6 votes

Day 16: Reindeer Maze

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/16

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. lily
    I was waiting for the annual pathfinding puzzle! I thought ahead and wrote a quick binary heap implementation before Advent of Code started this year, since the Jai compiler doesn't come with one...

    I was waiting for the annual pathfinding puzzle! I thought ahead and wrote a quick binary heap implementation before Advent of Code started this year, since the Jai compiler doesn't come with one and I knew I'd need one at some point. Today's puzzle was pretty straightforward as far as pathfinding puzzles go - the only tricky part was making the seen table work properly with part 2.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 16: Reindeer Maze
    #import "Basic";
    #import "Binary_Heap";
    #import "File";
    #import "Hash";
    #import "Hash_Table";
    #import "String";
    Vector2_Int :: struct {
        x, y: int;
    Node :: struct {
        parent: *Node;
        cost: int;
        position: Vector2_Int;
    // This is used for the table of seen states. The direction isn't stored in Node
    // because it is inferred from the parent's position, but we have to store it
    // here.
    Reindeer_State :: struct {
        position, direction: Vector2_Int;
    operator == :: (a: Vector2_Int, b: Vector2_Int) -> bool {
        return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
    array_free_2d :: (array: [..][..] $T) {
        for array {
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_16.txt");
        lines := split(input, "\n");
        defer array_free(lines);
        map: [..][..] bool;
        defer array_free_2d(map);
        start, end: Vector2_Int;
        for line, y: lines {
            if line == "" {
            row: [..] bool;
            for char, x: line {
                array_add(*row, char == #char "#");
                if char == #char "S" {
                    start = .{x, y};
                } else if char == #char "E" {
                    end = .{x, y};
            array_add(*map, row);
        width := map[0].count;
        height := map.count;
        heap: Heap(*Node, (left: *Node, right: *Node) -> bool {
            return left.cost <= right.cost;
        seen: Table(
            (state: Reindeer_State) -> u32 {
                return inline sdbm_hash(xx *state, size_of(Reindeer_State));
            (a: Reindeer_State, b: Reindeer_State) -> bool {
                return a.position == b.position && a.direction == b.direction;
        defer heap_free(heap);
        defer deinit(*seen);
        start_node := New(Node);
        start_node.position = start;
        heap_add(*heap, start_node);
        table_set(*seen, .{start_node.position, .{1, 0}}, 0);
        minimum_cost := -1;
        best_paths: [..][..] Vector2_Int;
        defer array_free_2d(best_paths);
        while !heap_is_empty(heap) {
            current := heap_pop(*heap);
            if current.position == end {
                if minimum_cost == -1 {
                    minimum_cost = current.cost;
                    print("Part 1: %\n", minimum_cost);
                if current.cost == minimum_cost {
                    path: [..] Vector2_Int;
                    while current != null {
                        array_insert_at(*path, current.position, 0);
                        current = current.parent;
                    array_add(*best_paths, path);
                } else {
                    // We're using Djikstra's algorithm, so we know there will be no
                    // more best paths after this.
            for Vector2_Int.[.{-1, 0}, .{1, 0}, .{0, -1}, .{0, 1}] {
                last_direction: Vector2_Int;
                if current.parent == null {
                    last_direction = .{1, 0};
                } else {
                    last_direction = .{
                        current.position.x - current.parent.position.x,
                        current.position.y - current.parent.position.y
                backwards: bool;
                if      last_direction == .{-1, 0} backwards = (it == .{1, 0});
                else if last_direction == .{1, 0}  backwards = (it == .{-1, 0});
                else if last_direction == .{0, -1} backwards = (it == .{0, 1});
                else if last_direction == .{0, 1}  backwards = (it == .{0, -1});
                new_cost := (
                    current.cost + ifx last_direction == it then 1 else 1001
                new_position := Vector2_Int.{
                    current.position.x + it.x,
                    current.position.y + it.y
                new_state := Reindeer_State.{new_position, last_direction};
                seen_cost, success := table_find(*seen, new_state);
                // No need for bounds checking; the map is completely surrounded by
                // walls.
                    && !backwards
                    && (!success || seen_cost >= new_cost)
                    new := New(Node);
                    memcpy(new, current, size_of(Node));
                    new.parent = current;
                    new.cost = new_cost;
                    new.position = new_position;
                    heap_add(*heap, new);
                    table_set(*seen, new_state, new_cost);
        places_to_sit: Table(
            (vector: Vector2_Int) -> u32 {
                return inline sdbm_hash(xx *vector, size_of(Vector2_Int));
            #procedure_of_call(operator ==(Vector2_Int.{}, Vector2_Int.{}))
        defer deinit(*places_to_sit);
        for best_paths {
            for it {
                if !table_contains(*places_to_sit, it) {
                    table_add(*places_to_sit, it, #run {});
        print("Part 2: %\n", places_to_sit.count);
    Binary heap
    // order_test is used to determine the order of the values in the queue. It
    // should return whether the first passed value should be given higher priority
    // than the second passed value.
    Heap :: struct (
        Value_Type: Type,
        order_test: (Value_Type, Value_Type) -> bool
    ) {
        values: [..] Value_Type;
    heap_add :: (heap: *Heap, value: heap.Value_Type) {
        array_add(*heap.values, value);
        current_index := heap.values.count - 1;
        while current_index > 0 {
            parent_index := (current_index - 1) / 2;
            current_value := heap.values[current_index];
            parent_value := heap.values[parent_index];
            if heap.order_test(parent_value, current_value) {
            heap.values[current_index] = parent_value;
            heap.values[parent_index] = current_value;
            current_index = parent_index;
    heap_pop :: (heap: *Heap) -> heap.Value_Type {
        assert(!heap_is_empty(heap), "cannot pop from an empty heap");
        root_value := heap.values[0];
        heap.values[0] = pop(*heap.values);
        current_index := 0;
        while true {
            left_index := current_index * 2 + 1;
            right_index := left_index + 1;
            has_left := left_index < heap.values.count;
            has_right := right_index < heap.values.count;
            if !has_left && !has_right {
            child_index: int;
            if !has_left {
                child_index = right_index;
            } else if !has_right {
                child_index = left_index;
            } else if heap.order_test(
            ) {
                child_index = left_index;
            } else {
                child_index = right_index;
            current_value := heap.values[current_index];
            child_value := heap.values[child_index];
            if heap.order_test(current_value, child_value) {
            heap.values[current_index] = child_value;
            heap.values[child_index] = current_value;
            current_index = child_index;
        return root_value;
    // These last two procedures don't require the heap be passed as a pointer,
    // since they do not modify it.
    heap_is_empty :: inline (heap: Heap) -> bool {
        return heap.values.count == 0;
    heap_free :: inline (heap: Heap) {
        for heap.values {
    #import "Basic";
    1 vote
  2. scarecrw
    While exploring Pharo before AoC started, I did notice that there are some pathfinding algorithms programmed in. I actually found them because they seem to be where the generalized graph data...

    While exploring Pharo before AoC started, I did notice that there are some pathfinding algorithms programmed in. I actually found them because they seem to be where the generalized graph data structure is also contained. I didn't end up using them, but I might go back and try to re-solve with that approach to learn how those work.

    I ended up storing the nodes as 3D points, with the regular position in x and y and the z storing the direction. I mostly did this to avoid having to write a new class with its own hash function, but it worked quite well. I've also gotten more comfortable adding methods to base classes: today I extended the x@y syntax for creating a Point to x@y@z to create a G3DCoordinates as well as added atPoint:put: for Array2D which I had been wanting in previous days.

    Pharo Smalltalk Solution

  3. guissmo
    Just the right problem to stop getting rusty with graph traversals. Here my write-up for the last four days worth of problems.

    Just the right problem to stop getting rusty with graph traversals.

    Here my write-up for the last four days worth of problems.

  4. DataWraith
    This one was a lot of fun to puzzle through. Did I mention that I love pathfinding puzzles? Rust (Part 1) This is a fairly basic application of A* search. In retrospect, there was nothing really...

    This one was a lot of fun to puzzle through. Did I mention that I love pathfinding puzzles?

    Rust (Part 1)

    This is a fairly basic application of A* search. In retrospect, there was nothing really difficult about this, but I still managed to break it in seven hundred different ways because I thought I could code pathfinding up from scratch by now, instead of using a library or even reference material. Ah, the programmer virtue of hubris strikes again.

    #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct State {
        pub position: Coordinate,
        pub direction: Direction,
        pub heuristic: usize,
        pub straight_steps: usize,
        pub number_of_turns: usize,
        pub waypoints: Vec<Coordinate>,
    impl State {
        pub fn score(&self) -> usize {
            self.straight_steps + self.number_of_turns * 1000
    impl PartialOrd for State {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
    // Ordering function for the priority queue -- we want to prioritize states with
    // lower scores + heuristic values to get the A* algorithm. Since BinaryHeap is
    // a max-heap, we invert the comparison.
    impl Ord for State {
        fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
            (other.score() + other.heuristic).cmp(&(self.score() + self.heuristic))
    // Follows a given straight path until it either hits a junction, the end, or a wall.
    pub fn follow_path(
        cur: Coordinate,
        dir: Direction,
        grid: &Grid2D<char>,
        junctions: &HashSet<Coordinate>,
    ) -> (Coordinate, usize) {
        let mut cur = cur;
        let mut len = 1;
        loop {
            let next = cur + dir;
            if junctions.contains(&next) {
                return (next, len);
            if grid.get(next) == Some(&'E') {
                return (next, len);
            if grid.get(next) == Some(&'#') {
                return (cur, len - 1);
            len += 1;
            cur = next;
    // Heuristic function for the A* algorithm.
    // We need to take at least manhattan_distance(end) straight steps, but since the end
    // is in the top-right corner, we need to turn at least once if we are currently looking
    // leftwards or downwards.
    fn heuristic(cur: Coordinate, dir: Direction, end: Coordinate) -> usize {
        let mut h = cur.manhattan_distance(end) as usize;
        if dir == Direction::Left {
            h += 1000;
        if dir == Direction::Down {
            h += 1000;
    // Runs the A* algorithm to find the shortest path from start to end.
    pub fn search(input: &PuzzleInput) -> Vec<State> {
        let junctions = junctions(&input.maze);
        let start = input.maze.iter().find(|(_, &c)| c == 'S').unwrap().0;
        let end = input.maze.iter().find(|(_, &c)| c == 'E').unwrap().0;
        let mut q = BinaryHeap::new();
        let mut visited = BTreeMap::new();
        // Starting states
        q.push(State {
            position: start,
            direction: Direction::Right,
            straight_steps: 0,
            number_of_turns: 0,
            waypoints: vec![start],
            heuristic: heuristic(start, Direction::Right, end),
        let mut best: Vec<State> = vec![];
        while let Some(state) = q.pop() {
            // Skip if we've already seen this state with a better score
            if let Some(prev_g) = visited.get(&(state.position, state.direction)) {
                if state.score() > *prev_g {
            // Mark this state as visited
            visited.insert((state.position, state.direction), state.score());
            // If we've reached the end, add this state to the best list. We are guaranteed
            // to only add shortest paths to the best list because we are using a priority queue
            // and an admissible heuristic. Also, we break out of the loop below if we've found
            // all shortest paths, so we can't reach this point if we've already found all
            // shortest paths.
            if state.position == end {
                if best.len() == 0 || state.score() == best[0].score() {
            // Follow the current corridor until we hit a junction, the end, or a wall.
            let (next, len) = follow_path(state.position, state.direction, &input.maze, &junctions);
            // Did we hit a wall?
            let hit_a_wall = len == 0;
            // If we didn't hit a wall, this is a junction, and we can proceed forwards.
            if !hit_a_wall {
                // Update the list of waypoints
                let mut waypoints = state.waypoints.clone();
                // Add the new state to the queue
                let fwd = State {
                    position: next,
                    straight_steps: state.straight_steps + len,
                    heuristic: heuristic(next, state.direction, end),
            // If we are at a junction or corner, we can try to turn left or right.
            if junctions.contains(&state.position) || hit_a_wall {
                let left_dir = state.direction.turn_left_90();
                let right_dir = state.direction.turn_right_90();
                let left_coord = state.position.neighbor(left_dir);
                let right_coord = state.position.neighbor(right_dir);
                let left_free = input.maze.get(left_coord) == Some(&'.')
                    || input.maze.get(left_coord) == Some(&'E');
                let right_free = input.maze.get(right_coord) == Some(&'.')
                    || input.maze.get(right_coord) == Some(&'E');
                if left_free {
                    let turn_left = State {
                        direction: left_dir,
                        number_of_turns: state.number_of_turns + 1,
                if right_free {
                    let turn_right = State {
                        direction: right_dir,
                        number_of_turns: state.number_of_turns + 1,
            // If the current state is worse than the best state we've found, we can stop early,
            // because we are guaranteed to have found all shortest paths (due to the properties
            // of A* and the admissable heuristic).
            if !best.is_empty() && state.score() > best[0].score() {
    // Finds all junctions in the maze.
    pub fn junctions(maze: &Grid2D<char>) -> HashSet<Coordinate> {
        let mut junctions = HashSet::new();
        junctions.insert(maze.iter().find(|(_, &c)| c == 'S').unwrap().0);
        for (coord, &c) in maze.iter() {
            if c != '.' {
            let mut count = 0;
            for neighbors in coord.neighbors() {
                if maze.get(neighbors) == Some(&'.') {
                    count += 1;
            if count > 2 {
    pub fn part1(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
    Rust (Part 2)

    Part 2 was fairly easy, because all you have to do is wait until A* delivers you all shortest paths. By the properties of priority queues ordered by an adissable heuristic, you get all shortest paths before all longer paths. If your A* is subtly broken, though, you may need a long time to recover...

    pub fn part2(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let best = search(input);
        covered(input, &best).to_string()
    // Counts the number of positions covered by the best path by following the
    // waypoints in the best paths.
    fn covered(input: &PuzzleInput, best: &[State]) -> usize {
        let mut covered = input.maze.map(|_| false);
        for b in best.iter() {
            for path in b.waypoints.windows(2) {
                let towards = path[0].towards(path[1]);
                covered.set(path[0], true);
                for c in successors(Some(path[0]), |&c| Some(c.neighbor(towards))) {
                    covered.set(c, true);
                    if c == path[1] {
        covered.iter().filter(|(_, &c)| c).count()

    Pretty slow, because I have to lug around all those waypoints. :/

    day_16    fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ part1  175.1 ms      │ 267.8 ms      │ 182.3 ms      │ 186.9 ms      │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2  174.8 ms      │ 226.1 ms      │ 181.7 ms      │ 183.5 ms      │ 100     │ 100