hungariantoast's recent activity
Comment on Starsector 0.98a released in ~games
Comment on Bats: Bash automated testing system for verifying that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected in ~comp
hungariantoast 0 shaws, 0 adidas, 0 higales I am taking the weekend off if you tell my manager I will buy you an anime waifu body pillow <3 <3 <3 -
Bats: Bash automated testing system for verifying that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected
6 votes -
Comment on Starsector 0.98a released in ~games
hungariantoast Obligatory mention that you can download the game for free, it's just the activation key that costs $15. Also, you can use Sseth's key from the end of his video review:...Obligatory mention that you can download the game for free, it's just the activation key that costs $15.
Also, you can use Sseth's key from the end of his video review:
If you want to try the game out first.
Just three days ago, I started a "mega modded playthrough" with all the mods I've meant to try out, in anticipation of this release coming soon. So it's pretty typical that the release would arrive now, when I expected it to be in like, June or something.
Anyways, I'm playing with my usual roster of 60+ mods, but also all kinds of other ship, faction, and weapon mods. Plus Emergent Threats, Hivers, and several mods that buff the Remnants and Explorarium. It's been great fun so far. I had a lot of luck in the early game, and put together a strong fleet very quickly. The timeout on invasions has ended though, and the Hivers are starting to "come online" with nearly endless raids, invasions, saturation bombardments, etc. I've mostly been able to pre-empt their fleets, and even managed to found my own colony, but it looks like my focus for a while will basically be "shoot bug".
I also realized last night that I won't be able to "just" fly into the Hiver systems and satbomb them into extinction, because then Sierra and the Dustkeepers will get mad. I'm going to have to... invade them, I guess? That sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Doing a playthrough like this though, where you have to think more strategically about the sector and your place in it, rather than just flying around from battle to battle, is a lot of fun. Of course, I'm still mostly just flying around from battle to battle, but at least now there's strategy involved in my constant fire extinguishing.
As for this release, it eliminates (at least) three mods from my modlist, so that's cool. I think Refit Filters is the last QoL mod I play with, that I would like to see integrated into the game.
Final note:
When the last devlog (back in December) announced the new Anubis-class cruiser coming in 0.98, a mod was posted that same day that recreated it in 0.97:
That mod has since been kept up-to-date as new info about the ship has come out. So if, like me, you're going to be playing 0.97 for a while, but want to try the new ship, then there you go.
Starsector 0.98a released
20 votes -
Comment on Writing a Bash builtin in C to parse INI configs in ~comp
hungariantoast INI minute now -
Writing a Bash builtin in C to parse INI configs
7 votes -
Comment on kalua: an OpenWrt extension for building large mesh-networks in ~comp
hungariantoast I ran out of words edition -
kalua: an OpenWrt extension for building large mesh-networks
7 votes -
Comment on bashdb: a gdb-like debugger for Bash in ~comp
hungariantoast Or if you need a debugger for zsh or ksh: if you need a debugger for zsh or ksh:
Comment on bashdb: a gdb-like debugger for Bash in ~comp
hungariantoast And then the Lieutenant paused her briefing, bowed her head, and pinched the bridge of her nose. For this was the part of the story when the destruction of the mining site Theriac of Boelert went...And then the Lieutenant paused her briefing, bowed her head, and pinched the bridge of her nose. For this was the part of the story when the destruction of the mining site Theriac of Boelert went from circumstance to conspiracy. After a moment, the Lieutenant continued:
Then three weeks ago, The Seventy was transiting to the Union facility Bright Dark, escorted by three Beśel-class corvettes. At the halfway point of their route, the convoy was attacked and destroyed. We're still piecing together a battle assessment, but the distress broadcast from the convoy mentions only a single attacking vessel. That's consistent with our assessment so far. Our official report will say the convoy was destroyed "by a pirate raid", but we believe it's somehow connected to the destruction of the mining site.
The Lieutenant's brother was the radio operator who sent out the distress broadcast. His terrified pleas, as missile detonations ripped open the hull of the TSUN Dwell on Corrado, will be the last echoes of his voice she will ever hear. From now until eternity, Satellite Radio Operator Henri Bevy's pleas will travel the stars.
bashdb: a gdb-like debugger for Bash
10 votes -
Comment on How to write idempotent Bash scripts in ~comp
hungariantoast (edited )LinkThe Seventy managed to perform a hard rise and escaped the worst of the heat corridor. Still, temperatures inside the ship reached 223°, and it wasn't until almost seven minutes later that the... -
How to write idempotent Bash scripts
7 votes -
Comment on The Donald Trump US administration accidentally texted me its war plans in ~society
hungariantoast Already posted nine hours ago: The system didn't let you know because the other...Already posted nine hours ago:
The system didn't let you know because the other topic's link includes a gift code:
Comment on Do topic logs get deleted after a period of time? in ~tildes
hungariantoast Yeah, only link topics can have their link edited. See the topic log here for a link I edited recently:...Yeah, only link topics can have their link edited. See the topic log here for a link I edited recently:
For text topics, anything in the body of the topic itself, the "text" that makes it a text topic, cannot be edited by anyone except for the original poster.
For example, this topic I posted in ~test a few days ago:
No one but me can edit the body of that post. The "body" in this case being the repeating lines of
y no strikethrough in title
. Doesn't matter if that text is just text, fancy unicode, or a link pointing somewhere. The only person who can change it is me, because I'm the one who posted it.So as far as regular users (so not Deimos, the admin) are concerned, no one can edit the body of another user's text topic.
Comment on Pure Bash bible: a collection of pure Bash alternatives to external processes in ~comp
hungariantoast Also be sure to check out the pure sh bible: be sure to check out the pure sh bible:
Comment on Pure Bash bible: a collection of pure Bash alternatives to external processes in ~comp
hungariantoast (edited )LinkAt the time of the incident, a cargo barge called The Seventy was transiting about 275 kilometers and ten degrees out from the mining site. That was the first ship to report the barrier failure.... -
Pure Bash bible: a collection of pure Bash alternatives to external processes
13 votes -
Comment on How come the mods on here keep editing the titles of my post to be exactly what they already were? in ~tildes
hungariantoast The topic log can be kind of hard to read. Like if someone removes an extra space from a title, good luck being able to find that in the default topic log. So it might look like the titles of your...The topic log can be kind of hard to read. Like if someone removes an extra space from a title, good luck being able to find that in the default topic log.
So it might look like the titles of your topics aren't actually being edited, but if there is an entry in the topic log, then something definitely was changed. It can just be really hard to see what the difference is if it's a minor edit.
And what those minor edits are, and why they are done, is kind of a rabbit hole. There are some long-held conventions on tags and titles that aren't really documented anywhere, and mostly exist either because of historical inertia or "because Deimos said so". It doesn't help that a lot of those conventions only exist for certain ~groups, or only for certain kinds of content.
In the future, if you want to know why a specific edit was done to a topic you posted, you're welcome to just ask the user who made the edit. Nine times out of ten, that user is happy to provide an explanation. If they don't, another user almost certainly will.
I'd also recommend doing another vanilla or maybe vanilla+Nexerelin playthrough if you haven't played in a while. That being said...
Here are all the mods I am playing with in my current "mega modded playthrough":
Mod table
Off the top of my head, the only mods I wouldn't recommend for new players would be Hiver Swarm, and maybe Emergent Threats. I would also disable the Legio faction from the Tahlan Shipworks mod (you can do that from the mod's setttings menu in-game). Also, for the Ruthless Sector mod, I actually use its vanilla-defaults preset and tweak it to my liking, not the mod's default preset. Honestly, you could probably leave that mod out too. I only use it to add roaming [REDACTED] fleets in the fringes of Sector hyperspace.
Note that all of these mod versions are for 0.97 or older.