11 votes

Day 6: Guard Gallivant

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/6

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. [3]
    Oof, I was slow on this one. Part 1 wasn't too bad with my usual "simulation" approach, but Part 2 took three minutes to run. Definitely room for optimization. Part 1 def compute_p1(input) map =...

    Oof, I was slow on this one. Part 1 wasn't too bad with my usual "simulation" approach, but Part 2 took three minutes to run. Definitely room for optimization.

    Part 1
    def compute_p1(input)
      map = Grid.new(input)
      guard_pos = map.coords_where { |ch| ch == "^" }.first
      map.set(guard_pos[0], guard_pos[1], ".")
      direction = :up
      visited = Set.new([guard_pos])
      while map.in_bounds?(guard_pos[0],guard_pos[1])
        guard_pos, direction = step(map, guard_pos, direction)
        visited.add(guard_pos) if map.in_bounds?(guard_pos[0], guard_pos[1])
      return visited.count
    def step(grid, guard_pos, direction)
      facing_coords = case direction
               when :up
               when :down
               when :left
               when :right
      facing = grid.get(facing_coords[0], facing_coords[1])
      case facing
      when ".", nil
        guard_pos = facing_coords
      when "#", "O"
        direction = case direction
                    when :up
                    when :right
                    when :down
                    when :left
      return [guard_pos, direction]
    Part 2
    def loops?(map, start_pos)
      guard_pos = start_pos
      direction = :up
      visited = Set.new([guard_pos])
      while map.in_bounds?(guard_pos[0],guard_pos[1])
        guard_pos, direction = step(map, guard_pos, direction)
        if visited.include?([guard_pos, direction])
          return true
        visited.add([guard_pos, direction])
      return false
    def compute_p2(input)
      map = Grid.new(input)
      start_pos = map.coords_where { |ch| ch == "^" }.first
      map.set(start_pos[0], start_pos[1], ".")
      count = 0
      map.each_index do |x, y|
        next if map.get(x,y) == "#"
        map.set(x,y, "O")
        count += 1 if loops?(map, start_pos)
        map.set(x,y, ".")
      return count
    2 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      For part 2, you don't need to check every possible location. You only care about places the guard walked during a full go of part 1. That alone got me down from ~30 seconds to ~7.5 seconds in Python!

      For part 2, you don't need to check every possible location. You only care about places the guard walked during a full go of part 1. That alone got me down from ~30 seconds to ~7.5 seconds in Python!

      2 votes
      1. bhrgunatha
        Link Parent
        lol my 1st attempt at part 2 was stupidly brute force! I tried setting every free space in the grid to blocked and basically running part 1 in full. 50 second!! smh my 2nd attempt was to try...
        • lol my 1st attempt at part 2 was stupidly brute force! I tried setting every free space in the grid to blocked and basically running part 1 in full. 50 second!! smh
        • my 2nd attempt was to try blocking each visited square from part 1 but again simulating the whole path for the guard <facepalm> ,,, but down to ~ 13 seconds.
        • my final iteration was to use a proper loop detector for each point in the path.
        1 vote
  2. lily
    (edited )
    This takes about 4 seconds on my machine in release mode, and about 15 in debug... so, I feel there has to be a smarter way to solve this. Or maybe my code specifically is just very bad, I don't...

    This takes about 4 seconds on my machine in release mode, and about 15 in debug... so, I feel there has to be a smarter way to solve this. Or maybe my code specifically is just very bad, I don't know.

    EDIT: Okay, after reading about people getting better execution times than me in Python, I'm almost sure I did something wrong. Might take another stab at this later today.

    EDIT 2: I fixed it! It now takes half a second in debug mode, and about 50 milliseconds in release mode. Much better. It turns out all I had to do was replace the set used for cycle detection with an array, and the program became an order of magnitude faster. I've replaced the code below with the new solution.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 06: Guard Gallivant
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "Hash";
    #import "String";
    using Hash_Table :: #import "Hash_Table";
    #poke_name Hash_Table operator ==;
    Vector2_Int :: struct {
        x, y: int;
    // Maybe the guard doesn't have to be a struct, but it makes the program more
    // readable and doesn't have any performance impact. It's also possible
    // "direction" could be an enum, but then the simulation code would be a little
    // less clean...
    Guard :: struct {
        position, direction: Vector2_Int;
    // Inlining all these procedures makes the bruteforcing faster. Maybe.
    operator == :: inline (a: Vector2_Int, b: Vector2_Int) -> bool {
        return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
    Vector2_Int_Table :: Table(Vector2_Int, void, (vector: Vector2_Int) -> u32 {
        return inline sdbm_hash(xx *vector, size_of(Vector2_Int));
    // This function behaves differently depending on which part of the puzzle it is
    // supposed to be solving. This is important to avoid unnecessarily wasting time
    // on recording the unique positions visited by the guard during part 2, which
    // slows the bruteforcing down considerably. While this procedure returns
    // multiple values (the set of unique positions, and whether the guard entered a
    // loop), the first one will always be an empty set during part 2.
    simulate_guard :: inline (
        map: [..][..] bool,
        width: int,
        height: int,
        initial_guard: Guard,
        part: int
    ) -> Vector2_Int_Table, bool {
        unique_positions: Vector2_Int_Table;
        // This is _much_ faster than using a set. I'm keeping this as a flat array
        // to avoid unnecessary allocations - I tried using a flat array for the map
        // itself too, but the overhead of calculating the index constantly seemed
        // to slow the program down very slightly (by milliseconds - I'm splitting
        // hairs here!).
        previous_guard_states := NewArray(width * height, [4] bool);
        defer array_free(previous_guard_states);
        guard := initial_guard;
        while true {
            // It looks a little weird, but using #run {} allows you to add keys to
            // a table with void as the value type (which is useful to lower memory
            // usage when using a table as a set).
            if part == 1 {
                if !table_contains(*unique_positions, guard.position) {
                    table_add(*unique_positions, guard.position, #run {});
            } else {
                position_index := guard.position.x * width + guard.position.y;
                direction_index: int;
                if      guard.direction == .{1, 0}  direction_index = 0;
                else if guard.direction == .{0, 1}  direction_index = 1;
                else if guard.direction == .{-1, 0} direction_index = 2;
                else if guard.direction == .{0, -1} direction_index = 3;
                if previous_guard_states[position_index][direction_index] {
                    return unique_positions, true;
                } else {
                    previous_guard_states[position_index][direction_index] = true;
            guard.position.x += guard.direction.x;
            guard.position.y += guard.direction.y;
                guard.position.x < 0 || guard.position.x >= width
                || guard.position.y < 0 || guard.position.y >= height
            if map[guard.position.y][guard.position.x] {
                guard.position.x -= guard.direction.x;
                guard.position.y -= guard.direction.y;
                guard.direction = .{-guard.direction.y, guard.direction.x};
        return unique_positions, false;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_06.txt");
        map: [..][..] bool;
        guard: Guard;
        guard.direction = .{0, -1};
        for line, y: split(input, "\n") {
            if line == "" {
            row: [..] bool;
            for char, x: line {
                array_add(*row, ifx char == #char "#" then true else false);
                if char == #char "^" {
                    guard.position = .{x, y};
            array_add(*map, row);
        width := map[0].count;
        height := map.count;
        unique_positions, _ := simulate_guard(map, width, height, guard, 1);
        print("Part 1: %\n", unique_positions.count);
        loop_causing_obstructions := 0;
        for unique_positions {
            map[it_index.y][it_index.x] = true;
            _, entered_loop := simulate_guard(map, width, height, guard, 2);
            if entered_loop {
                loop_causing_obstructions += 1;
            map[it_index.y][it_index.x] = false;
        print("Part 2: %\n", loop_causing_obstructions);
    2 votes
  3. csos95
    (edited )
    Part two was rough. I had a nice solution, but it didn't work for the full input. I worked on it for a while, but eventually gave up and did a brute force solution. While it was running, I...

    Part two was rough.
    I had a nice solution, but it didn't work for the full input.
    I worked on it for a while, but eventually gave up and did a brute force solution.
    While it was running, I realized why my nice solution wouldn't work in all cases.
    And the extension to make it work is a lesser brute-force, but I also have to juggle a bunch of extra temporary state.

    This is the first one where the performance of Rhai really reared its head (not only is it a tree-walk interpreter, it passes everything by value).
    It took 7:48 to run part two.

    I'll likely come back later and clean it up with a better solution.
    I have a few ideas for what to do better, but I'm a bit tired and salty at the moment.

    Rhai Solution
    import "utils" as utils;
    let input = utils::get_input(6, false);
    fn next_dir(dir) {
        switch dir {
            "up" => "right",
            "right" => "down",
            "down" => "left",
            "left" => "up",
    fn dir_offset(dir) {
        switch dir {
            "up" => new_point(0, -1),
            "down" => new_point(0, 1),
            "left" => new_point(-1, 0),
            "right" => new_point(1, 0),
    // PART 1
    let grid = new_grid(input.split("\n").map(|line| line.to_chars()));
    let guard_pos = ();
    let guard_dir = ();
    for item in grid.cells().zip(grid.cell_positions()) {
        if item[0] == '^' {
            guard_dir = "up";
        } if item[0] == 'v' {
            guard_dir = "down";
        } if item[0] == '<' {
            guard_dir = "left";
        } else if item[0] == '>' {
            guard_dir = "right";
        if guard_dir != () {
            guard_pos = item[1];
            grid.set_cell(guard_pos, 'X');
    while grid.is_valid(guard_pos) {
        let offset = dir_offset(guard_dir);
        if grid.cell(guard_pos + offset) != '#' {
            guard_pos = guard_pos + offset;
            grid.set_cell(guard_pos, 'X');
        } else {
            guard_dir = next_dir(guard_dir);
    let total = 0;
    for cell in grid.cells() {
        if cell == 'X' {
            total += 1;
    print(`part 1: ${total}`);
    // PART 2
    let prev_grid = grid;
    let grid = new_grid(input.split("\n").map(|line| line.to_chars()));
    let guard_pos = ();
    let guard_dir = ();
    for item in grid.cells().zip(grid.cell_positions()) {
        if item[0] == '^' {
            guard_dir = "up";
        } if item[0] == 'v' {
            guard_dir = "down";
        } if item[0] == '<' {
            guard_dir = "left";
        } else if item[0] == '>' {
            guard_dir = "right";
        if guard_dir != () {
            guard_pos = item[1];
            grid.set_cell(guard_pos, '.');
    let total = 0;
    let original_guard_pos = guard_pos;
    let original_guard_dir = guard_dir;
    for pos in grid.cell_positions() {
        if (pos.x == original_guard_pos.x && pos.y == original_guard_pos.y) || prev_grid.cell(pos) != 'X' {
        guard_pos = original_guard_pos;
        guard_dir = original_guard_dir;
        let graph = new_graph();
        let point_to_node = #{};
        point_to_node[`${guard_pos}-${guard_dir}`] = graph.add_node(0.0);
        grid.set_cell(pos, '#');
        let found = false;
        let prev_node = point_to_node[`${guard_pos}-${guard_dir}`];
        let curr_node = ();
        while grid.is_valid(guard_pos) {
            let offset = dir_offset(guard_dir);
            if grid.cell(guard_pos + offset) != '#' {
                guard_pos = guard_pos + offset;
            } else {
                guard_dir = next_dir(guard_dir);
            curr_node = point_to_node[`${guard_pos}-${guard_dir}`];
            if curr_node == () {
                curr_node = graph.add_node(0.0);
                point_to_node[`${guard_pos}-${guard_dir}`] = curr_node;
            if !graph.contains_edge(prev_node, curr_node) {
                graph.add_edge(prev_node, curr_node, 0.0);
            if graph.is_cyclic_directed() {
                found = true;
            prev_node = curr_node;
        if found {
            total += 1;
        grid.set_cell(pos, '.');
    print(`part 2: ${total}`);
    2 votes
  4. balooga
    TypeScript I like how the time-travel plot in today's story sets up a weird unexplained detail in one of the puzzles from six years ago, that was a nice touch! I didn't run into the same...


    I like how the time-travel plot in today's story sets up a weird unexplained detail in one of the puzzles from six years ago, that was a nice touch! I didn't run into the same brute-force performance issue on Part 2 that others did, explanation below...


    Quick note that since every turn is 90° clockwise, I was able to set up a rotate() convenience function and just call that whenever the guard hit an obstacle.

    I hate code duplication so my solution to both parts lives in a single function, and one of the args is just a flag indicating what you want it to return (either the count of distinct guard positions, or the count of valid obstacle positions).

    The first thing it does is figure out the starting position and direction, then it replaces that tile in the map with a . so it matches all the other non-obstacle tiles. This is important, because in the next phase (the walk) the guard will paint the tile she's on to track where she has been and what direction she was facing the first time she was there. We can use this to validate that a position is distinct before counting it, and also use it to detect infinite loops in Part 2 without wasting cycles on simulating them. The idea being, that if the guard enters a tile already marked with the direction she's currently facing, we know she MUST be in a loop.

    A few other small optimizations like breaking early out of loops helped a bit too; both parts together complete in 2795ms on my machine. I kind of hate the flag argument pattern I landed on here in my pursuit of DRYness but it's good enough for AoC.

    Parts 1 and 2 (TypeScript)
    type InputData = string[][];
    type DirectionSymbol = '^' | '>' | 'v' | '<';
    type Direction = [number, number];
    enum Target {
    function formatInput(input: string): InputData {
      return input
        .map(line => line.split(''));
    const directions: Record<DirectionSymbol, Direction> = {
      '>': [0, 1],
      '^': [-1, 0],
      v: [1, 0],
      '<': [0, -1],
    // directions in order, rotating clockwise
    const rotationCW: DirectionSymbol[] = ['^', '>', 'v', '<'];
    const rotate = (currentDirection: DirectionSymbol) => {
      return rotationCW[(rotationCW.indexOf(currentDirection) + 1) % rotationCW.length];
    const checkBounds = ([row, col]: [number, number], map: InputData) => {
      if (row < map.length && row >= 0) {
        if (col < map[0].length && col >= 0) {
          return true;
      return false;
    export function run(input: string): string[] {
      const data = formatInput(input);
      const countPositions = (originalMap: InputData, target: Target): number => {
        const map: InputData = [...originalMap.map(row => [...row])];
        let startingPosition: [number, number];
        let startingDirection: DirectionSymbol;
        let count = 0;
        // initial map setup is the same for both parts: find start position and direction
        outerLoop: for (let row = 0; row < map.length; row++) {
          for (let col = 0; col < map[row].length; col++) {
            // when the info is found, note it and mark that position unvisited (".")
            if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(directions, map[row][col])) {
              startingPosition = [row, col];
              startingDirection = map[row][col] as DirectionSymbol;
              map[row][col] = '.';
              break outerLoop;
        // if looking for guard positions (Part 1) just do a single walk
        // but if looking for obstacle positions (Part 2) walk once for each possibility
        const rowIterations = target === Target.GuardPositions ? 1 : map.length;
        const colIterations = target === Target.GuardPositions ? 1 : map[0].length;
        for (let obstacleRow = 0; obstacleRow < rowIterations; obstacleRow++) {
          for (let obstacleCol = 0; obstacleCol < colIterations; obstacleCol++) {
            let currentPosition = startingPosition;
            let currentDirection = startingDirection;
            // clone the map for use in this iteration without modifying the original one
            const currentMap: InputData = [...map.map(row => [...row])];
            if (target === Target.ObstaclePositions) {
              // don't bother placing an obstacle in a position if there's already one there
              if (currentMap[obstacleRow][obstacleCol] === 'X') {
              currentMap[obstacleRow][obstacleCol] = '#';
            while (true) {
              const [row, col] = currentPosition;
              if (currentMap[row][col] === currentDirection) {
                // identified: stuck in a loop
                if (target === Target.ObstaclePositions) {
              if (currentMap[row][col] === '.') {
                if (target === Target.GuardPositions) {
                currentMap[row][col] = currentDirection;
              const [rowChange, colChange] = directions[currentDirection];
              const nextPosition: [number, number] = [row + rowChange, col + colChange];
              const [nextRow, nextCol] = nextPosition;
              if (!checkBounds(nextPosition, currentMap)) {
              if (currentMap[nextRow][nextCol] === '#') {
                currentDirection = rotate(currentDirection);
              } else {
                currentPosition = [nextRow, nextCol];
        return count;
      const countGuardPositions = (map: InputData): number => {
        return countPositions(map, Target.GuardPositions);
      const countObstaclePositions = (map: InputData): number => {
        return countPositions(map, Target.ObstaclePositions);
      return [`${countGuardPositions(data)}`, `${countObstaclePositions(data)}`];
    2 votes
  5. jzimbel
    Part 2 was fun. I had a basic plan going into it, but came up with a few more little optimizations along the way. Some of these optimizations were large time complexity -> space complexity...

    Part 2 was fun. I had a basic plan going into it, but came up with a few more little optimizations along the way.

    Some of these optimizations were large time complexity -> space complexity tradeoffs, though, as I was holding onto a lot of history along each step of each re-run of the guard's walk.

    The end result runs in 1.8 sec, which seems pretty solid based on what others have reported.

    One of the main tricky things was knowing when I needed to be checking just the guard's position vs her position and heading. I had to fix a few bugs related to this. I probably didn't do myself any favors by using nested tuples to structure the data. Maps or even structs would have made it easier to make sense of things.

    Since functional programming is all about obstinately refusing to use loops like a normal person (They're procedural!! 😱🤢🧐) I modeled the guard states using Stream functions, which can lazily produce and manipulate infinite series.

    Both parts

    I used my existing Grid module to parse the input. I might create a companion Heading module soon as well, because I keep treating headings as a special case of points/coordinates, when they're kind of a whole different thing.

    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2024.Day06 do
      use AdventOfCode.Solution.SharedParse
      alias AdventOfCode.Grid, as: G
      @impl true
      def parse(input) do
        grid = G.from_input(input)
        [{guard_start, ?^}] = G.filter_cells(grid, &match?({_, ?^}, &1))
        # Replace ^ with .
        grid = G.replace(grid, guard_start, ?.)
        {grid, guard_start}
      def part1({grid, guard_start}) do
        |> stream_steps(guard_start)
        |> MapSet.new(fn {coords, _heading} -> coords end)
        |> MapSet.size()
      def part2({grid, guard_start}) do
        path = grid |> stream_steps(guard_start) |> Enum.to_list()
        # Try placing walls along the guard's original path, one at a time
        |> Stream.with_index(fn {coords, _heading}, i -> {coords, i} end)
        # If the path crosses over itself, we don't need to try placing a wall there again
        |> Stream.uniq_by(fn {coords, _i} -> coords end)
        # Can't place a wall on top of the guard
        |> Stream.drop(1)
        |> Enum.count(fn {coords, i} ->
          wall_causes_loop?(grid, coords, i, path)
      defp wall_causes_loop?(grid, wall_coords, wall_step_idx, path) do
        # Place the wall
        grid = G.replace(grid, wall_coords, ?#)
        # Fast-forward to the step just before the new wall
        step_before_wall = Enum.at(path, wall_step_idx - 1)
        {coords, heading} = step_before_wall
        visited_before_wall = MapSet.new(Enum.take(path, max(0, wall_step_idx - 2)))
        # See if the guard repeats a step from there
        |> stream_steps(coords, heading)
        |> Enum.reduce_while(visited_before_wall, fn step, visited ->
          if step in visited do
            {:halt, :loop}
            {:cont, MapSet.put(visited, step)}
        |> Kernel.==(:loop)
      @spec stream_steps(G.t(), G.coordinates()) :: Enumerable.t({G.coordinates(), G.heading()})
      @spec stream_steps(G.t(), G.coordinates(), G.heading()) ::
              Enumerable.t({G.coordinates(), G.heading()})
      defp stream_steps(grid, coords, heading \\ {0, -1}) do
        Stream.unfold({coords, heading}, fn
          nil ->
          {coords, heading} ->
            next_coords = G.sum_coordinates(coords, heading)
            case G.at(grid, next_coords) do
              nil -> {{coords, heading}, nil}
              ?. -> {{coords, heading}, {next_coords, heading}}
              ?# -> {{coords, heading}, {coords, turn_right(heading)}}
      defp turn_right({x, y}), do: {-y, x}
    Name             ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
    Part 1       1238.78      0.00081 s     ±3.68%      0.00082 s      0.00086 s
    Parse         428.80      0.00233 s     ±5.56%      0.00230 s      0.00275 s
    Part 2          0.55         1.80 s     ±1.86%         1.79 s         1.84 s
    Part 1       1238.78
    Parse         428.80 - 2.89x slower +0.00152 s
    Part 2          0.55 - 2234.52x slower +1.80 s
    2 votes
  6. scarecrw
    Did the brute-force the same as others; about 35 seconds to run. Not super proud to be getting slow execution times already at day 6, but I wasn't aiming for time this year so we'll push onward. I...

    Did the brute-force the same as others; about 35 seconds to run. Not super proud to be getting slow execution times already at day 6, but I wasn't aiming for time this year so we'll push onward.

    I figured out how to make a class hashable, which I suspect will be a useful tool, and it seems like Pharo's clone is sufficient for copying at least non-nested objects. I'd like to explore more about the debugger tools. Being able to live edit methods is super cool, but I suspect there's a lot more I'm missing.

    Pharo Smalltalk Solution

    1 vote
  7. xavdid
    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code Part 1 I did naively (gotta get those in while I can 😅). For part 2, I went on a bit of a refactoring journey to adapt my part 1 code for loop...

    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code

    Part 1 I did naively (gotta get those in while I can 😅). For part 2, I went on a bit of a refactoring journey to adapt my part 1 code for loop detection (which meant tracking both location and direction) and then speeding it up by only checking the paths the guard actually walked.

    Nothing too complicated, but it made for a nice writeup explaining the journey of refactoring safely and ensuring every intermediate step still passed part 1. Runs in 7.5 seconds on Python3.12.7`, which I'm pleased enough about to not keep iterating on it.

    1 vote
  8. tjf
    Having the same frustration as basically everyone else here. Part 2 works, but it's slow (roughly 20 seconds for both CPython and PyPy). I would like to think about the problem more and come back...

    Having the same frustration as basically everyone else here. Part 2 works, but it's slow (roughly 20 seconds for both CPython and PyPy). I would like to think about the problem more and come back to it in a few hours, but future me might be too tired. I did get to use complex numbers again, though, which makes me happy. My Python solutions:

    Part 1
    import sys
    def move_guard(lab: dict[complex, str], pos: complex, heading: complex) -> tuple[complex, complex]:
        if lab[pos + heading] == '#':
            heading *= -1j
            pos += heading
            lab[pos] = 'X'
        return pos, heading
    lab = {}
    for b, line in enumerate(sys.stdin):
        for a, char in enumerate(line.strip()):
            if char == '^':
                startpos = complex(a, -b)
                char = 'X'
            lab[complex(a, -b)] = char
    pos = startpos
    heading = 1j
    while pos + heading in lab:
        pos, heading = move_guard(lab, pos, heading)
    print(sum(char == 'X' for char in lab.values()))
    Part 2
    from collections.abc import Iterator
    import sys
    def move_guard(lab: dict[complex, str], pos: complex, heading: complex) -> tuple[complex, complex]:
        if lab[pos + heading] == '#':
            heading *= -1j
            pos += heading
            lab[pos] = 'X'
        return pos, heading
    def obstruction_candidates(_lab: dict[complex, str], pos: complex, heading: complex) -> Iterator[complex]:
        lab = _lab.copy()
        while pos + heading in lab:
            oldchar = lab[pos + heading]
            pos, heading = move_guard(lab, pos, heading)
            if oldchar == '.':
                yield pos
    def would_loop(_lab: dict[complex, str], pos: complex, heading: complex, obstruction: complex) -> bool:
        lab = _lab.copy()
        lab[obstruction] = '#'
        history = set()
        while pos + heading in lab:
            if (pos, heading) in history:
                return True
            history.add((pos, heading))
            pos, heading = move_guard(lab, pos, heading)
        return False
    lab = {}
    for b, line in enumerate(sys.stdin):
        for a, char in enumerate(line.strip()):
            if char == '^':
                startpos = complex(a, -b)
                char = 'X'
            lab[complex(a, -b)] = char
    print(sum(would_loop(lab, startpos, 1j, candidate)
              for candidate in obstruction_candidates(lab, startpos, 1j)))
    1 vote
  9. DataWraith
    (edited )
    This one was simple and quick. Why couldn't the previous ones be so nice? Brute-forcing part 2 runs a bit slow, but eh. Edit: Did a bit of optimization on part 2, now runs in 0.35 seconds. The...

    This one was simple and quick. Why couldn't the previous ones be so nice?

    Brute-forcing part 2 runs a bit slow, but eh.

    Edit: Did a bit of optimization on part 2, now runs in 0.35 seconds. The speed-up mostly comes from not cloning a HashSet every time the guard takes a step.

    Part 1 (Rust)
    pub fn part1(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let coord = guard_starting_position(&input.grid);
        let mut visited = Vec::new();
        let mut state = GuardState {
            coordinate: coord,
            direction: Direction::Up,
        visited.push((state.coordinate, state.direction));
        while let Some(next_state) = state.next_state(&input.grid) {
            visited.push((next_state.coordinate, next_state.direction));
            state = next_state;
        let mut v = visited.iter().map(|(c, _)| c).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    pub struct GuardState {
        pub coordinate: Coordinate,
        pub direction: Direction,
    impl GuardState {
        pub fn next_state(&self, grid: &Grid2D<char>) -> Option<GuardState> {
            let next_coord = self.coordinate + self.direction.into();
            if let Some(c) = grid.get(next_coord) {
                if *c == '#' {
                    let new_direction = self.direction.turn_right_90();
                    return Some(GuardState {
                        coordinate: self.coordinate,
                        direction: new_direction,
                return Some(GuardState {
                    coordinate: next_coord,
                    direction: self.direction,
    pub fn guard_starting_position(grid: &Grid2D<char>) -> Coordinate {
            .find(|(c, x)| **x == '^')
            .map(|(c, x)| c)
    Part 2 (Rust)
    pub fn part2(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let coord = guard_starting_position(&input.grid);
        let mut state = GuardState {
            coordinate: coord,
            direction: Direction::Up,
        let mut visited = Vec::new();
        visited.push((state.coordinate, state.direction));
        while let Some(next_state) = state.next_state(&input.grid) {
            visited.push((next_state.coordinate, next_state.direction));
            state = next_state;
        let mut loops_found = HashSet::new();
        let mut obstacles = HashSet::new();
        for (pos, dir) in visited.iter() {
            let obstacle = *pos + (*dir).into();
            if obstacle == coord {
            if input.grid.get(obstacle).is_none() {
            if input.grid.get(obstacle).unwrap() == &'#' {
        for obstacle in obstacles.iter() {
            let mut g2 = input.grid.clone();
            g2.set(*obstacle, '#');
            let mut state = GuardState {
                coordinate: coord,
                direction: Direction::Up,
            let mut visited = HashSet::new();
            while let Some(next_state) = state.next_state(&g2) {
                state = next_state;
                if !visited.insert((state.coordinate, state.direction)) {
            if g2.get(state.coordinate + state.direction.into()).is_some() {
    1 vote
  10. kari
    (edited )
    Part 2 took at least 90 minutes to run, I literally went to my work Christmas party and just came back to it being done, so maybe longer xD Racket #! /usr/bin/env racket #lang racket (require...

    Part 2 took at least 90 minutes to run, I literally went to my work Christmas party and just came back to it being done, so maybe longer xD

    #! /usr/bin/env racket
    #lang racket
    (require "common.rkt" rackunit)
    ;; XXX: Might want to move a lot of these procedures to common.rkt
    ;; returns #t if i or j are out-of-bounds of in-map
    ;; else returns #f
    (define (out-of-bounds? in-map i j)
        [(or (negative? i)
             (negative? j)
             (>= i (length in-map))
             (>= j (length (list-ref in-map i)))) #t]
        [else #f]))
    ;; get the coordinates of the next step
    (define (next-step-coords coords dir)
        [(eq? dir 'up) (cons (sub1 (car coords)) (cdr coords))]
        [(eq? dir 'down) (cons (add1 (car coords)) (cdr coords))]
        [(eq? dir 'left) (cons (car coords) (sub1 (cdr coords)))]
        [(eq? dir 'right) (cons (car coords) (add1 (cdr coords)))]
        [else 'invalid-dir]))
    ;; get the value at (i, j) else #f
    (define (map-ref in-map i j)
        [(out-of-bounds? in-map i j) #f]
        [else (list-ref (list-ref in-map i) j)]))
    ;; get the value at the next step
    (define (map-ref-next-step in-map coords dir)
      (let* ([next-step-crds (next-step-coords coords dir)]
             [i (car next-step-crds)]
             [j (cdr next-step-crds)])
        (map-ref in-map i j)))
    (define (replace-at-index lst i new-value)
        [(empty? lst) '()]
        [(zero? i) (cons new-value (cdr lst))]
        [else (cons (car lst) (replace-at-index (cdr lst) (sub1 i) new-value))]))
    (define (replace-at-coords in-map coords new-value)
        [(empty? in-map) '()]
        [(zero? (car coords)) (cons (replace-at-index (car in-map) (cdr coords) new-value) (cdr in-map))]
        [else (cons (car in-map) (replace-at-coords (cdr in-map) (cons (sub1 (car coords)) (cdr coords)) new-value))]))
    ;; returns the coordinates of the ^ on the map
    (define (find-start in-map)
      (let helper ((i 0) (j 0))
          ;; we went past the bottom right corner and somehow didn't find the start
          [(eq? i (length in-map)) 'no-start]
          ;; end of a row, go to start of the next row
          [(eq? j (length (list-ref in-map i))) (helper (add1 i) 0)]
          ;; these *should* never happen
          ;; but let's handle it just in case
          [(out-of-bounds? in-map i j) empty]
          ;; valid coordinates, check for #\^
          [(eq? #\^ (list-ref (list-ref in-map i) j)) (cons i j)]
          ;; go to next column in the same row
          [else (helper i (add1 j))])))
    (define (turn-right dir)
        [(eq? dir 'up) 'right]
        [(eq? dir 'right) 'down]
        [(eq? dir 'down) 'left]
        [(eq? dir 'left) 'up]
        [else 'invalid-dir]))
    (define (looping? visited coords dir)
      (member (cons coords dir) visited))
    ;; if there's an obstacle, turn 90-degrees right;
    ;; else, walk one step forwards.
    (define (walk in-map coords dir [visited '()])
      (let ([next-step-val (map-ref-next-step in-map coords dir)])
          ;; we finish when we go out of bounds
          [(not next-step-val) (cons (cons coords dir) visited)]
          ;; easy way to "detect" a cycle; probably not very reliable but it works...
          [(looping? visited coords dir) (cons (cons coords dir) visited)]
          ;; obstacle, turn right
          [(eq? next-step-val #\#) (walk in-map coords (turn-right dir) visited)]
          ;; walk forward
          [else (walk in-map
                      (next-step-coords coords dir)
                      (cons (cons coords dir) visited))])))
    (define (day06/run-part01 in-map)
      (let ([start-coords (find-start in-map)])
        (set-count (list->set (map car (walk in-map start-coords 'up))))))
    ;; TODO: Loop through visited and then walk again
    (define (day06/run-part02 in-map)
      (let* ([start-coords (find-start in-map)])
        (for*/sum ([i (length in-map)]
                   [j (length (list-ref in-map i))])
            [(and (not (eq? #\# (map-ref in-map i j)))
                  (not (eq? #\^ (map-ref in-map i j))))
             ; (printf "~a,~a\n" i j)
             (let* ([modded-map (replace-at-coords in-map (cons i j) #\#)]
                    [visited (walk modded-map start-coords 'up)]
                    [coords (car (car visited))]
                    [dir (cdr (car visited))])
               ; (printf "modded at (~a,~a): ~a\n" i j modded-map)
               (if (looping? (cdr visited) coords dir)
            [else 0]))))
    (check-equal? (day06/run-part01 (input->list (open-input-file "examples/day06.in"))) 41 "Test part 1")
    (check-equal? (day06/run-part02 (input->list (open-input-file "examples/day06.in"))) 6 "Test part 2")
    (check-equal? (day06/run-part01 (input->list (open-input-file "inputs/day06.in"))) 5453 "Test part 1")
    (let* ([in-map (input->list (open-input-file "inputs/day06.in"))]
           [part1 (day06/run-part01 in-map)])
           ; [part2 (day06/run-part02 in-map)])
      (printf "Part 1: ~a, Part 2: ~a\n" part1 'part2))

    I think most of the time is because I used a list of lists for the map instead of a vector of vectors, so trying to replace a single value is O(ij) instead of O(1). Honestly though, I think my part 1 is decent enough.

    1 vote
  11. guissmo
    I took too much time on this because I tried to optimize and while doing so missed something. TLDR: My optimization was to just start from the point in the path where I put the obstacle, but that...

    I took too much time on this because I tried to optimize and while doing so missed something.

    TLDR: My optimization was to just start from the point in the path where I put the obstacle, but that doesn't account for when the obstacle would be counted earlier...

    1 vote