7 votes

Atom 1.38 Release and Atom 1.39 Beta

1 comment

  1. Wes
    This should be helpful for dealing with large, concatenated, minified files. Usually .css or .js. I'm wondering if Atom previous read things on a line-by-line basis. That would explain why these...

    In the past, loading multi-megabyte files containing a single line has caused performance problems for Atom. In 1.39, these kinds of files now load about 75 times faster than they did previously.

    This should be helpful for dealing with large, concatenated, minified files. Usually .css or .js.

    I'm wondering if Atom previous read things on a line-by-line basis. That would explain why these specific files could destroy performance before.

    Also, glad to see a changelog without those dumb giant gifs.

    2 votes