = workflow.rules.get(from.current_index);
        if rule.is_none() {
            let mut new_flow = from.clone();
            new_flow.current_workflow = workflow.default.clone();
            new_flow.current_index = 0;
            return result;
        let rule = rule.unwrap();
        let ((lower_next, lower_next_index), (upper_next, upper_next_index)) = match rule.comparison {
            Comparison::LessThan => (
                (, 0),
                (from.current_workflow.clone(), from.current_index + 1),
            Comparison::GreaterThan => (
                (from.current_workflow.clone(), from.current_index + 1),
                (, 0),
        match rule.category {
            Category::X => {
                let full_count = from.part.x.end - from.part.x.start;
                let (lower_range, upper_range) = match rule.comparison {
                    Comparison::LessThan => {
                        (from.part.x.start..rule.value, rule.value..from.part.x.end)
                    Comparison::GreaterThan => (
                        from.part.x.start..(rule.value + 1),
                        (rule.value + 1)..from.part.x.end,
                if !lower_range.is_empty() {
                    let lower_count = lower_range.end - lower_range.start;
                    result.push(Flow {
                        part: PartRange {
                            x: lower_range,
                            m: from.part.m.clone(),
                            a: from.part.a.clone(),
                            s: from.part.s.clone(),
                        current_workflow: lower_next,
                        current_index: lower_next_index,
                        accepted: from.accepted * lower_count / full_count,
                if !upper_range.is_empty() {
                    let upper_count = upper_range.end - upper_range.start;
                    result.push(Flow {
                        part: PartRange {
                            x: upper_range,
                            m: from.part.m.clone(),
                            a: from.part.a.clone(),
                            s: from.part.s.clone(),
                        current_workflow: upper_next,
                        current_index: upper_next_index,
                        accepted: from.accepted * upper_count / full_count,
            Category::M => {
            Category::A => {
            Category::S => {

    The only slightly notable thing about this is that I abstracted the "Iterate a state transition function" into a re-usable library function after day 12. I didn't think I'd need it so soon again.

    2 votes
  16. Comment on Day 17: Clumsy Crucible in ~comp.advent_of_code

    (edited )
    A pathfinding puzzle! My wish from yesterday was granted! :D Algorithm This is a very straightforward application of pathfinding (Dijkstra, A*, etc.), but the state transition function was a...

    A pathfinding puzzle! My wish from yesterday was granted! :D


    This is a very straightforward application of pathfinding (Dijkstra, A*, etc.), but the state transition function was a little more complicated than usual for grid pathfinding.

    I wanted to experiment with a search algorithm called Anytime Focal Search (PDF), which doesn't really improve over plain A* a lot here, but there was no way of knowing that without trying it. (Edit: I just realized that the version of AFS I implemented is exactly equivalent to A* here, because I don't have a more sophisticated heuristic than the manhattan distance).

    Anytime Focal Search is good when there are many paths of similar cost, or when you need an answer quickly, even if it is sub-optimal. Giving the algorithm more time to run then successively improves the path found, until it is optimal.

    I'm also using a RadixHeap, a monotone priority queue useful for pathfinding problems, because that's slightly faster than the BinaryHeap that comes with the standard library.

    use std::rc::Rc;
    use std::{cmp::Reverse, hash::Hash};
    use ahash::HashSet;
    use glam::IVec2;
    use radix_heap::RadixHeapMap;
    use crate::{
        parser::{Grid2D, HeatLoss, PuzzleInput},
    // Search state
    #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
    pub struct State {
        grid: Rc<Grid2D<HeatLoss>>, // Grid2D is a wrapper around ndarray::Array2
        coordinate: IVec2,
        direction: Option<Direction>,
        minimum_straight_moves_remaining: u8,
        maximum_straight_moves_remaining: u8,
    impl PartialEq for State {
        fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
            self.coordinate == other.coordinate
                && self.direction == other.direction
                && self.minimum_straight_moves_remaining == other.minimum_straight_moves_remaining
                && self.maximum_straight_moves_remaining == other.maximum_straight_moves_remaining
    impl Eq for State {}
    impl Hash for State {
        fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
    // States reachable from `s` and the cost of moving there from s (the heat loss incurred) 
    fn successors(s: &State) -> Vec<(State, usize)> {
        let mut result: Vec<(State, usize)> = Vec::new();
        let mut add_successor = |direction: Direction| {
            let mut new_state = s.clone();
            let going_straight = s.direction == Some(direction) || s.direction.is_none();
            if going_straight && s.maximum_straight_moves_remaining == 0 {
            if !going_straight && s.minimum_straight_moves_remaining > 0 {
            new_state.direction = Some(direction);
            match new_state.direction {
                Some(Direction::North) => new_state.coordinate.y -= 1,
                Some(Direction::South) => new_state.coordinate.y += 1,
                Some(Direction::West) => new_state.coordinate.x -= 1,
                Some(Direction::East) => new_state.coordinate.x += 1,
                None => unreachable!("Direction should never be None"),
            if going_straight {
                new_state.maximum_straight_moves_remaining -= 1;
                new_state.minimum_straight_moves_remaining =
            } else {
                new_state.maximum_straight_moves_remaining = 10 - 1;
                new_state.minimum_straight_moves_remaining = 4 - 1;
            if new_state.coordinate.x >= 0
                && new_state.coordinate.x < s.grid.width
                && new_state.coordinate.y >= 0
                && new_state.coordinate.y < s.grid.height
                let x = new_state.coordinate.x;
                let y = new_state.coordinate.y;
          [y as usize, x as usize]).unwrap().0 as usize,
        if s.direction.is_none() {
        } else {
    // Are we at the goal?
    fn success(s: &State) -> bool {
        s.coordinate.x == s.grid.width - 1
            && s.coordinate.y == s.grid.height - 1
            && s.minimum_straight_moves_remaining == 0
    // Manhattan distance heuristic. I'm sure this could probably be improved, since
    // we have to turn around if we're facing the wrong direction.
    fn heuristic(s: &State) -> usize {
        (s.coordinate.x.abs_diff(s.grid.width - 1) + s.coordinate.y.abs_diff(s.grid.height - 1))
            as usize
    // Pathfinding algorithm, similar to A*
    pub fn anytime_focal_search<FN, IN, FS>(
        start: &State,
        mut successors: FN,
        mut success: FS,
    ) -> Option<usize>
        FN: FnMut(&State) -> IN,
        IN: IntoIterator<Item = (State, usize)>,
        FS: FnMut(&State) -> bool,
        let mut focal = RadixHeapMap::new();
        let mut seen = HashSet::default();
        let mut cur_bound = usize::MAX;
        let mut cur_sol = None;
        focal.push(Reverse(0), (0, start.clone()));
        loop {
            cur_bound -= 1;
            let mut cost = usize::MAX;
            while !focal.is_empty() {
                let (f, (g, n)) = focal.pop().unwrap();
                if f.0 > cur_bound {
                if success(&n) {
                    cost = g;
                for (s, c) in successors(&n).into_iter() {
                    let f = g + c + heuristic(&s);
                    if f <= cur_bound && seen.insert(s.clone()) {
                        focal.push(Reverse(f), (g + c, s));
            if cost == usize::MAX {
                return cur_sol;
            cur_sol = Some(cost);
            cur_bound = cost;
    // Just initialize the first state and call AFS
    pub fn part2(input: PuzzleInput) -> isize {
        let initial_state = State {
            grid: Rc::new(input.grid),
            coordinate: IVec2::new(0, 0),
            maximum_straight_moves_remaining: 10,
            minimum_straight_moves_remaining: 4,
            direction: None,
        anytime_focal_search(&initial_state, successors, success).unwrap() as isize

    My solution was really slow at first, because I forgot to filter out duplicate states, but now it is reasonably fast:

    day_17_bench  fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ parse      28.09 µs      │ 62.11 µs      │ 28.24 µs      │ 28.78 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ├─ part1      37.71 ms      │ 63.05 ms      │ 44.29 ms      │ 45.14 ms      │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2      124.9 ms      │ 142.1 ms      │ 125.5 ms      │ 125.9 ms      │ 100     │ 100  
    2 votes
  17. Comment on Day 14: Reflector Dish in ~comp.advent_of_code

    I think I came up with an interesting way to solve this. My first attempt at implementing the idea didn't work, so I gave up and solved it the way everybody else did. Today I had a bit of time to...

    I think I came up with an interesting way to solve this.

    My first attempt at implementing the idea didn't work, so I gave up and solved it the way everybody else did. Today I had a bit of time to revisit this puzzle, and I managed to make my initial idea work.


    If you think about the problem of applying all the iterations as a walk through a graph with cycles, the natural thing to reach for is a cycle-detection algorithm, such as Brent's. My idea is to instead apply a trick from the pathfinding literature: contractions.

    For example, given a path from A to E, A -> B -> C -> D -> E, we can start by moving from A to B, and then from B to C. Now that we know where the path leads, we can add a shortcut from A to C, skipping B.

    Short-cuts are themselves subject to being short-cut: When we're at A again due to the cyclic nature of the problem, we move through the short-cut A--->C. If there is already a short-cut C--->E, we can combine the shortcuts to form a new shortcut A--->E.

    We also store the length of the path that the shortcut shortcuts in order to be able to track how far along the overall 'path' of applying the required number of iterations we are.

    If a shortcut overshoots the target, we clear all shortcuts and continue building new, shorter, shortcuts from the current position until we reach our target number of iterations.

    The path length covered by shortcuts increases quickly until we overshoot -- at that point we start again with a small step size (no shortcuts) and build up momentum (increasingly longer shortcuts) until we reach the goal or overshoot again.

    pub fn path_contraction<N, FN>(start: &N, mut successor: FN, iterations: usize) -> N
        N: Eq + Hash + Clone,
        FN: FnMut(&N) -> N,
        let mut shortcuts: HashMap<N, (N, usize)> = HashMap::default();
        let mut cur = start.clone();
        let mut cur_iter = 0;
        loop {
            if cur_iter == iterations {
                return cur;
            // Step 1
            let (next1, iters_step1) = if let Some((next1, length1)) = shortcuts.get(&cur) {
                (next1.clone(), *length1)
            } else {
                let next1 = successor(&cur);
                (next1, 1)
            // Step 2
            let (next2, iters_step2) = if let Some((next2, length2)) = shortcuts.get(&next1) {
                (next2.clone(), *length2)
            } else {
                let next2 = successor(&next1);
                (next2, 1)
            // Combine
            if cur_iter + iters_step1 + iters_step2 <= iterations {
                shortcuts.insert(cur, (next2.clone(), iters_step1 + iters_step2));
                cur = next2;
                cur_iter += iters_step1 + iters_step2;
            } else if cur_iter + iters_step1 <= iterations {
                shortcuts.insert(cur, (next1.clone(), iters_step1));
                cur = next1;
                cur_iter += iters_step1;
            } else {
                let next = successor(&cur);
                cur = next;
                cur_iter += 1;
    2 votes
  18. Comment on Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava in ~comp.advent_of_code

    (edited )
    That was a nice little puzzle. I guess we're in for a hard puzzle tomorrow, then. I'm really hoping we're going to get something related to combinatorial optimization, or at least pathfinding....

    That was a nice little puzzle. I guess we're in for a hard puzzle tomorrow, then. I'm really hoping we're going to get something related to combinatorial optimization, or at least pathfinding.


    This simply came down to following the beam. The only thing I overlooked at first was that I couldn't start with the beam already on the grid (as the instructions had implied) but had to start with the beam shining into the grid from the outside. My top-left corner in the puzzle input had a mirror, and because I had assumed that's where the beam starts, it was ignored. I feel like that must have been deliberate. Did anyone else have that?

    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub struct Coordinate {
        pub x: isize,
        pub y: isize,
    #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub struct PuzzleInput {
        pub grid: Array2<char>,
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
    pub enum Direction {
    impl Direction {
        pub fn turn_left(&self) -> Self {
            match self {
                Self::North => Self::West,
                Self::East => Self::North,
                Self::South => Self::East,
                Self::West => Self::South,
        pub fn turn_right(&self) -> Self {
            match self {
                Self::North => Self::East,
                Self::East => Self::South,
                Self::South => Self::West,
                Self::West => Self::North,
    impl Into<Coordinate> for Direction {
        fn into(self) -> Coordinate {
            match self {
                Self::North => Coordinate { x: 0, y: -1 },
                Self::East => Coordinate { x: 1, y: 0 },
                Self::South => Coordinate { x: 0, y: 1 },
                Self::West => Coordinate { x: -1, y: 0 },
    #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
    pub struct Beam {
        pub cur_pos: Coordinate,
        pub direction: Direction,
    fn traverse(input: &PuzzleInput, beam: Beam) -> ArrayVec<[Beam; 2]> {
        let next_coord = beam.cur_pos + beam.direction.into();
        let mut result: ArrayVec<[Beam; 2]> = ArrayVec::new();
        let idx: Result<[usize; 2], ()> = next_coord.try_into();
        if idx.is_err() {
            return result;
        let idx = idx.unwrap();
        match input.grid.get(idx) {
            None => return result,
            Some('.') => result.push(Beam {
                cur_pos: next_coord,
                direction: beam.direction,
            Some('/') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::North | Direction::South => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
                Direction::East | Direction::West => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
            Some('\\') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::North | Direction::South => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
                Direction::East | Direction::West => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
            Some('-') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::East | Direction::West => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction,
                Direction::North | Direction::South => {
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
            Some('|') => match beam.direction {
                Direction::North | Direction::South => result.push(Beam {
                    cur_pos: next_coord,
                    direction: beam.direction,
                Direction::East | Direction::West => {
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_left(),
                    result.push(Beam {
                        cur_pos: next_coord,
                        direction: beam.direction.turn_right(),
            _ => unreachable!("Invalid tile at {:?}", next_coord),
    pub fn energized_tiles(input: &PuzzleInput, start: Beam) -> HashSet<Coordinate> {
        let mut energized = HashSet::default();
        let mut q = VecDeque::new();
        while let Some(beam) = q.pop_front() {
            for next_beam in traverse(input, beam) {
                if next_beam.cur_pos.x < input.grid.ncols() as isize
                    && next_beam.cur_pos.y < input.grid.nrows() as isize
                    && next_beam.cur_pos.x >= 0
                    && next_beam.cur_pos.y >= 0
                    && energized.insert(next_beam)
            .map(|beam| beam.cur_pos)
            .collect::<HashSet<_>>() // NOTE: This includes the start coordinate
    day_16_bench  fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ parse      129 µs        │ 208.1 µs      │ 130.9 µs      │ 132.5 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ├─ part1      834.7 µs      │ 1.052 ms      │ 864.5 µs      │ 862.5 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2      194.6 ms      │ 270.5 ms      │ 199.8 ms      │ 208.9 ms      │ 100     │ 100
    1 vote
  19. Comment on Day 12: Hot Spring in ~comp.advent_of_code

    God, this one was hard. I didn't complete it within 24h. The algorithm I came up with was sound, but once again, I lost hours upon hours in implementation bugs. At one point I was exhausted enough...

    God, this one was hard. I didn't complete it within 24h. The algorithm I came up with was sound, but once again, I lost hours upon hours in implementation bugs. At one point I was exhausted enough to screw up my unit tests, which made further progress extremely difficult... but I'm proud that I finally got through it after two days, and without any spoilers, too.


    For part 1 I wrote a RegEx template that validated the strings, it looks like this: ^(\.|\?)*(\#|\?){4}(\.|\?)+(\#|\?){1}(\.|\?)+(\#|\?){1}(\.|\?)*$ for a row with 4,1,1 as the consecutive broken spring numbers. I knew this was highly sub-optimal, but I just threw that in a Breadth-First Search that successively replaced the question marks and it worked fairly quickly, because the RegEx pruned away the invalid states. Had I not spent quite a bit of time on a more elegant solution by that time (because I was fairly certain this was another one of those 'make the naive solution exponentially slower' part 2's), it would have been a quick win...

    Since the RegEx worked so well, I decided to try and use them for Part 2 as well. The idea was to generate a simple finite state automaton (a simplified version of what is used for regular expressions) for each row, that would accept if the row was 'proper' and then count the number of times we end up in the accept state, similar to Day 5. Yes, this is technically dynamic programming.

    #[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Copy)]
    enum State {
        ConsecutiveBroken((usize, usize)),
    impl std::fmt::Debug for State {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            match self {
                State::ColumnStart(col) => write!(f, "S({})", col),
                State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i)) => write!(f, "B({}, {})", col, i),
                State::Final => write!(f, "F"),
    pub struct Automaton {
        pub states: HashSet<State>,
    impl Automaton {
        pub fn new(consecutives: Vec<usize>) -> Self {
            let mut states = vec![];
            // Ignore this, I had originally interspersed usize::MAX between the spring counts as a sentinel value.
            let consecutives = consecutives
                .filter(|x| *x != usize::MAX)
            for (col, c) in consecutives.iter().enumerate() {
                for i in 0..*c {
                    states.push(State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i)));
            let mut s = HashSet::default();
            states.into_iter().for_each(|st| {
            Self { states: s }
        pub fn transitions(&self, state: State, input: char) -> Vec<State> {
            assert!(input == '.' || input == '#' || input == '?' || input == 'x');
            match (state, input) {
                (State::ColumnStart(col), '.') => vec![State::ColumnStart(col)],
                (State::ColumnStart(col), '?') => {
                    vec![State::ColumnStart(col), State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, 0))]
                (State::ColumnStart(col), '#') => {
                    vec![State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, 0))]
                (State::ColumnStart(col), 'x') => {
                    if !self.states.contains(&State::ColumnStart(col + 1))
                        && !self.states.contains(&State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, 0)))
                    } else {
                (State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i)), '#') => {
                    vec![State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i + 1))]
                (State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i)), '?') => {
                    let mut result = vec![];
                    result.push(State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i + 1)));
                    if !self
                        .contains(&State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i + 1)))
                        result.push(State::ColumnStart(col + 1));
                (State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i)), '.') => {
                    if !self
                        .contains(&State::ConsecutiveBroken((col, i + 1)))
                        vec![State::ColumnStart(col + 1)]
                    } else {
                _ => vec![],
            .filter(|x| self.states.contains(x))
    pub fn count_possible_arrangements(record: &str, consecutives: Vec<usize>) -> usize {
        let mut chars = record.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();
        let automaton = Automaton::new(consecutives);
        let mut states = HashMap::default();
        states.insert(State::ColumnStart(0), 1);
        let states = chars.iter().fold(states, |states, c| {
            let mut new_states = HashMap::default();
            for (state, count) in states {
                let transitions = automaton.transitions(state, *c);
                for new_state in transitions.into_iter() {
                        .and_modify(|x| *x += count)
    day_12_bench  fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ parse      151 µs        │ 302.2 µs      │ 201.7 µs      │ 191.6 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ├─ part1      5.726 ms      │ 6.205 ms      │ 5.79 ms       │ 5.812 ms      │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2      66.02 ms      │ 104.7 ms      │ 66.66 ms      │ 67.3 ms       │ 100     │ 1
    1 vote
  20. Comment on Day 11: Cosmic Expansion in ~comp.advent_of_code

    (edited )
    Hah! I predicted exactly what they were gonna do for Part 2. Algorithm The idea is to store the x/y distances as a Prefix sum. Each row/column on the map is assigned the distance light travels...

    Hah! I predicted exactly what they were gonna do for Part 2.


    The idea is to store the x/y distances as a Prefix sum. Each row/column on the map is assigned the distance light travels when crossing that row/column, and thanks to the prefix sum I can lookup quickly how far apart two x or two y coordinates are.

    And since the distance between two galaxies is the manhattan distance here (because we cannot move diagonally), knowing the distances along the x and y axes is enough to compute the distance between galaxies.

    pub struct PuzzleInput {
    impl PuzzleInput {
        pub fn shortest_path(&self, start: (usize, usize), goal: (usize, usize)) -> usize {
            let (x1, y1) = start;
            let (x2, y2) = goal;
            let dx = self.col_dist.query(x1, x2);
            let dy = self.row_dist.query(y1, y2);
            dx + dy
    pub struct PrefixSum {
        prefix_sums: Vec<usize>,
    impl PrefixSum {
        pub fn new(values: &[usize]) -> Self {
            let mut prefix_sums = Vec::with_capacity(values.len());
            for v in values {
                prefix_sums.push(prefix_sums.last().unwrap_or(&0) + v);
            Self { prefix_sums }
        pub fn query(&self, x1: usize, x2: usize) -> usize {
            let (x1, x2) = (x1.min(x2), x1.max(x2));
            let lower = if x1 == 0 { 0 } else { self.prefix_sums[x1 - 1] };
            let upper = if x2 == 0 { 0 } else { self.prefix_sums[x2 - 1] };
            upper - lower
    day_11_bench  fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ parse      63.6 µs       │ 204.3 µs      │ 66.98 µs      │ 69.25 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ├─ part1      303.6 µs      │ 478.3 µs      │ 310.9 µs      │ 317.7 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2      303.2 µs      │ 324.9 µs      │ 307.9 µs      │ 310.1 µs      │ 100     │ 100
    2 votes