10 votes

bashdb: a gdb-like debugger for Bash


  1. [2]
    And then the Lieutenant paused her briefing, bowed her head, and pinched the bridge of her nose. For this was the part of the story when the destruction of the mining site Theriac of Boelert went...

    And then the Lieutenant paused her briefing, bowed her head, and pinched the bridge of her nose. For this was the part of the story when the destruction of the mining site Theriac of Boelert went from circumstance to conspiracy. After a moment, the Lieutenant continued:

    Then three weeks ago, The Seventy was transiting to the Union facility Bright Dark, escorted by three Beśel-class corvettes. At the halfway point of their route, the convoy was attacked and destroyed. We're still piecing together a battle assessment, but the distress broadcast from the convoy mentions only a single attacking vessel. That's consistent with our assessment so far. Our official report will say the convoy was destroyed "by a pirate raid", but we believe it's somehow connected to the destruction of the mining site.

    The Lieutenant's brother was the radio operator who sent out the distress broadcast. His terrified pleas, as missile detonations ripped open the hull of the TSUN Dwell on Corrado, will be the last echoes of his voice she will ever hear. From now until eternity, Satellite Radio Operator Henri Bevy's pleas will travel the stars.

    3 votes