7 votes

Day 20: Race Condition

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/20

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. DataWraith
    Holy off-by-one errors, Batman! Part 1 (Rust) pub fn part1(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String { let path_grid = shortest_path_grid(&input.maze); let cheats = find_cheats(&path_grid); let mut result =...

    Holy off-by-one errors, Batman!

    Part 1 (Rust)
    pub fn part1(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let path_grid = shortest_path_grid(&input.maze);
        let cheats = find_cheats(&path_grid);
        let mut result = 0;
        for cheat in cheats.iter() {
            if cheat.2 >= 100 {
                result += 1;
    pub fn find_cheats(grid: &Grid2D<u32>) -> Vec<(Coordinate, Direction, u32)> {
        let mut result = Vec::new();
        for x in 1..(grid.width() - 1) {
            for y in 1..(grid.height() - 1) {
                for dir in Direction::cardinal() {
                    let pos = Coordinate::new(x as i32, y as i32);
                    if grid[pos] == u32::MAX {
                    let neighbor = pos.neighbor(dir);
                    let neighbor_neighbor = neighbor.neighbor(dir);
                    if grid[neighbor] != u32::MAX {
                    if grid.get(neighbor_neighbor).is_none() {
                    if grid[neighbor_neighbor] == u32::MAX {
                    let cur_val = grid[pos];
                    let next_val = grid[neighbor_neighbor];
                    if (cur_val.saturating_sub(next_val).saturating_sub(2) > 0) {
                        result.push((pos, dir, (cur_val - next_val).saturating_sub(2)));
    pub fn shortest_path_grid(grid: &Grid2D<char>) -> Grid2D<u32> {
        let mut result = grid.map(|_| u32::MAX);
        let end = grid.iter().find(|(_, &c)| c == 'E').unwrap().0;
        let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
        queue.push_back((end, 0));
        while let Some((current, distance)) = queue.pop_front() {
            result[current] = distance;
            if grid[current] == 'S' {
                return result;
            for neighbor in current.neighbors() {
                if grid[neighbor] != '#' && result[neighbor] > distance + 1 {
                    queue.push_back((neighbor, distance + 1));
    Part 2 (Rust)

    This runs for almost 3 seconds, I'll need to improve that later.

    pub fn part2(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let path_grid = shortest_path_grid(&input.maze);
        let mut cheat_collection: HashMap<u32, HashSet<(Coordinate, Coordinate)>> = HashMap::new();
        for x in 1..(path_grid.width() - 1) {
            for y in 1..(path_grid.height() - 1) {
                let pos = Coordinate::new(x as i32, y as i32);
                let cheats = find_cheats(&path_grid, pos);
                for (dist, pairs) in cheats.iter() {
        let mut result = 0;
        for (dist, pairs) in cheat_collection.iter() {
            if dist >= &100 {
                result += pairs.len();
    fn find_cheats(
        grid: &Grid2D<u32>,
        start_pos: Coordinate,
    ) -> HashMap<u32, HashSet<(Coordinate, Coordinate)>> {
        if grid[start_pos] == u32::MAX {
            return HashMap::new();
        let mut q = VecDeque::new();
        q.push_back((start_pos, 0u32));
        let mut result: HashMap<u32, HashSet<(Coordinate, Coordinate)>> = HashMap::new();
        let mut visited = HashSet::new();
        while let Some((pos, dist)) = q.pop_front() {
            if dist >= 20 {
            if !visited.insert((pos, dist)) {
            for dir in Direction::cardinal() {
                let neighbor = pos.neighbor(dir);
                if grid.get(neighbor).is_none() {
                if grid[neighbor] != u32::MAX {
                    let saved = grid[start_pos]
                        .saturating_sub(start_pos.manhattan_distance(neighbor) as u32);
                    if saved > 0 {
                            .insert((start_pos, neighbor));
                q.push_back((neighbor, dist + 1));
    4 votes
  2. scarecrw
    Came up with the approach I ended up using fairly quickly, but made some silly mistakes along the way. Part 2 still takes ~5 seconds to run, so I'm hoping to see someone else with a better...

    Came up with the approach I ended up using fairly quickly, but made some silly mistakes along the way. Part 2 still takes ~5 seconds to run, so I'm hoping to see someone else with a better solution.

    Smalltalk Solution
    Class {
    	#name : 'Day20Solver',
    	#superclass : 'AoCSolver',
    	#instVars : [ 'startPos', 'endPos', 'walls', 'goal', 'width', 'height', 'endDistance' ],
    	#category : 'AoCDay20',
    	#package : 'AoCDay20'
    Day20Solver >> parseRawData [
    	height := rawData lines size.
    	width := (rawData lines at: 1) size.
    	walls := Set new.
    	rawData lines withIndexDo: [ :row :r |
    		row withIndexDo: [ :val :c |
    			val = $# ifTrue: [ walls add: r @ c ].
    			val = $S ifTrue: [ startPos := r @ c ].
    			val = $E ifTrue: [ endPos := r @ c ] ] ].
    	self buildEndDistance
    Day20Solver >> buildEndDistance [
    	| curr dist |
    	endDistance := Dictionary new.
    	curr := Set newFrom: { endPos }.
    	dist := 0.
    	[ curr isEmpty ] whileFalse: [
    		curr do: [ :pos | endDistance at: pos put: dist ].
    		dist := dist + 1.
    		curr := ((curr flatCollect: [ :pos | pos fourNeighbors ])
    			select: [ :pos | self canMove: pos ]) 
    			reject: [ :pos | endDistance includesKey: pos ] ]
    Day20Solver >> canMove: pos [
    	^ (pos between: 1 @ 1 and: height @ width) and: [ (walls includes: pos) not ]
    Day20Solver >> neighborsOf: aPoint distance: dist [
    	| neighbors |
    	neighbors := (aPoint x - dist to: aPoint x + dist) flatCollect: [ :r |
    		             (aPoint y - dist to: aPoint y + dist) collect: [ :c | r @ c ] ].
    	^ neighbors select: [ :pos | (self canMove: pos) and: [ (aPoint manhattanDistanceTo: pos) <= dist ] ]
    Day20Solver >> solveWithJumpSize: jumpSize [
    	| cheatValues jumpStarts |
    	jumpStarts := (1 to: height) flatCollect: [ :r | (1 to: width) collect: [ :c | r @ c ] ].
    	jumpStarts := jumpStarts select: [ :pos | self canMove: pos ].
    	cheatValues := jumpStarts flatCollect: [ :jumpStart |
    		               (self neighborsOf: jumpStart distance: jumpSize) collect: [ :jumpEnd |
    				               (endDistance at: jumpStart)
    				               - (endDistance at: jumpEnd)
    				               - (jumpStart manhattanDistanceTo: jumpEnd) ] ].
    	^ cheatValues count: [ :cheatVal | cheatVal >= goal ]
    Day20Solver >> solvePart1 [
    	^ self solveWithJumpSize: 2
    Day20Solver >> solvePart2 [
    	^ self solveWithJumpSize: 20
    4 votes
  3. lily
    (edited )
    Took some time to make this a little faster. My original solution ran BFS individually for every position on the grid - twice - to fill the distance tables, which was incredibly inefficient. I...

    Took some time to make this a little faster. My original solution ran BFS individually for every position on the grid - twice - to fill the distance tables, which was incredibly inefficient. I eventually realized I could fill each table with only one traversal, by just allowing BFS to search the whole track. Whereas my original solution took around 6 seconds, my new one runs nearly instantaneously.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 20: Race Condition
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "Flat_Pool";
    #import "Hash";
    #import "Hash_Table";
    #import "Math";
    #import "String";
    Vector2_Int :: struct {
        x, y: int;
    Node :: struct {
        cost: int;
        position: Vector2_Int;
    Vector2_Int_Set :: Table(
        (vector: Vector2_Int) -> u32 {
            return inline sdbm_hash(xx *vector, size_of(Vector2_Int));
        #procedure_of_call(operator ==(Vector2_Int.{}, Vector2_Int.{}))
    operator == :: (a: Vector2_Int, b: Vector2_Int) -> bool {
        return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
    // Traverse the whole track and fill a (flattened two-dimensional) array with
    // the distances from a given start position to every other position.
    fill_distances_array :: (
        track: [][..] bool,
        width: int,
        start: Vector2_Int,
        distances: [] int
    ) {
        queue: [..] *Node;
        defer array_free(queue);
        start_node := New(Node);
        start_node.position = start;
        array_add(*queue, start_node);
        seen: Vector2_Int_Set;
        table_add(*seen, start, #run {});
        defer deinit(*seen);
        while queue.count {
            current := queue[0];
            array_ordered_remove_by_index(*queue, 0);
            index := current.position.y * width + current.position.x;
            if distances[index] == 0 {
                distances[index] = current.cost;
            for Vector2_Int.[
                .{current.position.x - 1, current.position.y},
                .{current.position.x + 1, current.position.y},
                .{current.position.x, current.position.y - 1},
                .{current.position.x, current.position.y + 1}
            ] {
                if !track[it.y][it.x] && !table_contains(*seen, it) {
                    new_node := New(Node);
                    new_node.cost = current.cost + 1;
                    new_node.position = it;
                    array_add(*queue, new_node);
                    table_add(*seen, it, #run {});
    find_efficient_cheats :: (
        track: [][..] bool,
        width: int,
        height: int,
        fastest_time: int,
        distances_from_start: [] int,
        distances_to_end: [] int,
        cheat_distance: int
    ) -> int {
        efficient_cheats := 0;
        for x1: 1..width - 2 {
            for y1: 1..height - 2 {
                for x2: x1 - cheat_distance..x1 + cheat_distance {
                    for y2: y1 - cheat_distance..y1 + cheat_distance {
                            x2 <= 0 || x2 >= width - 1
                            || y2 <= 0 || y2 >= height - 1
                        distance := abs(x2 - x1) + abs(y2 - y1);
                            distance <= cheat_distance
                            && !track[y1][x1] && !track[y2][x2]
                            && fastest_time - (
                                distances_from_start[y1 * width + x1]
                                + distance
                                + distances_to_end[y2 * width + x2]
                            ) >= 100
                            efficient_cheats += 1;
        return efficient_cheats;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_20.txt");
        lines := split(input, "\n");
        defer array_free(lines);
        track: [..][..] bool;
        defer {
            for track {
        start, end: Vector2_Int;
        for line, y: lines {
            if line == "" {
            row: [..] bool;
            for char, x: line {
                array_add(*row, char == #char "#");
                if char == #char "S" {
                    start = .{x, y};
                } else if char == #char "E" {
                    end = .{x, y};
            array_add(*track, row);
        width := track[0].count;
        height := track.count;
        distances_size := width * height;
        distances_from_start := NewArray(distances_size, int);
        distances_to_end := NewArray(distances_size, int);
        defer array_free(distances_from_start);
        defer array_free(distances_to_end);
        // Yet again, it's faster to use a pool when we're doing a bunch of graph
        // traversal (though the performance gain in this case is probably
        // negligable, since we're only running BFS twice).
        pool: Flat_Pool;
        defer reset(*pool);
        new_context := context;
        new_context.allocator.proc = flat_pool_allocator_proc;
        new_context.allocator.data = *pool;
        push_context new_context {
            fill_distances_array(track, width, start, distances_from_start);
            fill_distances_array(track, width, end, distances_to_end);
        fastest_time := distances_to_end[start.y * width + start.x];
            "Part 1: %\nPart 2: %\n",
    4 votes