13 votes

The biggest-ever global outage: lessons for software engineers

1 comment

  1. Eji1700
    Really good breakdown of a lot of the questions that need to be asked about this. Not just of crowdstrike (who sure looks negligent as hell unless this is some AMAZING bug that reasonably didn't...

    Really good breakdown of a lot of the questions that need to be asked about this. Not just of crowdstrike (who sure looks negligent as hell unless this is some AMAZING bug that reasonably didn't occur in test), but of other operations.

    The fact that all signs point to a straight up "fuck you we push when we want to" attitude is just so ungodly irresponsible. The user/customer should have, at the very least, some minimal level of control over patch deployment so they can choose their level of risk tolerance, and that should be abided by except in the most serious of circumstances.

    9 votes