5 votes

Announcing Dart 2.6 with dart2native: Compile Dart to self-contained, native executables


  1. skybrian
    And on a personal note, I used to work on the Dart team before I retired. I haven't used it since, so I'm out of touch, but it's nice to see them doing interesting work.

    And on a personal note, I used to work on the Dart team before I retired. I haven't used it since, so I'm out of touch, but it's nice to see them doing interesting work.

    2 votes
  2. skybrian
    From the article:

    From the article:

    Today we’re announcing dart2native, an extension of our existing compiler set, with the ability to compile Dart programs to self-contained executables containing ahead-of-time-compiled machine code. With dart2native, you can create tools for the command line on macOS, Windows, or Linux using Dart.

  3. [6]
    unknown user
    If anyone here is a fan of Dart, can you please explain, why on Earth the designers of Dart decided that this: void main() { int i; print(i); } null Is sane and good behaviour? I have explicitly...

    If anyone here is a fan of Dart, can you please explain, why on Earth the designers of Dart decided that this:

    void main() {
      int i;

    Is sane and good behaviour? I have explicitly told the compiler that I want an integer. null is not an integer. For a language that has (initially) positioned itself as a better-typed JavaScript replacement, this is just… bad.

    1. [5]
      Link Parent
      The reasoning is that in Java or C, basic value types like int are special and cannot be null. In Dart, as in JavaScript, there is no special case, everything is an object. Every variable defaults...

      The reasoning is that in Java or C, basic value types like int are special and cannot be null. In Dart, as in JavaScript, there is no special case, everything is an object. Every variable defaults to null. So it's more consistent in a way, but surprising for int.

      But they going to change the language so that nulls aren't allowed by default, so the int type won't allow null anymore and if you want nulls, you write int?. So after the migration, my guess in that your example will be a compile error? Unless they decide that defaulting to zero is better.

      But for now I don't think there is a way to say what you mean. Integer types allow null and it's a nuisance. You do get used to initializing number variables to zero, like in JavaScript.

      5 votes
      1. [4]
        unknown user
        Link Parent
        I see, thanks. The Everything Is An Object philosophy makes things clearer, although it's still not something I would expect from a statically-typed language.

        I see, thanks. The Everything Is An Object philosophy makes things clearer, although it's still not something I would expect from a statically-typed language.

        2 votes
        1. skybrian
          Link Parent
          A bit more background: when Dart started, it was an odd mixture between a static and dynamic language. The idea was that if you replaced all the type declarations with var, the program would do...

          A bit more background: when Dart started, it was an odd mixture between a static and dynamic language. The idea was that if you replaced all the type declarations with var, the program would do the same thing. So, int causing different initialization behavior than var wasn't allowed by the design philosophy.

          It's not until 2.0 that Dart became a true statically typed language, in the sense that both the reader and the compiler can rely on type declarations being accurate (or the program doesn't compile).

          3 votes
        2. [2]
          Link Parent
          What does it have to do with statically-typed? If in Java, you had Cat i; System.out.println(i); you still get null despite (in your argument) I want a Cat and null is not a cat.

          What does it have to do with statically-typed? If in Java, you had

          Cat i;

          you still get null despite (in your argument) I want a Cat and null is not a cat.

          2 votes
          1. unknown user
            Link Parent
            In most of statically-typed languages used today this is not the case for integers. null is not a valid integer value, but it may be a valid value for an object. In C, C++, and most Pascal...

            In most of statically-typed languages used today this is not the case for integers. null is not a valid integer value, but it may be a valid value for an object. In C, C++, and most Pascal dialects a code like the one I've mentioned will give you a (garbage) integer. Rust will generally not allow you to use an uninitialised value, but if you ask it nicely (with unsafe that is) then it will give you a garbage integer as well. In Go it will give you the integer zero.

            In fact, your post made me check something:

            • In Python the code x = int() results in x being zero.
            • In JavaScript, the language Dart was originally destined to replace in browsers, let x = new Number() again gives you [Number: 0]. Which makes Dart's choice even more strange.
            • Ruby's Integer class doesn't have a ::new constructor.
            • Lua doesn't seem to have any way to do that either.

            The fact that “Everything Is An Object” makes Dart's choice understandable, but it's not a choice I support. IMO, an integer is supposed to be, well, an integer. Zero, garbage, 42, whatever but not a null.

            1 vote