18 votes

Cloudflare uses deceptive business practices to bully customers into unnecessary enterprise plans


  1. [2]
    I tried to uneditorialize the title. I like Theo’s content, but he definitely goes all in on the clickbait titles. I think Theo covers the topic pretty well, and I encourage you all to watch all...

    I tried to uneditorialize the title. I like Theo’s content, but he definitely goes all in on the clickbait titles.

    I think Theo covers the topic pretty well, and I encourage you all to watch all of the video. Many of the excuses or reasons I was trying to give Cloudflare early in the video were addressed later in the video.

    Personally I really like cloudflare’s technology, especially workers, D1, R2, and Pages. But given this news, I don’t think I will be using them anymore. I don’t think I will ever have a website that gets close to needing even a business plan, let alone getting targeted for an enterprise plan, but the fact that customer accounts were deactivated without recourse leaves a very bad taste in my mouth. I have my domains registered through Cloudflare, so if that happened, I might loose access to them entirely. I think my first step will be transferring my domains back to namecheap (I don’t particularly like namecheap, but I have some other domains there). And I certainly won’t be targeting any of my new projects to workers or pages.

    Also mentioned in this video is the firing. Here is the previous tildes discussion about this event.

    9 votes
    1. Perryapsis
      Link Parent
      I wish there was an extension like DeArrow for Tildes and Reddit.

      he definitely goes all in on the clickbait titles.

      I wish there was an extension like DeArrow for Tildes and Reddit.

      2 votes