A lot of these are unlikely to ever become a default for fear of breaking tools that rely on parsing git's CLI output, which makes me wonder if the Git CLI needs something like Rust's "editions"...
A lot of these are unlikely to ever become a default for fear of breaking tools that rely on parsing git's CLI output, which makes me wonder if the Git CLI needs something like Rust's "editions" to improve it's ergonomics. Set core.edition=2025 or run git --edition 2025 and get all these as defaults rather than have to configure them individually.
Some of these will definitely be very helpful, thanks OP. That error you get when pushing a branch that doesn't have an existing upstream has been driving me nuts for years.
Some of these will definitely be very helpful, thanks OP. That error you get when pushing a branch that doesn't have an existing upstream has been driving me nuts for years.
A lot of these are unlikely to ever become a default for fear of breaking tools that rely on parsing git's CLI output, which makes me wonder if the Git CLI needs something like Rust's "editions" to improve it's ergonomics. Set
or rungit --edition 2025
and get all these as defaults rather than have to configure them individually.Some of these will definitely be very helpful, thanks OP. That error you get when pushing a branch that doesn't have an existing upstream has been driving me nuts for years.