5 votes

Day 16: Proboscidea Volcanium

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2022/day/16

Please post your solutions in your own top-level comment. Here's a template you can copy-paste into your comment to format it nicely, with the code collapsed by default inside an expandable section with syntax highlighting (you can replace python with any of the "short names" listed in this page of supported languages):

<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. bhrgunatha
    Only Part 1 so far and slow at over 2s. I adapted it for Part 2 (which works for the test input!) but is a combinatorial explosion with the real input. I have a couple of ideas to tame that but...

    Only Part 1 so far and slow at over 2s. I adapted it for Part 2 (which works for the test input!) but is a combinatorial explosion with the real input. I have a couple of ideas to tame that but haven't got it working yet. Once it's done (if it works), I suspect Part 1 will also improve.

    Part 1

    I'm using a graph library to get the distances between all pairs valves; it just saves me with the tedious busywork of repeated bfs.

    (define (part-01 input)
      (define G (pipe-graph input))
      (define paths (find-path G 30))
      (for/fold ([max-flow 0])
                ([path (in-list paths)])
        (max max-flow (flow path))))
    (define (pipe-graph input)
      (define pipes (read-valves input))
      ;; valves with flow (plus "AA")
      (define valves (connected-valves pipes))
      ;; all distances
      (define dists (distances pipes))
      (for/hash ([u (in-set valves)])
        (values u
                (cons (first (hash-ref pipes u))
                      (for/list ([v (in-list (neighbours dists valves u))])
                        (list v (hash-ref dists (list u v))))))))
    (define (find-path G mins)
      (define valves (list->set (hash-keys G)))
      (define start (list "AA" (- mins 0) 0))
      (define paths null)
      (define (walk u t path opened)
        (cond [(> t mins)]
              [(equal? opened valves)]
               (define next (rest (hash-ref G u)))
               (for ([vt (in-list next)]
                     #:do [(match-define (list v dt) vt)]
                     #:unless (set-member? opened v))
                 (define open-time (+ t dt 1)) ;valve opens
                 (define flow-time (- mins open-time))
                 (define path+ (cons (list v flow-time (first (hash-ref G v))) path))
                 (set! paths (cons path+ paths))
                 (walk v open-time path+ (set-add opened v)))]))
      (walk "AA" 0 (list start) (set "AA"))
    (define (flow path)
      (define start (reverse path))
      (for/fold ([total 0])
                ([u (in-list start)]
                 [vopen (in-list (rest start))])
        (match-define (list v flow-time pressure) vopen)
        (+ total (* flow-time pressure))))
    (define (neighbours dists valves u)
      (for/list ([edge (in-hash-keys dists)]
                 #:when (string=? u (first edge))
                 #:unless (string=? u (second edge))
                 #:when (set-member? valves (second edge)))
        (second edge)))
    (define (connected-valves pipes)
       (for/set ([(k v) (in-hash pipes)] #:when (> (first v) 0)) k)
    (define (distances pipes)
      (define es
        (for*/list ([(from x) (in-hash pipes)]
                    [to (in-list (rest x))])
          (list 1 from to)))
      (johnson (weighted-graph/directed es)))
    (define (read-valves input)
      (for/hash ([line (in-list input)])
        (match-define (list* _ from (app string->number flow) tos)
          (regexp-match* #px"[A-Z]+|\\d+" line))
        (values from (cons flow tos) )))
    2 votes
  2. DataWraith
    I haven't done any of the other puzzles this year, but the description looked fun, so I gave Part I a shot. Of course it ended up being way harder than I imagined; I'm not even going to attempt...

    I haven't done any of the other puzzles this year, but the description looked fun, so I gave Part I a shot.

    Of course it ended up being way harder than I imagined; I'm not even going to attempt Part II.

    Part 1 (Rust)

    I've omitted the code for parsing and pathfinding -- the former is just standard nom parsing and the latter is (a) ugly and (b) a direct translation from Python code on Wikipedia.

    use std::collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque};
    use ndarray::Array2;
    use parser::parse;
    mod parser; // Parses the puzzle input
    mod seidel; // Computes all-pairs shortest paths, used by parser module to complete the Puzzle struct (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seidel%27s_algorithm)
    pub struct Puzzle {
        indices: BTreeMap<String, usize>,
        flow_rate: Vec<usize>,
        adjacency: Array2<usize>,
        path_lengths: Array2<usize>,
    #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
    pub struct SearchState {
        unopened: Vec<usize>,
        current_position: usize,
        remaining_time: usize,
        cumulative_flow: usize,
        pressure_released: usize,
    /// A breadth-first search on the tree implied by the SearchState transitions.
    /// It prunes branches that cannot beat the current best (ala Branch & Bound).
    /// This improves the runtime on my puzzle input from 250ms to 12ms. It solves
    /// both the test input and my actual input, but I'm not entirely sure if it is
    /// actually sound, or if there are inputs for which it will fail.
    fn part1(puzzle: Puzzle) -> usize {
        let mut best = 0;
        let mut q = VecDeque::new();
        let initial_state = SearchState {
            // Filter out valves with flow rate 0, no point in opening them
            unopened: puzzle
                .filter(|idx| puzzle.flow_rate[*idx] > 0)
            current_position: puzzle.indices["AA"],
            remaining_time: 30,
            cumulative_flow: 0,
            pressure_released: 0,
        while let Some(state) = q.pop_front() {
            if state.unopened.is_empty() || state.remaining_time == 0 {
                // We've ran out of time or valves to open
                best = best.max(state.pressure_released + state.remaining_time * state.cumulative_flow);
            for unopened in state.unopened.iter() {
                let mut neighbor = state.clone();
                let movement_time = puzzle.path_lengths[[state.current_position, *unopened]];
                if movement_time >= neighbor.remaining_time {
                    // Not enough time left, count out remaining flow
                    neighbor.pressure_released += neighbor.remaining_time * neighbor.cumulative_flow;
                    neighbor.remaining_time = 0;
                } else {
                    // Go to valve, pressure is released while we are en route
                    neighbor.remaining_time -= movement_time;
                    neighbor.pressure_released += movement_time * neighbor.cumulative_flow;
                    neighbor.current_position = *unopened;
                    // Open valve, pressure is released while we do it
                    neighbor.remaining_time -= 1;
                    neighbor.pressure_released += neighbor.cumulative_flow;
                    neighbor.unopened.retain(|idx| idx != unopened);
                    neighbor.cumulative_flow += puzzle.flow_rate[*unopened];
                if neighbor.pressure_released + neighbor.remaining_time * neighbor.cumulative_flow
                    > best
    fn part1_input() -> &'static str {
    fn main() {
    2 votes