8 votes

Day 22: Crab Combat

Today's problem description: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/22

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<summary>Part 1</summary>

Your code here.



  1. pnutzh4x0r
    Python Repo Link Part 1 Wow... compared to the past few days, the problem today was pretty straightforward (much more similar to the problems during the first week). I just implemented the game as...


    Repo Link

    Part 1

    Wow... compared to the past few days, the problem today was pretty straightforward (much more similar to the problems during the first week). I just implemented the game as described and that was it.

    import sys
    # Functions
    def read_hand(stream=sys.stdin):
        hand = []
        while card := stream.readline().strip():
            if card.isdigit():
        return hand
    def play_game(hand1, hand2):
        while hand1 and hand2:
            card1 = hand1.pop(0)
            card2 = hand2.pop(0)
            if card1 > card2:
        return hand1 if hand1 else hand2
    def compute_score(winner):
        return sum(card * index for index, card in enumerate(winner[::-1], 1))
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        hand1  = read_hand()
        hand2  = read_hand()
        winner = play_game(hand1, hand2)
        score  = compute_score(winner)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Part 2

    I almost went to bed because the recursive game seemed too confusing to implement, but I decided to buckle down and just go bullet by bullet point. This is reflected in the commented sections below... I found placing those comments as really useful for figuring out what exactly I needed to do to implement the game.

    That said, once you see what is going on, then it really it just a matter of coding in the rules of the game as described. I did make a dumb mistake of forgetting to add the current configuration to the cache... which lead to the infinite loop the write-up warns about. After a few minutes of tracing, I realized my mistake and was able to fix it.

    import sys
    # Functions
    def read_hand(stream=sys.stdin):
        hand = []
        while card := stream.readline().strip():
            if card.isdigit():
        return hand
    def play_game(hand1, hand2):
        configurations = set()
        while hand1 and hand2:
            # 1. Check configuration
            configuration = (tuple(hand1), tuple(hand2))
            if configuration in configurations:
                return 1
            # 2. Draw top card from decks
            card1 = hand1.pop(0)
            card2 = hand2.pop(0)
            # 3. Both players have at least as many cards remaining in deck as
            # value of the card they drew
            if len(hand1) >= card1 and len(hand2) >= card2:
                winner = play_game(hand1[:card1], hand2[:card2])
                winner = 1 if card1 > card2 else 2
            # 4. Winner of round takes both cards
            if winner == 1:
        return 1 if hand1 else 2
    def compute_score(winner):
        return sum(card * index for index, card in enumerate(winner[::-1], 1))
    # Main Execution
    def main():
        hand1  = read_hand()
        hand2  = read_hand()
        winner = hand1 if play_game(hand1, hand2) == 1 else hand2
        score  = compute_score(winner)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    3 votes
  2. tomf
    well, I can do part one with sheets. I may have been able to do part 2, but recursion is always an issue. this is the crazy sheet with 2323 formulas :)

    well, I can do part one with sheets. I may have been able to do part 2, but recursion is always an issue.

    this is the crazy sheet with 2323 formulas :)

    1 vote