27 votes

Topic deleted by author


  1. [5]
    (edited )
    I like python def whats_the_time(t): return ' '.join([(lambda __, _: [(n[__ % 12 if __ > 12 else 12 if __ == 0 else __], list(filter(lambda _: _ != '', [f(_) for f in [ lambda _: "o'clock" if _ ==...

    I like python

    def whats_the_time(t):
        return ' '.join([(lambda __, _:
            [(n[__ % 12 if __ > 12 else 12 if __ == 0 else __],
            list(filter(lambda _: _ != '', [f(_) for f in [
            lambda _: "o'clock" if _ == 0 else "", lambda _: f"oh {n[_]}" if _ < 10 else "",
            lambda _: n[_] if _ < 20 or _ % 10 else "",
            lambda _: f"{n[int(str(_).rjust(2, '0')[0])*10]} {n[int(str(_).rjust(2, '0')[1])]}",
            ]]))[0], 'am' if __ < 12 else 'pm') for n in [dict(list(zip(range(32), [
            "", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine",
    	"ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen",
            "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"])) + list(zip(range(20, 64), [""]*64)) +
            list({20: "twenty", 30: "thirty", 40: "forty", 50: "fifty"
            }.items()))]])(*list(_)) for _ in [map(int, t.split(":"))]][0][0])
    7 votes
    1. [2]
      Link Parent
      That's a beautiful monstrosity, good job :D Did you run it through some kind of minifier? You're missing an extra ) in your first test case :) and you're printing an extra space in one thirty am.

      That's a beautiful monstrosity, good job :D Did you run it through some kind of minifier?

      You're missing an extra ) in your first test case :) and you're printing an extra space in one thirty am.

      2 votes
      1. kgz
        Link Parent
        Ah, not sure how that ) got lost, I've added it back. No tooling was used, just moving code around until it was one expression.

        Ah, not sure how that ) got lost, I've added it back.

        No tooling was used, just moving code around until it was one expression.

        1 vote
  2. chewbacca
    MoonScript: tests = { "00:00" "01:30" "12:05" "14:01" } translations = [1]: "one", [2]: "two", [3]: "three", [4]: "four" [5]: "five", [6]: "six", [7]: "seven", [8]: "eight", [9]: "nine" [10]:...


    tests = {
    translations =
    	[1]: "one", [2]: "two", [3]: "three", [4]: "four"
    	[5]: "five", [6]: "six", [7]: "seven", [8]: "eight", [9]: "nine"
    	[10]: "ten", [11]: "eleven", [12]: "twelve", [13]: "thirteen", [14]: "fourteen"
    	[15]: "fifteen", [16]: "sixteen", [17]: "seventeen", [18]: "eighteen", [19]: "nineteen"
    	[20]: "twenty", [30]: "thirty", [40]: "forty", [50]: "fifty"
    translate = (t) ->
    	h = tonumber t\sub 1,2
    	m = tonumber t\sub 4,5
    	suffix = h < 12 and "am" or "pm"
    	h = if h == 0 then 12 else h
    	hFinal = translations[if h > 12 then h % 12 else h]
    	local mFinal
    	if m == 0
    		mFinal = "o'clock"
    	elseif m < 10
    		mFinal = "oh #{translations[m]}"
    	elseif m < 20 or m % 10 == 0
    		mFinal = translations[m]
    		mFirst = tonumber tostring(m)\sub 1,1
    		mLast = tonumber tostring(m)\sub 2,2
    		mFinal = translations[mFirst * 10] .. translations[mLast]
    	"It's #{hFinal} #{mFinal} #{suffix}"
    print translate t for t in *tests
    4 votes
  3. planNine
    (edited )
    Implemented in GNU Awk. I hacked this together in a few minutes, it's not the best, but I believe it does the job. EDIT: I just noticed this program doesn't work with minutes 13-19. Oh well,...

    Implemented in GNU Awk. I hacked this together in a few minutes, it's not the best, but I believe it does the job.

    EDIT: I just noticed this program doesn't work with minutes 13-19. Oh well, better luck next time.

    #!/run/current-system/sw/bin/awk -f
    # If on a non-NixOS system, replace with /usr/bin/awk -f
    # Write the times in a separate file on each line and then pass that
    # file to the program, something like this:
    # ./talking_clock.awk input.txt
    BEGIN {
        FS = ":"
        nums[0] = "twelve"
        nums[1] = "one"
        nums[2] = "two"
        nums[3] = "three"
        nums[4] = "four"
        nums[5] = "five"
        nums[6] = "six"
        nums[7] = "seven"
        nums[8] = "eight"
        nums[9] = "nine"
        nums[10] = "ten"
        nums[11] = "eleven"
        nums[12] = "twelve"
        other[2] = "twenty"
        other[3] = "thirty"
        other[4] = "forty"
        other[5] = "fifty"
        first_num = $1 % 12
        printf "It's"
        printf " %s", nums[first_num]
        if ($2 < 10 && $2 != 0) {
            printf " oh %s", nums["0" + $2]
        } else if ($2 != 0) {
            printf " %s", other[int($2 / 10)]
            snd_digit = $2 - int($2 / 10) * 10
            if (snd_digit != 0) {
                printf " %s", nums[snd_digit]
        if ($1 < 12) { printf " am\n" }
        else         { printf " pm\n" }
    3 votes
  4. jgb
    (edited )
    Rust (1.28, nightly): Takes input as the first argument to the program. use std::env; use std::process; fn num(n: i32) -> String { match n { 21..=29 => format!("{} {}", num(20), num(n - 20)),...

    Rust (1.28, nightly): Takes input as the first argument to the program.

    use std::env;
    use std::process;
    fn num(n: i32) -> String {
        match n {
            21..=29 => format!("{} {}", num(20), num(n - 20)),
            31..=39 => format!("{} {}", num(30), num(n - 30)),
            41..=49 => format!("{} {}", num(40), num(n - 40)),
            51..=59 => format!("{} {}", num(50), num(n - 50)),
            _ => match n {
                1  => "one",
                2  => "two",
                3  => "three",
                4  => "four",
                5  => "five",
                6  => "six",
                7  => "seven",
                8  => "eight",
                9  => "nine",
                10 => "ten",
                11 => "eleven",
                12 => "twelve",
                13 => "thirteen",
                14 => "fourteen",
                15 => "fifteen",
                16 => "sixteen",
                17 => "seventeen",
                18 => "eighteen",
                19 => "nineteen",
                20 => "twenty",
                30 => "thirty",
                40 => "forty",
                50 => "fifty",
                _  => unreachable!(),
    fn hour(h: i32) -> Option<(String, String)> {
        let am = String::from("am");
        let pm = String::from("pm");
        match h {
            0       => Some((num(12), am)),
            1..=11  => Some((num(h) , am)),
            12      => Some((num(12), pm)),
            13..=23 => Some((num(h - 12) , pm)),
            _       => None,
    fn minute(m: i32) -> Option<String> {
        match m {
            0       => Some("".to_string()),
            1..=9   => Some(format!("oh {}", num(m))),
            10..=59 => Some(num(m)),
            _       => None,
    fn main() {
        if let Some(input) = env::args().skip(1).next() {
            let parts = input.split(":").collect::<Vec<&str>>();
            if parts.len() == 2 {
                let h = String::from(*parts.get(0).unwrap()).parse::<i32>();
                let m = String::from(*parts.get(1).unwrap()).parse::<i32>();
                if !(h.is_ok() && m.is_ok()) {
                    eprintln!("Could not parse input");
                let hour = hour(h.unwrap());
                let minute = minute(m.unwrap());
                if !(hour.is_some() && minute.is_some()) {
                    eprintln!("Invalid input");
                let hour = hour.unwrap();
                let minute = minute.unwrap();
                if minute.len() != 0 {
                    println!("It's {} {} {}",
                else {
                    println!("It's {} {}",
            else {
                eprintln!("Could not parse input");
        else {
            eprintln!("No argument given");
    3 votes
  5. Emerald_Knight
    (edited )
    Some quick and dirty JS. It could be better, but it's 4am and I spent the daylight hours programming at work, so I'll worry about quality some other time :) function intToHumanReadable(value) {...

    Some quick and dirty JS. It could be better, but it's 4am and I spent the daylight hours programming at work, so I'll worry about quality some other time :)

    function intToHumanReadable(value) {
        var ones = [
        var teens = [
        var twenty_and_above = [
        if(value < 10) return ones[value];
        if(value < 20) return teens[value - 10];
        var ones_digit = value % 10;
        var tens_digit = Math.floor(value / 10);
        var hyphen = value % 10 != 0 ? '-' : '';
        return twenty_and_above[tens_digit] + hyphen + ones[ones_digit];
    function timeToHumanReadable(time) {
        var time_parts = time.split(':');
        var hour = parseInt(time_parts[0]);
        var hour_text = intToHumanReadable(hour % 12);
        hour_text = hour_text ? hour_text : 'twelve';
        var minute = parseInt(time_parts[1]);
        var minute_text = intToHumanReadable(minute);
        minute_text = (0 < minute && minute < 10 ? 'oh ' : '') + minute_text;
        var extra_space = (minute_text ? ' ' : '');
        var am_pm = hour < 12 ? 'am' : 'pm';
        return 'It\'s ' + hour_text + ' ' + minute_text + extra_space + am_pm;

    Stuff that bothers me right off the bat:

    • No comments.

    • Logic is too tightly entangled.

    • Too many assumptions.

    • No error handling.

    • Naming could be better.

    • Some of this stuff could be separated out quite a bit better.

    2 votes
  6. [7]
    (edited )
    Python. Some might say it's over engineered, I like writing easy to read code. I'm glad I made a function for most of the steps. I'm a tad annoyed with minute_text() because of how it turns...

    Python. Some might say it's over engineered, I like writing easy to read code. I'm glad I made a function for most of the steps. I'm a tad annoyed with minute_text() because of how it turns numbers above 20 into text. Any suggestions about the minute_text() function are very welcome as long as they are easy to read.

    Also: Woho! Let the coding challenges begin!

    Edit: I wish I had planned this program. Even though it's small it would have benefited from more though. Just shows that to make a program readable all the way through you need to plan.

    numbers_in_text = {
        0: "",
        1: "one",
        2: "two",
        3: "three",
        4: "four",
        5: "five",
        6: "six",
        7: "seven",
        8: "eight",
        9: "nine",
        10: "ten",
        11: "eleven",
        12: "twelve",
        13: "thirteen",
        14: "fourteen",
        15: "fifteen",
        16: "sixteen",
        17: "seventeen",
        18: "eightteen",
        19: "nineteen",
        20: "twenty",
        30: "thirty",
        40: "fourty",
        50: "fifty"
    def time_text(time):
        """Returns text representation of the time."""
        hour, minute = hour_and_minute(time)
        time_of_day = am_or_pm(hour)
        hour = converted_hour_from_24_to_12(hour)
        time_in_text = hour_in_text(hour)
        if minute and minute not in [15,30, 45]:
            time_in_text += " oh "
        elif minute in [15,30, 45]:
            time_in_text += " "
        time_in_text += minute_text(minute)
        time_in_text += " " + time_of_day
        return time_in_text
    def hour_text(hour):
        """Returns an hour as text."""
        if hour == 0:
            hour_in_text = "twelve"
            hour_in_text = numbers_in_text[hour]
        return hour_in_text
    def minute_text(minute):
        """Returns a minute as text."""
        minute_in_text = ""
        if 0 <= minute <= 19:
            minute_in_text = numbers_in_text[minute]
            minute_string = str(minute)
            ones, tens = minute_string[0], minute_string[1]
            minute_in_text += numbers_in_text[tens]
            minute_in_text += numbers_in_text[ones]
        return minute_in_text
    def hour_and_minute(time):
        """Returns which hours it is in $time."""
        hour = time.split(":")[0]
        minute = time.split(":")[1]
        hour, minute = int(hour), int(minute)
        return hour, minute
    def am_or_pm(hour):
        """Returns if the hour is AM or PM."""
        time_of_day = ""
        if 0 <= hour <= 11:
            time_of_day = "am"
        elif 12 <= hour <= 23:
            time_of_day = "pm"
        return time_of_day
    def converted_hour_from_24_to_12(hour):
        converted_hour = hour % 12
        return converted_hour
    times = ["00:00", "13:45", "9:05"]
    for time in times:
    2 votes
    1. [6]
      Link Parent
      I believe I saw a discussion yesterday about how important naming is in code. Assuming you don't have plans to revisit this project in two weeks, I admire your variable names. I'm guilty of using...

      I believe I saw a discussion yesterday about how important naming is in code. Assuming you don't have plans to revisit this project in two weeks, I admire your variable names. I'm guilty of using one to two letter variable names for coding challenge type questions.

      I see that you and other commenters hard-coded the teens, specifically 14-19. I wonder how you could translate 0-20 with the fewest duplicated string literals without becoming a mess of if-else/switch-cases and the cleanest way to substitute similar spoken languages (such as Spanish and Portuguese).

      2 votes
      1. [4]
        Link Parent
        you could numbers_in_text = { 0: "", 1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three", 4: "four", 5: "five", 6: "six", 7: "seven", 8: "eight", 9: "nine", 10: "ten", 11: "eleven", 12: "twelve", 13: "thirteen" }...

        you could

        numbers_in_text = {
            0: "",
            1: "one",
            2: "two",
            3: "three",
            4: "four",
            5: "five",
            6: "six",
            7: "seven",
            8: "eight",
            9: "nine",
            10: "ten",
            11: "eleven",
            12: "twelve",
            13: "thirteen"
        numbers_in_text.update({number + 10: numbers_in_text[number] + "teen" for number in range(4, 10)})

        Is the time/energy saved from typing worth making this extra line? Is it neccessary writing fewer string literals? Does it improve the code?

        What do you mean with the below?

        without becoming a mess of if-else/switch-cases

        2 votes
        1. [2]
          Link Parent
          Doesn't work for fifteen, unless people started calling it fiveteen when I wasn't looking.

          Doesn't work for fifteen, unless people started calling it fiveteen when I wasn't looking.

          3 votes
        2. bel
          Link Parent
          I meant exactly what you did. Python is full of crazy looking stuff that fits the bill "is the time/energy saved ... worth making this extra line?" Readable or not, there's always some kooky...

          I meant exactly what you did. Python is full of crazy looking stuff that fits the bill "is the time/energy saved ... worth making this extra line?" Readable or not, there's always some kooky solution built in to this language.

          2 votes
      2. planNine
        Link Parent
        Wait. Why do you need numbers from 14-19? Am I missing something? EDIT: nvm, I'm stupid. My solution doesn't even work with those numbers.

        Wait. Why do you need numbers from 14-19? Am I missing something?

        EDIT: nvm, I'm stupid. My solution doesn't even work with those numbers.

  7. iAmUserNumberOne
    I used python. It's probablsy not the best solution but i guess it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hours = 0 minutes = 0 amOrPM = "am" oh = "" translation = ["", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six",...

    I used python. It's probablsy not the best solution but i guess it works ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    hours = 0
    minutes = 0
    amOrPM = "am"
    oh = ""
    translation = ["", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve",
                     "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen", "Twenty", "Twenty-One",
                     "Twenty-Two", "Twenty-Three", "Twenty-Four", "Twenty-Five", "Twenty-Six", "Twenty-Seven", "Twenty-Eight", "Twenty-Nine",
                     "Thirty", "Thirty-One", "Thirty-Two","Thirty-Three", "Thirty-Four", "Thirty-Five", "Thirty-Six", "Thirty-Seven", "Thirty-Eight", "Thirty-Nine",
                     "Fourty", "Fourty-One", "Fourty-Two","Fourty-Three", "Fourty-Four", "Fourty-Five", "Fourty-Six", "Fourty-Seven", "Fourty-Eight", "Fourty-Nine",
                     "Fifty", "Fifty-One", "Fifty-Two","Fifty-Three", "Fifty-Four", "Fifty-Five", "Fifty-Six", "Fifty-Seven", "Fifty-Eight", "Fifty-Nine"]
        inClock = input("Enter a time: ")
        inputArr = inClock.split(":")
        hours = int(inputArr[0])
        minutes = int(inputArr[1])
        if hours > 12:
            hours -= 12
            AMorPM = " pm"
        elif hours == 0:
            hours = 12
            AMorPM = "am"
            AMorPM = " am"
        if minutes < 10 and minutes > 0:
            oh = " oh "
            oh = " "
        print("It's " + translation[hours] + oh + translation[minutes] + AMorPM + ".\n")
    2 votes
  8. [2]
    My Haskell implementation. I'm sure there room for improvement, I don't have a ton of Haskell experience. getText :: Int -> [(Int, String)] -> String getText n translation = snd (head (filter...

    My Haskell implementation. I'm sure there room for improvement, I don't have a ton of Haskell experience.

    getText :: Int -> [(Int, String)] -> String
    getText n translation = snd (head (filter ((==n).fst) translation))
    translateTime :: String -> String
    translateTime (a:b:':':c:d:xs)
        | intHour < 12 = "It's " ++ (if intHour == 0 then "twelve" else getText intHour translation) ++ minutes ++ "am"
        | intHour >= 12 = "It's " ++ (getText (intHour `mod` 12) translation) ++ minutes ++ "pm"
            intHour = read ([a] ++ [b]) :: Int
            intMinutes = read ([c] ++ [d]) :: Int
            intMinutesTens = 10 * read [c] :: Int
            intMinutesOnes = read [d] :: Int
            translation = [(0, "twelve"),(1,"one"),(2,"two"),(3,"three"),(4,"four"),(5,"five"),(6,"six"),(7,"seven"),(8,"eight"),(9,"nine"),
            minutes =   " " ++  (if intMinutes == 0 
                                then ""
                                else if intMinutes < 10
                                   then "oh " ++ getText intMinutesOnes translation ++ " "
                                    else if intMinutesTens < 20 || intMinutes `mod` 10 == 0
                                        then getText intMinutes translation ++ " "
                                        else getText intMinutesTens translation ++ getText intMinutesOnes translation ++ " "
    main = do
        putStrLn (translateTime "00:00")
        putStrLn (translateTime "01:30")
        putStrLn (translateTime "12:05")
        putStrLn (translateTime "14:01")
    2 votes
    1. planNine
      Link Parent
      You could replace a lot of parens with the $ operator.

      You could replace a lot of parens with the $ operator.

      2 votes
  9. tyil
    Perl 6 Tests #!/usr/bin/env perl6 use v6.c; use Local::Tildes::Challenge; use Test; is convert('00:00'), "It's twelve am"; is convert('01:30'), "It's one thirty am"; is convert('12:05'), "It's...

    Perl 6


    #!/usr/bin/env perl6
    use v6.c;
    use Local::Tildes::Challenge;
    use Test;
    is convert('00:00'), "It's twelve am";
    is convert('01:30'), "It's one thirty am";
    is convert('12:05'), "It's twelve oh five pm";
    is convert('14:01'), "It's two oh one pm";


    #!/usr/bin/env perl6
    use v6.c;
    unit module Local::Tildes::Challenge;
    my %translations =
    	 0 => "oh",
    	10 => "ten",
    	11 => "eleven",
    	12 => "twelve",
    	15 => "fifteen",
    	20 => "twenty",
    	30 => "thirty",
    	40 => "fourty",
    	50 => "fifty",
    for 1..9 {
    	%translations{$_} = $_.Str.uninames.head.split(' ').tail.lc
    sub convert (
    	Str:D $time,
    	--> Str
    ) is export {
    	my ($hours, $minutes) = $time.split(':');
    	my $stringified = "{convert-hours($hours)} {convert-minutes($minutes)} {am-pm($hours)}".subst(/\s+/, ' ', :g);
    	"It's $stringified";
    sub am-pm (
    	Str:D $hours,
    	--> Str
    ) {
    	$hours.Int < 12 ?? "am" !! "pm";
    sub convert-hours (
    	Str:D $hours,
    	--> Str
    ) {
    	my $hours-int = $hours.Int % 12;
    	return %translations{12} if $hours-int == 0;
    sub convert-minutes (
    	Str:D $minutes,
    	--> Str
    ) {
    	my $spoken = '';
    	return '' if $minutes eq '00';
    	return %translations{$minutes} if (%translations ∋ $minutes.Str);
    	for $minutes.comb {
    		$spoken ~= %translations{$_} ~ ' ';
    1 vote
  10. BBBence1111
    Did it in C#. Mostly works, it has some issues with a few numbers (apparently 11-19 returns nothing and when testing I also saw 00:59 return nothing) that I should fix, but I'm already running...

    Did it in C#. Mostly works, it has some issues with a few numbers (apparently 11-19 returns nothing and when testing I also saw 00:59 return nothing) that I should fix, but I'm already running late.

    static void Main(string[] args)
            string[] hour = new string[] { "twelve", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "ten", "eleven" };
            string[] tens = new string[] { "oh", "ten", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty" };
            string[] ones = new string[] { "\b", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" };
            string[] annoyance = new string[] { "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen" };
                string[] time = Console.ReadLine().Split(':');
                string am = "am";
                int hours = int.Parse(time[0]);
                if (hours >= 12)
                    am = "pm";
                    hours = hours - 12;
                int minutes = int.Parse(time[1]);
                int mins;
                if (minutes > 10 && minutes < 20)
                    minutes = minutes - 11;
                    Console.WriteLine("It's {0} {1} {2}", hour[hours], annoyance[minutes], am);
                    mins = minutes / 10;
                    minutes = minutes % 10;
                    if (mins == 0 && minutes == 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("It's {0} {1}", hour[hours], am);
                        Console.WriteLine("It's {0} {1} {2} {3}", hour[hours], tens[mins], ones[minutes], am);
            } while (true);
    1 vote
  11. burntcookie90
    Did it in Kotlin, didn't feel like jumping out of the comfort zone today: data class Time(val hours: Int, val minutes: Int) { fun hoursIn12() = hours.rem(12) } fun Int.onesDigit() = this.rem(10)...

    Did it in Kotlin, didn't feel like jumping out of the comfort zone today:

    data class Time(val hours: Int, val minutes: Int) {
        fun hoursIn12() = hours.rem(12)   
    fun Int.onesDigit() = this.rem(10)
    val sampleInput = listOf(
    fun main(args: Array<String>) {
        sampleInput.map {
            val time = Time(parseHours(it), parseMinutes(it))
            val hourString = when(time.hours) {
                0 -> translationMapTeens[12]
                in 1..9 -> translationMapOnes[time.hours]
                in 10..12 -> translationMapTeens[time.hours]
                in 13..21 -> translationMapOnes[time.hoursIn12()]
                in 22..24 -> translationMapTeens[time.hoursIn12()]
                else -> ""
            val minuteString = when(time.minutes) {
                0 -> ""
                in 1..9 -> "oh ${translationMapOnes[time.minutes]}"
                in 10..19 -> translationMapTeens[time.minutes]
                in 20..29 -> "${translationMapOther[20]} ${translationMapOnes[time.minutes.onesDigit()]}"
                in 30..39 -> "${translationMapOther[30]} ${translationMapOnes[time.minutes.onesDigit()]}"
                in 40..49 -> "${translationMapOther[40]} ${translationMapOnes[time.minutes.onesDigit()]}"
                in 50..59 -> "${translationMapOther[50]} ${translationMapOnes[time.minutes.onesDigit()]}"
                else -> "[tr]"
            val amPm = if(isAm(time.hours)) AM else PM
            "It's $hourString $minuteString $amPm" 
        .forEach{ println(it) }
    fun parseHours(input: String): Int = input.subSequence(0, 2).toString().toInt()
    fun parseMinutes(input: String): Int = input.subSequence(3, 5).toString().toInt()
    fun isAm(hours: Int) = hours < 12
    fun isOnes(minutes: Int) = minutes in 0..10
    val translationMapOnes = mapOf<Int, String>(
        0 to "",
        1 to "one",
        2 to "two",
        3 to "three",
        4 to "four",
        5 to "five",
        6 to "six",
        7 to "seven",
        8 to "eight",
        9 to "nine"
    val translationMapTeens = mapOf<Int, String>(
        10 to "ten",
        11 to "eleven",
        12 to "twelve",
        13 to "thirteen",
        14 to "fourteen",
        15 to "fifteen",
        16 to "sixteen",
        17 to "seventeen",
        18 to "eighteen",
        19 to "nineteen"
    val translationMapOther = mapOf<Int, String>(
        20 to "twenty",
        30 to "thirty",
        40 to "fourty",
        50 to "fifty"
    const val AM = "AM"
    const val PM = "PM"

    can run it here

    1 vote
  12. Kremor
    (edited )
    Here's my implementation in rust fn to_words (val: u32) -> String { let mut ans = String::new(); if val >= 50 { ans.push_str("fifty"); } else if val >= 40 { ans.push_str("forty"); } else if val >=...

    Here's my implementation in rust

    fn to_words (val: u32) -> String {
        let mut ans = String::new();
        if val >= 50 {
        } else if val >= 40 {
        } else if val >= 30 {
        } else if val >= 20 {
        } else if val == 19 {
        } else if val == 18 {
        } else if val == 17 {
        } else if val == 16 {
        } else if val == 15 {
        } else if val == 14 {
        } else if val == 13 {
        } else if val == 12 {
        } else if val == 11 {
        } else if val == 10 {
        let val = {
            if 10 <= val && val <= 19 {
            } else {
                val % 10
        if !ans.is_empty() && val != 0 {
            if val > 0 {
                match val {
                    9 => ans.push_str("nine"),
                    8 => ans.push_str("eight"),
                    7 => ans.push_str("seven"),
                    6 => ans.push_str("six"),
                    5 => ans.push_str("five"),
                    4 => ans.push_str("four"),
                    3 => ans.push_str("three"),
                    2 => ans.push_str("two"),
                    1 => ans.push_str("one"),
                    _ => ans.push_str(""),
        return ans;
    fn main() {
         let tests = [
        for test in tests.iter() {
            let hour = test[0..2].parse::<u32>().unwrap_or(0);
            let minute = test[3..5].parse::<u32>().unwrap_or(0);
            let hour_str = to_words( if hour % 12 != 0 {hour % 12} else {12} );
            let minute_str = to_words(minute);
            let period = if hour < 12 {"am"} else {"pm"};
            println!("It's {} {} {} {}",
                if !minute_str.is_empty() {"oh"} else {""},
    1 vote
  13. fishinginthecoy
    Here's my (probably too verbose/abuse of STL) semi-noob version in C++: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <map> #include <sstream> void get_the_time(std::vector<int>...

    Here's my (probably too verbose/abuse of STL) semi-noob version in C++:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <string>
    #include <map>
    #include <sstream>
    void get_the_time(std::vector<int> times, std::map<int, std::string> time_to_word)
      std::string output = "It's ";
      std::string time_modifier = "am";
      std::string oh = "";
      if(times.at(0) > 12 )
        times.at(0) -= 12;
        time_modifier = "pm";
      if(times.at(1) < 10)
        oh = "oh ";
      auto search_for_hour = time_to_word.find(times.at(0));
      if(search_for_hour != time_to_word.end())
        output += search_for_hour->second;
        std::cout << "Invalid hour provided" << std::endl;
      output += oh;
      auto search_for_minute = time_to_word.find(times.at(1));
      if(search_for_minute != time_to_word.end())
        output += search_for_minute->second;
        std::cout << "Invalid minute provided" << std::endl;
      output += time_modifier;
      std::cout << output << std::endl;
    std::map<int, std::string> generate_time_word_map()
      std::map<int, std::string> the_map;
      the_map.emplace(0, "twelve ");
      the_map.emplace(1, "one ");
      the_map.emplace(2, "two ");
      the_map.emplace(3, "three ");
      the_map.emplace(4, "four ");
      the_map.emplace(5, "five ");
      the_map.emplace(6, "six ");
      the_map.emplace(7, "seven ");
      the_map.emplace(8, "eight ");
      the_map.emplace(9, "nine ");
      the_map.emplace(10, "ten ");
      the_map.emplace(11, "eleven ");
      the_map.emplace(12, "twelve ");
      the_map.emplace(13, "thirteen ");
      the_map.emplace(14, "fourteen ");
      the_map.emplace(15, "fifteen ");
      the_map.emplace(16, "sixteen ");
      the_map.emplace(17, "seventeen ");
      the_map.emplace(18, "eighteen ");
      the_map.emplace(19, "nineteen ");
      the_map.emplace(20, "twenty ");
      the_map.emplace(30, "thirty ");
      the_map.emplace(40, "forty");
      the_map.emplace(50, "fifty");
      return the_map;
    int main()
      std::map<int, std::string> time_to_word = generate_time_word_map();
      std::vector<int> times;
      std::string input;
      std::cin >> input;
      std::istringstream ss(input);
      std::string token;
      while(std::getline(ss, token, ':'))
        int temp;
        std::istringstream(token) >> temp;
      if(times.at(0) > 24)
        std::cout << "invalid hour provided" << std::endl;
      if(times.at(1) > 60)
        std::cout << "invalid minute provided" << std::endl;
      get_the_time(times, time_to_word);
      return 0;
    1 vote