4 votes

Day 21: Keypad Conundrum

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/21

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. lily
    Well, it took me a good while, but I finally got this working. Correctly generating the most efficient paths between buttons was one of the sticking points for me - the priorities of each...

    Well, it took me a good while, but I finally got this working. Correctly generating the most efficient paths between buttons was one of the sticking points for me - the priorities of each direction were difficult to wrap my head around. Part 2 wasn't too bad once I realized there was no feasible way to work with the strings directly, luckily. A good majority of my time was spent on part 1. I'm not especially happy with my final solution (I think it's quite messy and could have been structured much better), but I do not want to work on this puzzle any further.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 21: Keypad Conundrum
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "Hash";
    #import "Hash_Table";
    #import "Math";
    #import "String";
    Vector2_Int :: struct {
        x, y: int;
    State :: struct {
        code: string;
        depth: int;
    Button_Table :: Table(u8, Vector2_Int);
    Path_Table :: Table(
        [2] u8,
        [..] u8,
        given_compare_function = (a: [2] u8, b: [2] u8) -> bool {
            return a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1];
    Length_Table :: Table(
        (state: State) -> u32 {
            return inline sdbm_hash(xx *state, size_of(State));
        (a: State, b: State) -> bool {
            return a.code == b.code && a.depth == b.depth;
    operator == :: inline (a: Vector2_Int, b: Vector2_Int) -> bool {
        return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
    sign :: inline (n: int) -> int {
        if n < 0 return -1;
        if n > 0 return 1;
        return 0;
    get_path :: (
        start: Vector2_Int,
        end: Vector2_Int,
        gap: Vector2_Int
    ) -> [..] u8 {
        path: [..] u8;
        if start != end {
            char_x: u8 = xx (
                ifx sign(end.x - start.x) == -1 then #char "<" else #char ">"
            char_y: u8 = xx (
                ifx sign(end.y - start.y) == -1 then #char "^" else #char "v"
            // This is a little convoluted, but makes sure we're using the correct
            // direction priorities.
            if char_x == #char "<" {
                if Vector2_Int.{end.x, start.y} == gap {
                    for 1..abs(end.y - start.y) array_add(*path, char_y);
                    for 1..abs(end.x - start.x) array_add(*path, char_x);
                } else {
                    for 1..abs(end.x - start.x) array_add(*path, char_x);
                    for 1..abs(end.y - start.y) array_add(*path, char_y);
            } else if Vector2_Int.{start.x, end.y} == gap {
                for 1..abs(end.x - start.x) array_add(*path, char_x);
                for 1..abs(end.y - start.y) array_add(*path, char_y);
            } else {
                for 1..abs(end.y - start.y) array_add(*path, char_y);
                for 1..abs(end.x - start.x) array_add(*path, char_x);
        array_add(*path, #char "A");
        return path;
    get_paths :: (buttons: Button_Table, gap: Vector2_Int) -> Path_Table {
        paths: Path_Table;
        for first_position, first: buttons {
            for second_position, second: buttons {
                table_add(*paths, .[first, second], get_path(
        return paths;
    free_paths :: (paths: *Path_Table) {
        for paths {
    get_sequence :: (code: string, depth: int, paths: *Path_Table) -> string {
        sequence: [..] u8;
        previous: u8 = #char "A";
        for 0..code.count - 1 {
            path, _ := table_find(paths, .[previous, code[it]]);
            array_add(*sequence, .. path);
            previous = code[it];
        return xx sequence;
    get_sequence_length :: (
        code: string,
        depth: int,
        paths: *Path_Table,
        known_lengths: *Length_Table
    ) -> int {
        state := State.{code, depth};
        known_length, success := table_find(known_lengths, state);
        if success {
            return known_length;
        length := 0;
        previous: u8 = #char "A";
        for code {
            path, _ := table_find(paths, .[previous, it]);
            if depth > 1 {
                length += get_sequence_length(
                    xx path,
                    depth - 1,
            } else {
                length += path.count;
            previous = it;
        table_add(known_lengths, state, length);
        return length;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_21.txt");
        codes := split(input, "\n");
        defer array_free(codes);
        // Might as well run all this at compile time. These don't change based on
        // the input.
        numeric_buttons :: #run () -> Button_Table {
            buttons: Button_Table;
            table_add(*buttons, #char "0", .{1, 3});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "1", .{0, 2});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "2", .{1, 2});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "3", .{2, 2});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "4", .{0, 1});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "5", .{1, 1});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "6", .{2, 1});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "7", .{0, 0});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "8", .{1, 0});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "9", .{2, 0});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "A", .{2, 3});
            return buttons;
        directional_buttons :: #run () -> Button_Table {
            buttons: Button_Table;
            table_add(*buttons, #char "<", .{0, 1});
            table_add(*buttons, #char ">", .{2, 1});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "^", .{1, 0});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "v", .{1, 1});
            table_add(*buttons, #char "A", .{2, 0});
            return buttons;
        numeric_gap :: Vector2_Int.{0, 3};
        directional_gap :: Vector2_Int.{0, 0};
        numeric_paths := get_paths(numeric_buttons, numeric_gap);
        directional_paths := get_paths(directional_buttons, directional_gap);
        defer free_paths(*numeric_paths);
        defer free_paths(*directional_paths);
        directional_start :: Vector2_Int.{2, 0};
        complexity_sum_part_1 := 0;
        complexity_sum_part_2 := 0;
        known_lengths: Length_Table;
        defer deinit(*known_lengths);
        for codes {
            // I don't think there's a way around generating the actual sequence for
            // the robot using the numeric keypad - at least, not without massively
            // complicating the get_sequence_length() procedure by adding the
            // numeric keypad as a base case. Besides, doing it this way means we
            // only need to find the sequence once.
            first_sequence := get_sequence(it, 0, *numeric_paths);
            numeric_part := string_to_int(slice(it, 0, 3));
            complexity_sum_part_1 += get_sequence_length(
            ) * numeric_part;
            complexity_sum_part_2 += get_sequence_length(
            ) * numeric_part;
            "Part 1: %\nPart 2: %\n",
    2 votes
  2. scarecrw
    Definitely a step up in difficulty from the previous few days! I was shocked to almost make the leaderboard for part 1, but definitely struggled a bit more with part 2. I spent some time after...

    Definitely a step up in difficulty from the previous few days! I was shocked to almost make the leaderboard for part 1, but definitely struggled a bit more with part 2. I spent some time after refactoring to generalize the keypads a bit, though I still wouldn't describe today's solution as particularly comprehensible.

    Solution Logic

    The core insight was that, while each level was different, the best move sequence to get from one key to another was always the same for a given level. With 5 keys to move between and 25 levels, this leads to a manageable number of options to test.

    Pharo Smalltalk Solution

    1 vote