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Digital Vintage Sound: Modeling Analog Synthesizers with the Wolfram Language and System Modeler

1 comment

  1. skybrian
    From the article, by the author of the well-regarded "Vult" modules for VCV Rack:

    From the article, by the author of the well-regarded "Vult" modules for VCV Rack:

    Over the past two years, I have been releasing virtual modules for VCV Rack. One of the strong characteristics of my modules is that I try very hard to replicate in software the “analog vibes” of the sound. The analog modules are “imperfect,” in a good way. For example, a digital sine wave oscillator can produce a near-perfect signal. This perfect signal can be perceived as boring, lifeless or cold. On the other hand, an analog oscillator struggles to achieve that level of perfection but produces a sound that can be perceived as rich and warm.

    I will explain some of the techniques I use to model and simulate analog circuits in order to create the digital counterparts that imitate the sound.