Day 18: RAM Run
Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/18
Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python
with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):
<summary>Part 1</summary>
Your code here.
Fastest day so far! That's not saying too much, as I wasn't particularly going for speed this year, but I'm happy that I'm getting more fluent with Pharo and not having to spend time searching around too much.
I just used BFS, which was fast enough when combined with a binary search for part 2. Thankfully, I've learned from previous years not to use an actual 2D grid when possible, and instead just use borders and a set of obstacles, which made running the search with a different collection of obstacles trivial.
Smalltalk Solution
This was a nice breather after yesterday - I definitely should've solved it quicker than I did, but I got caught up on a couple annoying bugs. Just another simple pathfinding problem, though this one was even easier since it wasn't weighted (so I didn't have to bother with Djikstra). My solution for part 2 is incredibly lazy and pretty slow, but I don't really feel up to optimizing it further right now.
Solution (Jai)
Oh my god, somehow I fall for every single trap and/or nerd-snipe in AoC this year...
Rust (Part 1)
A straightforward Breadth-First Search to find the path.
Part 2
That's where the trap hit. I tried to compute the set of all valid paths as a Dijkstra-Map, and then tried to repair it when an obstacle appears. I'm sure this is possible somehow (there are decremental-connectivity data structures, after all), but it is entirely unnecessary for this problem. You just A* repeatedly whenever a new obstacle falls onto the previous best path...
function is from my AoC helper library, but you could just as well use a different implementation (e.g. thepathfinding
crate's).Non-stupid way to do Part 2
This runs about twice as fast on my machine as using a binary search, 150µs vs. ~300µs.