9 votes

OKSolar: Improving on Solarized using the OKLab perceptual colorspace

1 comment

  1. talklittle
    I completely agree with the subjective criticisms of Solarized, and despite liking the Solarized colors in the abstract, have avoided it in real life situations due to the contrast issues. OKSolar...

    I completely agree with the subjective criticisms of Solarized, and despite liking the Solarized colors in the abstract, have avoided it in real life situations due to the contrast issues. OKSolar looks way better to me, and big props to the author for the laying out the proper methodology used for this improvement.

    Maybe Tildes can consider replacing the Solarized themes with OKSolar? I may submit a merge request at some point, unless someone beats me to it.

    4 votes