8 votes

Day 10: Hoof It

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2024/day/10

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. scarecrw
    (edited )
    Managed to keep things simple enough for today, including reusing my code from Part 1 for Part 2. I'm finding a bunch of tools that I wished I'd found previous days like flatCollect: and...

    Managed to keep things simple enough for today, including reusing my code from Part 1 for Part 2. I'm finding a bunch of tools that I wished I'd found previous days like flatCollect: and digitValue.

    Smalltalk Solution
    Class {
    	#name : 'Day10Solver',
    	#superclass : 'AoCSolver',
    	#instVars : [
    	#category : 'AoCDay10',
    	#package : 'AoCDay10'
    Day10Solver >> parseRawData [
    	| temp |
    	temp := rawData lines collect: [ :row | row collect: #digitValue as: Array ].
    	trailMap := Array2D
    		            rows: temp size
    		            columns: (temp at: 1) size
    		            tabulate: [ :r :c | (temp at: r) at: c ].
    	trailHeads := OrderedCollection new.
    	trailMap withIndicesDo: [ :x :r : c | x = 0 ifTrue: [ trailHeads add: r @ c ] ]
    Day10Solver >> solvePart1 [
    	^ (trailHeads collect: [ :trailHead | self numPathsStartingAt: trailHead unique: false ]) sum
    Day10Solver >> solvePart2 [
    	^ (trailHeads collect: [ :trailHead | self numPathsStartingAt: trailHead unique: true ]) sum
    Day10Solver >> isPointInRange: aPoint [ 
    	^ aPoint > (0@0) and: aPoint <= (trailMap numberOfRows @ trailMap numberOfColumns)
    Day10Solver >> neighborsOf: aPoint [
    	| neighbors height |
    	height := trailMap atPoint: aPoint.
    	neighbors := {
    		             (aPoint + (1 @ 0)).
    		             (aPoint + (0 @ 1)).
    		             (aPoint - (1 @ 0)).
    		             (aPoint - (0 @ 1)) }.
    	^ neighbors select: [ :p | (self isPointInRange: p) and: [ (trailMap atPoint: p) = (height + 1) ] ]
    Day10Solver >> numPathsStartingAt: aPoint unique: aBoolean [
    	| curr pathCount |
    	curr := aBoolean
    		        ifTrue: [ OrderedCollection new ]
    		        ifFalse: [ Set new ].
    	curr add: aPoint.
    	pathCount := 0.
    	[ curr isEmpty ] whileFalse: [
    		curr := curr flatCollect: [ :p |
    			        (trailMap atPoint: p) = 9
    				        ifTrue: [ pathCount := pathCount + 1. #(  ) ]
    				        ifFalse: [ self neighborsOf: p ] ] ].
    	^ pathCount
    3 votes
  2. [3]
    I was satisfied that for part 2 all I had to do was comment out one line of my code from part 1 that was checking to see if I had already encountered a location in the grid. I actually...

    I was satisfied that for part 2 all I had to do was comment out one line of my code from part 1 that was checking to see if I had already encountered a location in the grid. I actually accidentally got the output of part 2 in my first iteration of solving part 1.

    Part 1 & 2
    with open('input/10.txt', 'r') as f:
        lines = f.read().splitlines()
    grid = {}
    for y, line in enumerate(lines):
        for x, char in enumerate(line):
            grid[x + y * 1j] = int(char)
    trailheads = [key for key, value in grid.items() if value == 0]
    def get_score(trailhead, count_distinct_paths=False):
        score = 0
        queue = [trailhead]
        encountered_positions = set()
        while len(queue) > 0:
            position = queue.pop(0)
            if position in encountered_positions:
            if not count_distinct_paths:
            elevation = grid[position]
            if elevation == 9:
                score += 1
            surrounding_positions = [position + direction for direction in [1, -1, 1j, -1j] if position + direction in grid and grid[position + direction] == elevation + 1]
        return score
    print("Part 1:", sum(get_score(trailhead) for trailhead in trailheads))
    print("Part 2:", sum(get_score(trailhead, count_distinct_paths=True) for trailhead in trailheads))
    2 votes
    1. fidwell
      (edited )
      Link Parent
      From what I've read on Reddit and the other AoC community I talk to, it sounds like everyone did that. A pretty simple puzzle, especially if you did the one from last year that this one...

      From what I've read on Reddit and the other AoC community I talk to, it sounds like everyone did that. A pretty simple puzzle, especially if you did the one from last year that this one references. If I hadn't run the example input first, I probably would have accidentally gotten the Part 2 answer before I got Part 1.

      1 vote
    2. guissmo
      Link Parent
      Same! In trying to solve part 1, I actually solved part 2! Lol. Code here.

      Same! In trying to solve part 1, I actually solved part 2! Lol. Code here.

  3. lily
    I happened to solve part 1 on this in such a way that made part 2 extremely easy - in fact, at first when trying to solve part 1 I was accidentally getting the answer for part 2 instead! I had to...

    I happened to solve part 1 on this in such a way that made part 2 extremely easy - in fact, at first when trying to solve part 1 I was accidentally getting the answer for part 2 instead! I had to add extra code to make part 1 work, so for part 2 all I had to do was what I was already doing before.

    Solution (Jai)
    /* Advent of Code 2024
     * Day 10: Hoof It
    #import "Basic";
    #import "File";
    #import "Hash";
    #import "Hash_Table";
    #import "String";
    Vector2_Int :: struct {
        x, y: int;
    Vector2_Int_Set :: Table(
        (vector: Vector2_Int) -> u32 {
            return inline sdbm_hash(xx *vector, size_of(Vector2_Int));
        (a: Vector2_Int, b: Vector2_Int) -> bool {
            return a.x == b.x && a.y == b.y;
    main :: () {
        input, success := read_entire_file("inputs/day_10.txt");
        map: [..][..] int;
        defer {
            for map {
        trailheads: [..] Vector2_Int;
        defer array_free(trailheads);
        for line, y: split(input, "\n") {
            if line == "" {
            row: [..] int;
            for char, x: line {
                array_add(*row, char - #char "0");
                if char == #char "0" {
                    array_add(*trailheads, .{x, y});
            array_add(*map, row);
        width := map[0].count;
        height := map.count;
        score_sum := 0;
        rating_sum := 0;
        for trailheads {
            trails: [..][..] Vector2_Int;
            defer array_free(trails);
            trail: [..] Vector2_Int;
            array_add(*trail, it);
            array_add(*trails, trail);
            reachable_peaks: Vector2_Int_Set;
            defer deinit(*reachable_peaks);
            while trails.count {
                trail := pop(*trails);
                defer array_free(trail);
                tile := trail[trail.count - 1];
                current_height := map[tile.y][tile.x];
                for Vector2_Int.[
                    .{tile.x - 1, tile.y},
                    .{tile.x + 1, tile.y},
                    .{tile.x, tile.y - 1},
                    .{tile.x, tile.y + 1}
                ] {
                        it.x >= 0 && it.x < width && it.y >= 0 && it.y < height
                        && map[it.y][it.x] == current_height + 1
                        if map[it.y][it.x] == 9 {
                            if !table_contains(*reachable_peaks, it) {
                                table_add(*reachable_peaks, it, #run {});
                            rating_sum += 1;
                        } else {
                            new_trail: [..] Vector2_Int;
                            array_copy(*new_trail, trail);
                            array_add(*new_trail, it);
                            array_add(*trails, new_trail);
            score_sum += reachable_peaks.count;
        print("Part 1: %\nPart 2: %\n", score_sum, rating_sum);
    2 votes
  4. balooga
    TypeScript Like others have said, I also was able to satisfy Part 2 just by circumventing the uniqueness check in Part 1. I feel like this puzzle might have worked better if the parts were...


    Like others have said, I also was able to satisfy Part 2 just by circumventing the uniqueness check in Part 1. I feel like this puzzle might have worked better if the parts were reversed, as the continuation should add more constraints, not remove them.


    I went with another recursive function for this one. Seemed like a good way to stretch myself a bit! Also similar to some previous puzzles this year, I set up a directions array containing basic walk functions for each cardinal direction.

    My solution searches the map for possible trailheads (0) and for each one it kicks off a recursive function that does the following:

    1. Sets up an array (actually passed to it as an arg because recursive) to track the coords of all end positions that have been identified. Like with my Day 8 solution I'm storing these as strings to speed up uniqueness checks.
    2. Loops through the four directions and calls each walk function to get neighbor coords. For each of those, it validates that they are both in bounds and that the corresponding elevation is exactly one higher than that of the current coords.
    3. If the neighbor was determined to be valid in step 2, it checks if it's a trail end (9). If so, it pushes the current coordinates to the array of known ends. (In Part 1, a uniqueness check flag is true to ensure the coords are only pushed if they're not already in the array.) If the current position is not a trail end, the function recurses.
    4. Finally the length of the known end position array is checked and those are totaled for all of the trailheads.
    Parts 1 and 2 (TypeScript)
    type InputData = number[][];
    type Directions = Array<(row: number, col: number) => [number, number]>;
    type RecursiveFunc = (
      coords: [number, number],
      map: InputData,
      knownEnds: string[],
      shouldCountUniqueEndsOnly?: boolean
    ) => string[];
    function formatInput(input: string): InputData {
      return input
        .map(line => line.split('').map(char => Number(char)));
    const directions: Directions = [
      (row, col) => [row - 1, col], // up
      (row, col) => [row, col + 1], // right
      (row, col) => [row + 1, col], // down
      (row, col) => [row, col - 1], // left
    const recursiveFindTrailEnds: RecursiveFunc = ([row, col], map, knownEnds, shouldCountUniqueEndsOnly = false) => {
      let clonedKnownEnds = [...knownEnds];
      for (const direction of directions) {
        const [nextRow, nextCol] = direction(row, col);
        if (nextRow < map.length && nextRow >= 0 && nextCol < map[0].length && nextCol >= 0) {
          if (map[nextRow][nextCol] === map[row][col] + 1) {
            const coordString = `[${nextRow}, ${nextCol}]`;
            if (map[nextRow][nextCol] === 9 && (!shouldCountUniqueEndsOnly || !clonedKnownEnds.includes(coordString))) {
            clonedKnownEnds = [
              ...recursiveFindTrailEnds([nextRow, nextCol], map, clonedKnownEnds, shouldCountUniqueEndsOnly),
      return clonedKnownEnds;
    export function run(input: string): string[] {
      const data = formatInput(input);
      const sumTrailheadScores = (map: InputData): number => {
        let total = 0;
        for (let row = 0; row < map.length; row++) {
          for (let col = 0; col < map[0].length; col++) {
            if (map[row][col] === 0) {
              const knownEnds = recursiveFindTrailEnds([row, col], map, [], true);
              total += knownEnds.length;
        return total;
      const sumTrailheadRatings = (map: InputData): number => {
        let total = 0;
        for (let row = 0; row < map.length; row++) {
          for (let col = 0; col < map[0].length; col++) {
            if (map[row][col] === 0) {
              const knownEnds = recursiveFindTrailEnds([row, col], map, []);
              total += knownEnds.length;
        return total;
      return [`${sumTrailheadScores(data)}`, `${sumTrailheadRatings(data)}`];
    2 votes
  5. DataWraith
    I love pathfinding puzzles! Part 1 (Rust) pub fn part1(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String { let heads = trail_heads(input); let mut scores = Vec::new(); for head in heads { let score =...

    I love pathfinding puzzles!

    Part 1 (Rust)
    pub fn part1(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let heads = trail_heads(input);
        let mut scores = Vec::new();
        for head in heads {
            let score = trail_head_score(input, head);
    fn trail_head_score(input: &PuzzleInput, head: Coordinate) -> usize {
        let start = head;
        let mut seen = HashSet::new();
        let mut successors = move |p: &Coordinate| {
            let mut result = Vec::new();
            if input.map.get(*p) == Some(&9) {
                return result;
            for dir in Direction::cardinal() {
                let neighbor = p.neighbor(dir);
                if let Some(n) = input.map.get(neighbor) {
                    if *n == input.map.get(*p).unwrap() + 1 {
                        if seen.insert(neighbor) {
        let mut score = 0;
        let mut bfs = BrFS::new(vec![start]);
        while let Some(next) = bfs.next(&mut successors) {
            if input.map.get(next) == Some(&9) {
                score += 1;
    pub fn trail_heads(input: &PuzzleInput) -> Vec<Coordinate> {
            .filter(|(_, &c)| c == 0)
            .map(|(p, _)| p)
    Part 2 (Rust)
    pub fn part2(input: &PuzzleInput) -> String {
        let heads = trail_heads(input);
        let mut scores = Vec::new();
        for head in heads {
            let score = trail_destination_score(input, head);
    fn destinations(input: &PuzzleInput) -> Vec<Coordinate> {
            .filter(|(_, &c)| c == 9)
            .map(|(p, _)| p)
    fn trail_destination_score(input: &PuzzleInput, head: Coordinate) -> usize {
        let destinations = destinations(input);
        let mut successors = move |p: &(Coordinate, Vec<Coordinate>)| {
            let (current, trail) = p;
            let mut result = Vec::new();
            if *current == head {
                return result;
            for dir in Direction::cardinal() {
                let neighbor = current.neighbor(dir);
                if let Some(n) = input.map.get(neighbor) {
                    if *n + 1 == *input.map.get(*current).unwrap() {
                        let mut trail = trail.clone();
                        //if seen.insert((neighbor, trail.clone())) {
                        result.push((neighbor, trail));
        let mut score = 0;
        let mut bfs = BrFS::new(destinations.iter().map(|d| (*d, vec![*d])).collect_vec());
        while let Some((next, _d)) = bfs.next(&mut successors) {
            if next == head {
                score += 1;
    pub struct BrFS<N>
        N: Clone,
        queue: VecDeque<N>,
    impl<N> BrFS<N>
        N: Clone,
        pub fn new<IN>(start: IN) -> Self
            IN: IntoIterator<Item = N>,
            let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
            for s in start.into_iter() {
            Self { queue }
        pub fn next<S, IN>(&mut self, mut successors: S) -> Option<N>
            S: FnMut(&N) -> IN,
            IN: IntoIterator<Item = N>,
            if let Some(cur) = self.queue.pop_front() {
                for next in successors(&cur) {
                return Some(cur);
    day_10    fastest       │ slowest       │ median        │ mean          │ samples │ iters
    ├─ part1  259.1 µs      │ 287.9 µs      │ 261.1 µs      │ 264 µs        │ 100     │ 100
    ╰─ part2  148.3 ms      │ 172.6 ms      │ 151 ms        │ 155.6 ms      │ 100     │ 100
    1 vote
  6. jzimbel
    I'd been avoiding this one because it seemed like it would be a cumbersome pathfinding problem, but it turned out to be... very easy? The only difference between part 1 and part 2 was whether to...

    I'd been avoiding this one because it seemed like it would be a cumbersome pathfinding problem, but it turned out to be... very easy?

    The only difference between part 1 and part 2 was whether to keep duplicates in my list of in-progress paths. Annoyingly, the for special form (aka comprehensions) has a weird limitation where its :uniq option only accepts boolean literals, so I had to conditionally filter to unique values outside of the comprehension.

    Both parts (Elixir)
    defmodule AdventOfCode.Solution.Year2024.Day10 do
      use AdventOfCode.Solution.SharedParse
      alias AdventOfCode.Grid, as: G
      @impl true
      def parse(input), do: G.from_input(input)
      def part1(grid), do: solve(grid, true)
      def part2(grid), do: solve(grid, false)
      defp solve(grid, uniq?) do
        for {point, ?0} <- grid, reduce: 0 do
          acc -> acc + count_trailheads([point], ?1, grid, uniq?)
      defp count_trailheads(points, ?9, grid, uniq?) do
        length(next(points, ?9, grid, uniq?))
      defp count_trailheads([], target, _, _) when target < ?9, do: 0
      defp count_trailheads(points, target, grid, uniq?) do
        count_trailheads(next(points, target, grid, uniq?), target + 1, grid, uniq?)
      defp next(points, target, grid, uniq?) do
        next_points =
          for point <- points,
              {p, ^target} <- G.adjacent_cells(grid, point, :cardinal) do
        if uniq?, do: Enum.uniq(next_points), else: next_points
    Name             ips        average  deviation         median         99th %
    Parse         4.18 K      239.19 μs    ±10.26%      235.29 μs      318.13 μs
    Part 1        1.01 K      991.95 μs     ±6.37%      964.33 μs     1198.67 μs
    Part 2        0.84 K     1189.14 μs     ±6.19%     1161.58 μs     1395.33 μs
    Parse         4.18 K
    Part 1        1.01 K - 4.15x slower +752.76 μs
    Part 2        0.84 K - 4.97x slower +949.95 μs
    1 vote
  7. kari
    Honestly, I kind of wish I hadn't used the graph library for Racket lol. I went back after I did part 2 and my day10/run-part01-better procedure drops the run time for part 1 from ~17 seconds to 1...

    Honestly, I kind of wish I hadn't used the graph library for Racket lol. I went back after I did part 2 and my day10/run-part01-better procedure drops the run time for part 1 from ~17 seconds to 1 second lol. I guess that's partly just because my "better" procedure doesn't find the shortest path, just a path.

    Anyways, I really enjoyed that one. I did UIL Computer Science competitions in high school that had lots of graph problems like this and they were by far my favorite. If I were doing this back then I probably could've finished it in Java (without any graph library, just by coordinates) in like 5 minutes lol.

    #! /usr/bin/env racket
    #lang racket
    (require graph "common.rkt")
    (module+ test
      (require rackunit))
    (define (map->graph in-map)
      ;; Check if (i1, j1) -> (i2, j2) should be an edge
      ;; Can only be an edge if (map-ref in-map i1 j1) + 1 = (map-ref in-map i2 j2)
      (define (edge? i1 j1 i2 j2)
          [(or (out-of-bounds? in-map i1 j1)
               (out-of-bounds? in-map i2 j2)) #f]
          [else (eq? 1 (- (map-ref in-map i2 j2)
                          (map-ref in-map i1 j1)))]))
      ;; Iterate through the entire map and create any edges
      (directed-graph (for*/fold ([edges '()])
                                 ([i (length in-map)]
                                  [j (length (list-ref in-map i))]
                                  [dest (in-list (list (list (sub1 i) j)
                                                       (list (add1 i) j)
                                                       (list i (sub1 j))
                                                       (list i (add1 j))))])
                          [(edge? i j (first dest) (second dest))
                           (let* ([start (list i j)]
                                  [new-edge (list start dest)])
                             (cons new-edge edges))]
                          [else edges]))))
    ;; Get the coordinates of all 0s on the map
    (define (trailhead-coords in-map)
      (for*/fold ([trailhead-coords '()])
                 ([i (length in-map)]
                  [j (length (list-ref in-map i))])
          [(zero? (map-ref in-map i j)) (cons (list i j) trailhead-coords)]
          [else trailhead-coords])))
    ;; Get the coordinates of all 9s on the map
    (define (peak-coords in-map)
      (for*/fold ([trailhead-coords '()])
                 ([i (length in-map)]
                  [j (length (list-ref in-map i))])
          [(= 9 (map-ref in-map i j)) (cons (list i j) trailhead-coords)]
          [else trailhead-coords])))
    ;; Calculate if a path exists for a single trailhead->peak pair
    (define (has-path? g trailhead peak)
      (let helper ((v trailhead) (visited '()))
          ;; found a path
          [(equal? v peak) 1]
          [else (for/or ([neighbor (in-list (get-neighbors g v))])
                    ;; Already visited this vertex
                    [(member neighbor visited) 0]
                    [else (helper neighbor (cons v visited))]))])))
    ;; Calculate the rating for a single trailhead->peak pair.
    ;; This is essentially (has-path?) but it doesn't return
    ;; as soon as it finds a path.
    (define (rating g trailhead peak)
      (let helper ((v trailhead) (visited '()))
          ;; found a path
          [(equal? v peak) 1]
          [else (for/sum ([neighbor (in-list (get-neighbors g v))])
                    ;; Already visited this vertex
                    [(member neighbor visited) 0]
                    [else (helper neighbor (cons v visited))]))])))
    (define (day10/run-part01 in-map)
      (let ([map-graph (map->graph in-map)]
            [trailhead-coords (trailhead-coords in-map)]
            [peak-coords (peak-coords in-map)])
        ;; For each trailhead->peak pair, see if there's a path.
        ;; If there is, add 1 to our sum of paths.
        (for*/sum ([trailhead-coord (in-list trailhead-coords)]
                   [peak-coord (in-list peak-coords)])
            [(fewest-vertices-path map-graph trailhead-coord peak-coord) 1]
            [else 0]))))
    (define (day10/run-part01-better in-map)
      (let ([map-graph (map->graph in-map)]
            [trailhead-coords (trailhead-coords in-map)]
            [peak-coords (peak-coords in-map)])
        ;; For each trailhead->peak pair, see if there's a path.
        ;; If there is, add 1 to our sum of paths.
        (for*/sum ([trailhead-coord (in-list trailhead-coords)]
                   [peak-coord (in-list peak-coords)])
          (if (has-path? map-graph trailhead-coord peak-coord)
    (define (day10/run-part02 in-map)
      (let ([map-graph (map->graph in-map)]
            [trailhead-coords (trailhead-coords in-map)]
            [peak-coords (peak-coords in-map)])
        ;; For each trailhead->peak pair, see if there's a path.
        ;; If there is, add 1 to our sum of paths.
        (for*/sum ([trailhead-coord (in-list trailhead-coords)]
                   [peak-coord (in-list peak-coords)])
          (rating map-graph trailhead-coord peak-coord))))
    (module+ test
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part01 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_1.in")))   2 "Test part 1: 1")
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part01 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_2.in")))   4 "Test part 1: 2")
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part01 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_3.in")))   3 "Test part 1: 3")
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part01 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_4.in")))  36 "Test part 1: 4")
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part02 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_5.in")))   3 "Test part 2: 1")
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part02 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_6.in")))  13 "Test part 2: 2")
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part02 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_7.in"))) 227 "Test part 2: 3")
      (check-equal? (day10/run-part02 (input->list-numbers (open-input-file "examples/day10_4.in")))  81 "Test part 2: 4"))
    ;; Run against my input and print the results
    (module+ main
      (let* ([in-port (open-input-file "inputs/day10.in")]
             [in-map (input->list-numbers in-port)]
             [part1 (day10/run-part01-better in-map)]
             [part2 (day10/run-part02 in-map)])
        (printf "Part 1: ~a, Part 2: ~a\n" part1 part2)))
    1 vote
  8. xavdid
    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code Because today was simpler, we had the chance to focus on a clean DFS implementation. It also may take the cake for "least changes between parts 1 and...

    Python: Step-by-step explanation | full code

    Because today was simpler, we had the chance to focus on a clean DFS implementation. It also may take the cake for "least changes between parts 1 and 2", which is always a nice break. Ultimately, I could put everything in a function and call it twice for each 0 position, summing the totals independently.

    This definitely feels like the calm before the storm!

    1 vote